Are gravity dredges allowed in California?

It has been awhile since I read the dredge definition but it is very clear... "suction" dredge does not require an engine to be included. It is my opinion that ANY form of suction would be prohibited due to its "destructive" nature. I do not believe it destroys fish habitat but hey, I didn't write the law.

its the suction thats banned............

Up to a $1,000 fine and up to 6 months in jail-2nd offense-$10,000 fine and a mandatory jail for a year and no dredge permit forever and you ask if sucking is sucking??? I'd do it in a new York minute-LL I just ran outta water for my black op and screw the environutz/bureauratz and them friggn' injun casinos too-John

How then is a "dredge" defined? Is it any device that uses steady or continuous suction? I want to make sure something like a syringe-like crevice sucker is not also banned.

Being California-yes, I'm trying to split hairs.

hand held suction devices are legal...thats the smallest hair you can split.... dredge is defined as motor or non motorized...takes streambed material out of ,runs through recovery device then puts material back in stream.......basically any thing you needed a permit to use is banned.....if you didnt need a permit before you dont need it now pvc suction tools never needed a permit.however if you scale that powersource up and try to turn it into a dredge it would be banned...

Hoser John,

That is about right. But as a California gun owner I understand that the letter of the law is sometimes as restricting to the authorities as it is to the subjects residents. I've been trying to picture a device that would be as effective in gold recovery as a suction dredge that does not use suction or vacuum, but I don't have enough mechanical or fluid dynamics knowledge yet. And most of what I've thought up would stir up a LOT more sediment than the suction dredging ever did.

TerryC said:
It has been awhile since I read the dredge definition but it is very clear... "suction" dredge does not require an engine to be included. It is my opinion that ANY form of suction would be prohibited due to its "destructive" nature. I do not believe it destroys fish habitat but hey, I didn't write the law.

Terry let me get your view clear,are you under the assumption that dredging is destructive?

No sir. Sorry. I do not believe that dredging destroys fish habitat. Dredging improves (trout) habitat. Besides, the amount of sediment disturbance caused our species will never come CLOSE to the amount of sediment disturbance caused by the spring run-off every year. Just my opinion, for what it's worth. TTC

When I first read about the dredge ban, it was all about sucking up the poor fish eggs.

When I saw that the ban was statewide, I wondered how that could apply to rivers and streams with no ocean access, or in seasons when the fish weren't running. I couldn't understand why such a sweeping ban..............

.................then I leaned back and remembered that I live in the People's Republic of California, and we all have to read our Chairman Schwartzenneger's Little Red Book!


TerryC said:
No sir. Sorry. I do not believe that dredging destroys fish habitat. Dredging improves (trout) habitat. Besides, the amount of sediment disturbance caused our species will never come CLOSE to the amount of sediment disturbance caused by the spring run-off every year. Just my opinion, for what it's worth. TTC

O.K. Terry I thought that is what you meant :thumbsup:I am involved in this whole mess closely as this (dredging) was a huge supplement to my income,and the whole thing is so bogus,we must take every opportunity we can to not let the mistruths being spewed by ignorant radicals,get a non earned foot hold.Non of what is being held against us is factual.

Oh,yea, Gollum,fish are not spawning during the past dredge season :thumbsup:

CDFG just announced new game-money gone and they now want to study us instead of the bloody damn fish GDMFSOBs-John

Shake n Flake said:
No surprise how the reason changes. I'd heard that dredging stirred up too much mercury.

Thats more,no the biggest crock of Bull%*,right there,any body that knows anything about mercury knows thats not true.Who else is taking mercury OUT??I took 15 pounds of lead and half a Mayo jar of Merc last year

OMG Kuger you are now a contaminated hazardous waste site desposal facility as in you need a enviromental study,a haz mat plan, permits to store and also transport and sell hazardous materials requiring a DOT plaque and more storage and transportation fees,specific performance bonds, a community permit,EPA permit, State of Kalif Haz Mat permit,county disposal permit,must construct a haz mat storage facility capable of withstanding a 7.o earthquake and 12" of rain through the roof,water treatment facility to treat any spills,haz mat disposal permits too to ship out and your city too---or sell the crap and be enviromentally responsible,which you already are by removing and recycling these materials--I THANK YOU AND MUCH RESPECT-John :notworthy: PS The last PC mfg facility I built was bankrupt by this insanity and the above is NOT even 1/2 the BS of doing biz in kalif :o

That's not even talking about Small Business Taxes and Workers Comp Insurance requirements. HAHAHA

That's why all our small businesses have moved to Az, Nv, Or, and Mexico (along with many of our top moneymakers as they are sick of being used as the state's checkbook).


kuger said:
Shake n Flake said:
No surprise how the reason changes. I'd heard that dredging stirred up too much mercury.

Thats more,no the biggest crock of Bull%*,right there,any body that knows anything about mercury knows thats not true.Who else is taking mercury OUT??I took 15 pounds of lead and half a Mayo jar of Merc last year

Anyone ever looked to see how much Mercury is in an Albacore Tuna? "Holy crap Batman" this fish lives in the ocean and has more Mercury than any other species(From what I've heard). I don't see anyone telling you you can't eat them! or banning fishing them.

Ha! Ha!

HJ is quite possibly correct, that soon as K came to be in possession of lead and mercury, he was then bound by an extensive set of rules and regs pertaining to hazmat.
Probable best to avoid ever making definitive statements when out here in public.
Just as well to refer to 'a land far, far away in a different time.'
...Or, 'I heard of a guy...' while at the watering hole. :wink:



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