treasurechicNH said:
NHDUG, I have to disagree with your buddies in a "friendly way" one of my favorite cellar holes is in Barrington it is in plain site all year round, its not set back very far at all. There is a cemetery adjacent to it, 2 wells, a Privy ( that appears to have been dug out) and a wagon road that I have yet to fallow all the way back in the woods. I always find stuff their it in my opinion has only been searched with a detector by me. One particular spot I have yet to detect is on Tibbetts road, apparently a school was located on that road in the 1800's, but again you have to walk way back to get to it according to a map I have. I NEVER venture too far in the woods alone So maybe we should put that on our list of places to check out in Spring! Barrington has alot of old properties still standing or waiting to be discovered, especially off Hall Rd., Young Rd. and French cross Rd.

Now you got my curiousity, and one of the roads you mentioned is part of the area I think needs investigation for Inhabitants back in the 1700's....that is where I found the 1826 one of those roads. I am sure we are talking the same area. There is a great looking field or 2 in the area also I want to ask permission to due this spring....and there is a really great looking place that has woods and a field and some very old cemetarys around them that needs to be tried...but permission may need to be had for those. This is going to be a long winter......

The Quattro is similar to the Explorer so maybe I can help you with it....and all coils are interchangable with the Explorer, so if you want to try a few diff. ones it's fine with me. You would love the new 11" SE Pro coil.

Do you have google earth on your computer? It is a big help....and the old USGS Maps online are a blessing. I am sure you know all that from what I seem to be right into it like the rest of us.

Well we will see when spring gets here....I know the woods are still diggable, and the weather is suppose to be ok this weekend.....sure would like to check the area you got my curiousity going......

Well we will see when spring gets here....I know the woods are still diggable, and the weather is suppose to be ok this weekend.....sure would like to check the area you got my curiousity going......

Hey NHDoug,

You getting soft! The ground here in Brookline is not forzen. I would guess that closer to the coast it will freeze later. Why wait till Spring? Hit those areas this weekend! I'm off in anohter week. If the ground isn't frozen out your way let me know if you want some company?


Bob K

RelicHunterBob said:
Well we will see when spring gets here....I know the woods are still diggable, and the weather is suppose to be ok this weekend.....sure would like to check the area you got my curiousity going......

Hey NHDoug,

You getting soft! The ground here in Brookline is not forzen. I would guess that closer to the coast it will freeze later. Why wait till Spring? Hit those areas this weekend! I'm off in anohter week. If the ground isn't frozen out your way let me know if you want some company?


Bob K

Bob, The ocean is not right out the window...I just got off the phone with you but forgot to tell you that....haha...well if NHBob didn't make plans with you already I would love to hit the woods around here....and I know he doesn't travel, so he won't looks like we will have to wait and see if Jack Frost stays away....let me know when you can make it....and if I do come up there this weekend I will bring somethings for you to lookup....TTYL RHB....

One of the fields you mentioned may be one I know of as well, It is on your right across from the UNH REC. area. I dont think permission is needed as people walk dogs, mountain bike etc. there quite often. Keep me in the loop, Barrington is only ten minutes away from me!

NHDUG, thanks for the positive post about helping me out with the Quattro, I got a brand new one for 649.00 at K.CO.with all the freebies! I plan on getting the 8'' coil for it, I had that size on my G.T. and it was perfect and I saw no difference in depth. The Safari is taking over the Quattros place at minelab so they have been discontinued. But I dont care about that from what I have heard the Quattro is quite a machine, I hear people talking about SLOW recovery speed on it, I for one take my time anyway so as not to miss any deep targets. Its not like Im sweeping my kitchen floor and just want to get it over with! Patience = $$$ and goodies!........ On a different note, I love the latest activity on this topic, lets keep up the conversations!................. Well gonna go fix a turkey sandwich!

SteveP (NH) said:
I was hoping that storm opened things up some too but it doesn't sound good from your report :'( - Oh well I'm still planning on heading out on Friday anyway. There are a few more tide cycles before then so maybe things will get better. Plus I'm guessing it might be a little tricky to pinpoint with a PI machine with an 11 inch coil so maybe there might be some benefit to using it the first time on a beach that is still sanded up. I'll let folks know how it goes when I get home Friday evening.

Well it rained too late in the day today for the drive to Salisbury to be worth the amount of time I would have had left before night fall so I didn't make it out. The weather forecast looks great for tomorrow so I will head out then.

SteveP (NH) said:
SteveP (NH) said:
I was hoping that storm opened things up some too but it doesn't sound good from your report :'( - Oh well I'm still planning on heading out on Friday anyway. There are a few more tide cycles before then so maybe things will get better. Plus I'm guessing it might be a little tricky to pinpoint with a PI machine with an 11 inch coil so maybe there might be some benefit to using it the first time on a beach that is still sanded up. I'll let folks know how it goes when I get home Friday evening.

Well it rained too late in the day today for the drive to Salisbury to be worth the amount of time I would have had left before night fall so I didn't make it out. The weather forecast looks great for tomorrow so I will head out then.

Good luck our there, let us know how it goes.

