Anyone see the dude dowse last nite?

On "under the ice".

30 seconds after taking the rods he found his spot.

Next week he is trying LRLs if he finds another sand bar.

Surely you don't think TV shows would fake something. :tongue3:

I'm still waiting for a LRL or dowser to find my buried hoard thats been in the ground years now. Water though is different as there's several full timers doing it for a living and the best of them can not only indicate where a well should be dug but also give an idea of the amount of water that can be extracted. The local gasboard also uses a dowser for locating deep buried gas pipes so they must think there's something to it but for gold or silver ? Why aren't they all rich ?

Kentucky Kache said:
Like I told you before, yes I can prove it. All you need to do is start the appropriate thread.

Nope not going to. LOL

I'll hold off much comment till I see if Zeke finally is on the gold, or if he moves on again.
of course he & his crew can be blamed for his fails.

as for Pomrenke last season they made out great & apparently always dowse their sites

My point was that the producer made it look as easy as picking up the rods and you can find gold.

In this particular case, there is probably some quantity of gold almost everywhere under the ice. Overburden may be a bigger obstacle than finding it. I'd be curious if they are on a private lease or in a public area which would determine his search area.

My point was that the producer made it look as easy as picking up the rods and you can find gold.

In this particular case, there is probably some quantity of gold almost everywhere under the ice. Overburden may be a bigger obstacle than finding it. I'd be curious if they are on a private lease or in a public area which would determine his search area.

Reminds me of the White's metal detector commercials.

My point was that the producer made it look as easy as picking up the rods and you can find gold.

In this particular case, there is probably some quantity of gold almost everywhere under the ice. Overburden may be a bigger obstacle than finding it. I'd be curious if they are on a private lease or in a public area which would determine his search area.

if this was a real dowsing event & not staged, my guess they cut out 99% & only showed
the few seconds of him finding the spot.
my guess Pomranke Dowsed the site for him, & zeke was handed the rods for the episode.

that is unless Pomranke refused to physically help a fellow gold hunter, with anything but the loan of the rods.
in which case Zeke may have crossed the rods without realizing it. & located nothing :dontknow:

the part that caught my eye was the way Zeke held the rods, Pointing down
I always thought you hold them pointing forward ?

Would definitely make them harder to cross. Who knows when its only a a production. In regards to AK gold, a documentary would be nice for a change.

Whites Garrett for that matter too...
We've found our Very First Quarter and it's a Silver one too!!!


jeff of pa said:
I wish there was a way to dislike a post ???

Behave:exclamation: where's the whip icon ? :tongue3:

If you can use you powers and add one I know I would use it. LOL

Anybody have any info on what's happened to the Jerk on last years show? Can't remember his name. Owed mega child support payments. Never really found gold, fighting with his crew and had a bar fist fight with the dredge owner. I have always believed reality show producers sought out idiots like that for Made For TV Reality. Maybe he will be back on the next summer series.

probably be back for the summer show.
i'm sure the producers want him back for drama & will pay someone to take him in.

apparently nobody wanted to hire him for Ice hunting.
too dangerous

of course maybe he's in jail

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I wish there was a way to dislike a post ???

Behave:exclamation: where's the whip icon ? :tongue3:
Here- :whip2: or would you prefer this- icon_hunter.gif

Personally, I prefer a good old fashioned boxing-3948.gif

As for the show, i'm rooting for the Lazy Gator team. I always like the underdog. Although Zeke looks pretty bad himself with that rag tag crew he has. Dowsing? No opinion for or against. Maybe it works to an extent for certain people and certain things. I knew an old man once years ago in Kentucky that was a water witch. That's all i'm gonna say about that.

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