gold tramp
Bronze Member
If you are mining wide veins you can figure out what the hot stuff looks like fairly quick and just take the better stuff, bleepin low grade is probably a big waste of time, I usually find on the wider veins the hot spots will tend to be in or on the contact zone, down here it would be the purple vuggy stuff, like I said in the contact zone, it's why you'll see the big tail piles of waste that looks like low grade ore, the old timers learned fast to keep you eyes on that contact zone .With 3 - 4 detectors ready to go with different abilities / coils you can find what some will pass over to the tailing pile and find pockets when there is pockets to be found.
For example I have a vein that was around 28" - 32" wide that was fairly low grade. Even I did not want to crush that rock type as it looked poor yet you could see a speck here and there all the way through it.. The rock I did break loose was then placed on wood so that a detector could be used away from the mineral back ground to find small pockets on a regular time frame almost like clock work speeding up the process by not processing all of the 32" wide vein. Focusing on the zone or mineral flare edge where one could find small pockets that I could not see as a general rule yet the detectors could within the limits of the coils used. This is very handy when you can't get the equipment to the rock itself. Packing out the rock is not the answer in that type of case as you would waste a lot of fuel to move the excess rock.