Aquanut, A possible cabin fever project or Adventure.

old man...
I wish you all the luck in the world in bringing into the light... whatever lies in your "spot(s)".
And will watch for more posts/threads concerning your ventures.
Would really love to see ya "hit".
Love to see the wheels turning... for me... it has always been the thrill of the hunt that floats my boat... even if it is only "timbers".

Timbers from a 16th or 17th century hull... heh.
Actually any hull timbers pre 1900 will float my boat.

I too have locations that need investigation and know what you are up against... only mine are in various FL. locations / state waters.
Maybe one day I too will be able to enlist the help I need to investigate/pursue them... but currently my hands are tied...
and have been for many years.
Thanks for sharing here.

I would be interested in bringing my side-scan to the equation. Some of who I am is here:
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I would be interested in bringing my side-scan to the equation. Some of who I am is here:
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Many thanks for the SS images on your site. NOAA is doing some SS work here (San Francisco area) and using the multi-beam units and images I've seen over the years are best described as 'disappointing'. I just can't believe the way a friend (mucka-muck with NOAA so can't name him here) rants about the quality and detail???? As a aside someone earlier commented on 'why' the 'Atocha' silver bars weren't snagged by a shrimper and from our experience (in Key West in the '80's) they wouldn't drag nets there as too shallow and also Olin Frick? did a SS survey there and the images we saw had numerous patch reefs that unbelievably were the size and shape of a typical ballast pile. I forgot how many they dove and they missed the main Atocha ballast pile. This was when we were friends with Dave Fasold (passed away years ago) who was a salvor in Key West in the 80's-90's. None the less a very interesting discussion and hope I'm not derailing it. Bob

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the info I was speaking of was listed to be at 30 degrees lat -- basically off the ponte vedra area --near guana river park in florida * one wreck (1589) in about 180 feet of water --and also (1641) 4 wrecks near shore .

Send a diver down who can report Back to the only other person ( or persons you REALLY trust) in the boat. I think any looksee should be just that to start with, once the genie is out of the bottle you can't then marshal any ducks into a row.
I only say this to save potential early hassles and not to be sneaky........

It all sounds very exciting but I can tell you first hand because I have an admiralty arrest in the State of Florida. The salvage permit never comes. You will bring them on site so they can verify your claim and you will never hear from them again other than to tell you that all cultural resources belong to the people of the United states. I don't know if you are aware of this but big brother monitors this site, this I know for a fact. My advise is to get a small team together , make periodic dives over a few years and put as much away as possible. And stop advertising because you can very well get a visit from the state.

Roofis, did I say yet that " I love America"

I would be interested in bringing my side-scan to the equation. Some of who I am is here:
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Diver9, Are you offering to join the team or selling your services?

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I would be interested in bringing my side-scan to the equation. Some of who I am is here:
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Diver9 you have to be a vendor to post link to your website if it is selling products or services... If your offering to donate your services you need to state so, if your offering to sell your services you need to become a vendor per our rules..

my data is solid on the 1589 Jesus Maria * vessel and 1641 5 vessels -- please note no other than BOB MARX has it in one of his books --shipwrecks in the Americas by Robert F. Marx --pages 198 /199 for the 1589 fleet Jesus Maria and page 204 for the 1641 fleet data --don't just take my word for it -- bob marx is one of "the greats" of treasure recovery as everybody knows.

plus I got friends that beach detect that I have steered to hunt in the area -- with the agreement for telling them where to look that they would report what they find to back to me "as payment" for the tip on where to look --- evidence of 1641 era fleet vessel wreckage ( dated Spanish copper coins and other datible items) has been found "on the beach" in the area I recommended that they look at. :thumbsup:

so the report of 4 merchant ship (nao's) sinking by going ashore in 1641 * at 30 degrees is valid --the evidence "proves" it :occasion14:

I just hope that the Jesus Maria that's in 180 feet of water (30 braza's / fathoms) is farther out than the states 3 mile limit * so that no one has to deal with the state of florida knuckle heads..

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It all sounds very exciting but I can tell you first hand because I have an admiralty arrest in the State of Florida. The salvage permit never comes. You will bring them on site so they can verify your claim and you will never hear from them again other than to tell you that all cultural resources belong to the people of the United states. I don't know if you are aware of this but big brother monitors this site, this I know for a fact. My advise is to get a small team together , make periodic dives over a few years and put as much away as possible. And stop advertising because you can very well get a visit from the state.
Roofis, I also have an Admiralty Claim in Florida. It is beyond 3 miles from shore and the Federal Court has granted me full salvage rights.
Most of the snags in Ga. are well beyond the 3 mile limit from shore.
Ivan, there is a snag on the chart less then 3 miles from shore. If you are at the cookout, who can see if it matches up with your reseach on the 1600`s wrecks.

If I remeber correctly. Attorney David Horan also filed a Federal Admiralty Claim for someone in New Jersey 2 or 3 years ago and I do not think that wreck wad more then 10 miles off shore. So if any of these snags are more then junk timber? I think a salvage permit can be obtained in Federl Court.

Aquanut, I hope you can put this together. If nothing else it will be an Adventure with guys working together, instead of against each other.

Amen to the last paragraph, hope to meet up at the cookout, I have a citizen Aqualand with a steel strap to raffle or sell for Dell's fund....

remember the mexico mint holed 1749 2 reale --- I put up for dell's up keep as well --will make someone a nice lil neck coin...

Some treasure was actually snagged by a fishing trawler some years ago. It made the papers as an AP news story. The net brought coin concretions to the surface and a full fleged expedition ensued and much treasure was recovered. The circumstances were quite a bit different, but anything is possible.

20 miles or so off the Georgia/Florida border area will be 60 feet deep or thereabouts or less...depending on the actual distance from shore. No problem with depth.

Side scan is great for coverage, but if your numbers are good you might want to bring along a Down Imaging capable unit. You will have to have the boat almost directly over the target, but you might even get some bottom penetration should the target be buried---which is entirely possible. IMHO the only way for timbers that old to survive is if they are usually buried and are only periodically uncovered by storms and currents. A couple of the 1733's are still relatively well preserved because they are usually buried.

Here is a copy of the first page of the manifest for the Jesus Maria.


Here is an abstract translation of the ship manifest for the Jesus Maria. Note it is called a nao, not a galleon. I got this from my researcher. He didn't translate all 5,000 pages, just the important ones.


Hi All,
Re: my post and my sonar offer, it was NOT a solicitation for services but an offer to join the hunt if, as and when it gets that far and bringing my hardware as a participant.

My apologies to the Treasurenet for adding a link to my web site. Yes I hire out but again, to be clear, it was not my intention to come across as a commercial solicitation on my part. Sorry that it did. I should have read the rules first and posting it as I did was my fault.

Hope that clears it up thanks all.

Thanks for your participation. I want to form a group of trusted members to go after this wreck. We'll need to be discreet from here on out, so be careful about what you all say. I know that Old Man, You, Salvor6, GIB, ARRC, Ivan, myself, SADs69, Ropesfish and a few others I dare not go back to look up are interested. I would like to share as much info as far as logistics, funding, assets, availability and research at the April 18th cookout that we can accrue. That way we can keep this operation close to the vest and make a real plan and schedule. We have two months my friends! Let's do it! This is not to say others can't pitch in...

I looked back and saw the Tigers2 and Jollymon have interest. Let me know what you think now...

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