Anyone with knowledge of safes?

The numbers are 1 thru 50.? I really appreciate all the input from everyone.

Jimi D - I am confused why the woman with FKI Security assures me there should be a serial number, yet I can't find one anywhere.? Is the safe too old?? An inexpensive model which wasn't assigned a serial number?? Is the Meilink division of FKI the same Meilink which manufactured the safe?

As far as guessing the safe's contents.? I had no idea this would spark so much interest.? Maybe I should have Geraldo Rivera come over and do a live webcast while I drill it open.? Of course with his track record that's probably a bad idea.

I hope this photo is better...


  • safe4.webp
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Since the safe is out of the wall why not just haul it to your local locaksmith. That way you don't have to pay a service call if they can't get it open. exanimo, ss

I inspected every inch of it again and I can't find a serial number. The dial definitely says "613". Of course it can't hurt to try the possible combo's that correspond to G-13. Whenever you get around to it you can PM me or post them here. I've waited 6 years to consider "attacking" it, I can wait a while longer. I don't have the proper equipment laying around anyway.

I to Googled your safe but added the 613 number thinking it was a model number, I didn't really come up with anything but on this safe site if you scroll to bottom you will see plates with serial numbers on them and if yours doesn't have one maybe it was removed.

Thanks Paul, I will definitely have to check that out. Will update this post when/if there are any developments.

Cracking a safe is easy: Three parts iron rust to one part powdered aluminum - make a pile of the fine dust on the top of the hinges and light it with a sparkler. Stand back and for God's sake, DON'T STARE AT THE LIGHT, it's high-energy UV radiation and will burn your eyes. Also, do this outside as you might burn down your house. Also, don't do it in a wet environment, or you could have an explosion on your hands. Also, don't leave aluminum powder laying around or it might spontaneously combust. This might also be illegal in your city. Also, don't.... you know what..? better just call a locksmith LOL

That stuff is called "Thermite". I used to have about 50 pounds of it and a small can of starter powder. Using the starter you could light off the thermite with a match. I think (?) that the starting temperature for the thermite is about 2500 degF.

If you decide to mix up your own thermite use ferric oxide (FE-03) as it has one one oxygen element. Ferric oxide is black rust not the brown rust we all love to hate. Brown rust is ferrous oxide


DONT USE THERMITE It will burn too hot and melt burn any think in side. Its better to spend the time with a hand grinder or cut off saw.

I have some underwater cutting rods which require oxygen and electricity (DC). You light the rod with the electricity (I have used a car battery) with the oxygen flowing through the rod. As long as you supply the oxygen the rod will burn. Shut of the oxygen and the rod goes out. The electricity needed to start the rod burning can be shut off once the rod is lighted as long as you maintain the oxygen flow. The rod burns at 10,000 degrees F. It is 18-inches long and will last about 45 seconds when burning. It will cut anything including concrete and wood. It melts stainless, lead and copper. There are two sizes 1/4 and 3/8 inch diameters. Divers use the 3/8-inch rods pretty much for everything. I have cut 2-inch thick steel under 70-feet of sea water. We were removing a super tanker, 1050-feet long, 102-feet wide, and drew 60-feet of water. It was a 69,000 ton tanker. We cut it in 500-ton pieces and lifted them to the surface. Good job, it was in Brazil.


Grind the ends of the hinges, and punch the pins out. The door will fall open ;D

Man, one word Blow torch the Hinges.
Take it to a welder and have them burn the hinges.

Also let us know whats inside.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I received some potential combinations from Jimi D Pirate, none of which worked. I have to decide whether to drill it or not. I'm just not sure how easy it will be to replace the dial, and I would prefer to show it to a locksmith just to be sure. As I said, the safe was built into a wall of my home and I want to be able to fill the hole with the safe after I've attempted to "crack" it.

Just do it!!!
After your done, take a class at Home Depot on how to do drywall. It's really easy.
Just plug up the hole with a piece of drywall, tape it, sand it, and paint it.
No big deal.
I would suggest you get a really big chain and tie it behind your car, Then take the safe and weld the chain to the door. Then put the safe behind something that will hold it in place and punch it!!!
Thus ripping the door off the safe and spilling out those millions of dollars stored in that teeny tiny wall safe. 8)

Or leaving a 6" high 8' long hole on the back of your car.LOL :D In which case body putty and a welding torch that you thought you didn't need oare on your list. Wow-looks like a career change is in progress. Or you could just take it down to your local constabulary, as I'm sure someone in the crossbar hotel might be able to get it open. HAHA :D

Wow! ?:o
Hanging it on the bumper then punching it would tear the bumper off.Don't damage the car!go to a pit and ask if they could set some dynamite around it after you drill a place to put the stick and tell them they can have some if there is a lot in it!They will give you protective gear and put it where it won't go flying into someones house etc!!That would be one hell of a meteorite looking thing comming out of the sky! HE,HE,HE. ;D
Do it the old western days way!YAHOO!with a proffessional touch!
Oh YEs! Don't forget to have James Bond music blairing in the backround!! It will make you feel like your in one of his movie! I would! that would be soooo funny!

Try this. ;)
Go to shopko and by the cheapest blood pressure cuff with the item that you put on your arm to hear your heart beat and situate it on the box, so you can here when you turn the should hear the click if your carefull and then do like you would do when opening a lock.Supposing it is not rusted so the turning mechanism, if that does not work ,then follow the above message.don't forget the James Bond music! ;D
Yes ! I am not with the times and crazy! ;D

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