Well here are results from my first hunt with the Headhunter PI unit. I got to Salisbury just after high tide and stayed until sunset. I didn't find much of value but did find the targets plentiful..

1 - nickel
1 - penny
11 pulltabs
1 bobbypin
4 bottlecaps
1 knob (off of a radio or something like that)
6 pieces of aluminium can
1 copper staple
1 AA duracell battery
1 Bolt
1 copper grounding strap
6 nails
14 pieces of lobster trap wire (also found an entire lobster trap 2 feet down)
1 asthma inhaler
1 hose clamp
1 fishing sinker
1 metal piece that looked like it came off of a ship

So 52 targets dug and even though it all end up in the trash except for the 6 cents, it kept me busy and I enjoyed the day. Pinpointing with that pi unit and its 11 inch coil was pretty easy. It seemed a little strange not to have target ID and depth reading but I hit that bobby pin at a foot so that unit seems pretty sensitive.

I tell ya....I am not very impressed with the lack of enthusiasm on this NH site....and I thought all Yanks had a sense of must either be the cold weather or just no trust in each other. Well I tried....maybe things will change in the spring and the bears come out of a nice Christmas all.... :icon_sunny:

Speaking for myself, I just have too many things going on to do much detecting sadly :(

The floor needs tiling, haven't even begun Christmas shopping, painting the living room, etc... not to even mention working my rear off at work so I don't end up in the "laid off" pile.

I'm always open to get together for a hunt - I'm just not much of a leader or organizer. I'll help once it gets going, but I'm not good at starting things.

I'm always lurking here though, so if I see anyone heading out to the coast beaches this winter I'll probably run across you.

Like cub fan said..TIME!! these days!

I know it's hard to get out nearly as much as I want too....And to be able to plan a get together?? just not a lot of guys I know that detect do it to get away from people!! To get some peaceful quiet time!! Then there is the fact....people are tight lipped about good spots cause there so very hard to find these days!! lots of lurkers on line just trolling for info...but the beaches in winter after a good nor'easter...can be great...some times close to 50-75 people show up to hunt from Salisbury to Hampton...its like a huge detecting party!! see you on the beach CUBFAN64!! GOOD HUNTING :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Sorry I havent been online much guys, I guess its true that the holidays and the weather have got me occupied. I must admit this time of year gets depressing because I cant get out and detect much at all. The beaches are ok when you get cabin feaver but only for a short time because of the cold. I also admit that I will be much, much more enthusiastic about talking on the phone and meeting for hunts when better weather appears on the horizon, I started this topic and I plan to follow through with any one who is serious. Thanks again all who have interest.

Got out with NHDoug last Saturday

Met up with Doug mid morning and searched for a place to grab a quick bite before treking off into the woods. Mnay people in the area were still without power and the lines were too long everywhere. We settled for the sauge lady's cart in front of Home Depot. Great sub! Doug took me to a place that was about 1/2 mile into the woods that he had been to before. It was abot 20 degrees most of the day. The dirt trail was frozen solid. However once off the trail to some old celler holes and what had once been a field, we found the digging easy. Just an inch crust at most. It was very cold but as long as you were detecting you were warm. Still lots of unexplored area there for the Spring. On the way out Doug told me about the treasure stories for that area. Makes it even more inviting to go back! Not pictured below are 6 shot gun shells found. One 12ga had not even been fired. Was fun to get out with Doug in his backyard, Rochester area, as I usually hunt from Brookline to the Keene area.


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Sounds like another place to check out in the Spring! Well at least the Holidays are out of the way, now Its time for research I will keep checking the topic periodically this winter and impatiently wait for

Hey RH Bob....I am going to add a few pics from that hunt.....BTW...I did try that cellar hole we checked out before we left.....nothing at all to be had......I can't wait till this spring when we do that fort on river rd. with NH Bob.....he is looking for 3 or 4 more to join us so anyone interested give a shout for an all metal dig and recording of finds for a historical event.


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Excellent finds! Count me in on the River Rd. hunt in the Spring! cant wait.

I know this is an old post, but I'd love to know who else is in the area.

I'm Sean from Manchester.

Wow I didn't expect to see so many from NH.. I will be moving to the Dover area in June/July, and cant wait to get started up there... Will be nice to finally make some friends..

Hi All,

I live in Bedford, and I'm pretty new at the hobby. So far much of my detecting has been in Virginia, hunting for Civil War relics. I'd like to do more coin and/or relic hunting in NH. It would be nice to meet some people in the area to go detecting with.


Well a great way to get to know plenty of people here in N.H. who detect is to join a club, I'm a member of Granite State Treasure Hunters Club and we meet once a month on Sundays and hunt all different parts of N.H. If your interested send me a private message and I'll get you the information on where our May hunt will be, you can meet everyone, hunt along with us listen to what the club has going on this year and decide if the clubs for you, no strings attached, if you decide to join it only costs 20.00 a year! We hunt allover N.H. so sometimes you live close to a site, sometimes its a bit away, Its never taken me more than an hour to get to a site, I enjoy a nice ride sippin my coffee so it dosn't bother me. Hope to hear from you soon, Tammie

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