Anyone ever find a cannon? ;)


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
South of the Mason-Dixon Line
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I was sitting around the house, feeling down because it was so cold outside and there had been no birthday gifts in the mail this week. Man! Not even a card! :( LOL

Anyway, rather than sit and moan, I took up my coat of many layers and went hunting. I figured there just HAS to be a present out there for me SOMEWHERE! :)

At first it was just what I expected. C-O-L-D !!! BRRRrrrrrr! And the wind was no help! I started working my grid in reverse. Backing up into the wind. LOL I knew it was going to be a short hunt and afraid it was just going to be one more bummer to add to my woes.

I only stayed about an hour but toward the last few minutes, the gates opened up and I got a slew of coins. All clad but I wasn't complaining! It was turning my frown upside down.

Had a shocker when the big disk popped out, dunno what it is, not magnetic but I think too thin to be anything much. Still, fun.

I was ready to give in when I decided ok, one more decent hit. (How familiar is that?!?)

That's when I found the remnants of this little cannon. At first I figured, a neat little youngster's toy. Still, I enjoyed finding it.
When I got it cleaned up a bit it became more of a puzzle. The whole thing is metal, non-magnetic, and surprisingly substantial for something so small. About 4-5 ounces. The sides appear to be made to look like wood and there are several little holes that look almost like a way to insert a fuse through the rear and up into the barrel's base. ???

I'll take it! A wonderful little hunt and several nice little presents! All in all, a VERY nice couple hours! Well spent!

Here they are:


Thanks for peeking!


Upvote 7
I don't think it was made for firing, but it looks as if someone has tried :o Great liitle find :icon_thumright:


Great find,

The link below is to a great site where you can identify badly worn coins by weight and diameter only. If the coins were found with the cannon it might give you an idea as to it's age.

The Coin Database



Looks like some kook tried to fire it and may have ended up wearing a chunk. This type was one of the worst toys of their day.Not proof tested!....

Yes those are minuture bronze cannon and were made for firing, what I'm saying is yours is not bronze, but some type of pot metal and not meant to be fired :icon_thumright:


Actually, that's what I was thinking too. Although, the holes appear to be made into the piece and they do seem to match up. Even so, it does appear to be pot metal and looks like it was plated. Probably a paperweight that some kid thought would work well with a firecracker. LOL



Great find,

The link below is to a great site where you can identify badly worn coins by weight and diameter only. If the coins were found with the cannon it might give you an idea as to it's age.

Thanks, but I really don't think it's a coin. More than likely a butterfly valve out of a carburetor. LOL


Definitely a cool little cannon. And happy birthday, whenever it was!

Kind of neat huh.

Thank you for the wish, too late now though. I suppose "there's always next year". :)


Well A late Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthd....
Aw Hell you know how it ends, And I think you may have a coin or a token
myself, Seems like I see writing around the edge...........jmho........HH

Wow very nice:icon_thumright:

Well A late Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthd....
Aw Hell you know how it ends, And I think you may have a coin or a token
myself, Seems like I see writing around the edge...........jmho........HH

Yeah, I know the rest. :dontknow: I came from a large family and I made a sizable one to boot. But, these days, it seems that there's just no effort made to remember anything that isn't for themselves. Ah well, I'm not the one who's gonna change that and this is not the place to air depressive thoughts. (sometimes they build up and have to slip out somewhere though. ;) )

Thank you kind sir!

About the disk?

I really don't think so. It "MAY" have been an old political button type thing. I just don't think so. Like I say, it's pretty big and very thin. 14.5 grams. Non-magnetic but it looks like it might have been plated at one time.

The pictures leave a lot to be desired. One could almost see whatever they want, sort of like looking at clouds. If you look real close at the picture on the left, at about 9 and 3 o-clock there are a small circular impression. Like it might either have been attached there or held over a small opening for a long time.

Here's two more:


Very neat little cannon Whadifind for sure - nice finds -HH

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