I agree with wwII relic hunter. its a dangerous thing to partner with Filipinos, specially those who are strangers to you. Although majority of us are kind hearted, hospitable, and good persons, there are always Filipinos who are bad, just as there are also Good natured Americans and Evil Americans.
And you also factor the fact that evil spirit(human spirit- treasure guardians) , principalities (prince/s of darkness like Satan,etc) , dominions (lesser angels) and powers (diwatas, kapres, and others) are very much interested to get hold of the gold items.
for evil spirits( human spirits that are dead who turned evil because it was their last thought to guard the gold items at all cost before they died), they will do everything within their spirit capacity to distract and prevent you from recovering the item. they can only do so much as they are in spirit form. they can be surmounted but the danger there is if the gold items are recovered. Failing to get the light after they are released from the vortex, they will get back at you, or the weakest link of your family to either get him sick until they are dead. this is their kind of justice. having no purpose already as they were released from the vortex (to guard the treasure), they will wander and will try to seek the light and leave this earth. but if they cannot find the light, they will wreck havoc to you after almost one year. I have heard from a metallurgical engineer that his cousin was able to get the item. it was just buried below 20 feet. that cousin lost his mind and is now in the mental hospital. that cousin claims that an evil spirit is always talking to him , talking behind his back and was always bugging him. wherever he goes, that spirit goes. The same is also true of two persons who was able to go under a cave and found something. I have heard from his lawyer that the other person got crazy and experienced the same thing. The other person was possessed and is now always carrying that spirit in his body. All rumors but maybe true. otherwise, their cousins who told me in the internet would not have swore to me that their stories were true. Hearing their stories, I did not dare meet with them in person. Otherwise, I would have been crazy too like them if I did meet the cousins that they have. Its better to be alive than crazy. hehehe
The real reason why the Japanese made the spirits of the human beings guard their treasures is two -fold. First is the obvious. they want the spirits to guard the items and create distractions and sickness to those who seek to recover them. that is why, gold treasures like the dutchmine and the others all over the world are cursed by spirits. the same is true with Japanese treasures buried in the Philippines. I encountered it so many times in my diggings before. Once, I was able to hear the voice of a giant whistling and calling my name without my workers hearing it. after I ran and went to another place, one of the workers also ran after hearing the same voice calling his name. all the other workers did not hear the said voice. once, someone poked me hard on my side of the belly without anybody near me from even 1 kilometer radius. My worker also got his eggs cursed as it went so big after just a few hours. in another occasion, when we tried to burn a tree near the hole where we dig, my body was suddenly experiencing a very hot fire burning my entire body, another buddy of mine experienced the same thing and the other third member of our group (3 of us) got burned also without a fire. that night and the morning thereafter, their bodies went so big like somebody mauled him in their sleep. The 2nd member of our group cannot speak for 3 weeks as his tongue was like it was twisted. it took them 2-3 weeks to recover from that seeming pain from being mauled. as for me, I experienced that burning feeling for the entire night but I prayed so mightily to God and Jesus and took 4 capsules of vitamin c every four hours. that did the trick as I woke up without the same fate that they have experienced. But I felt somebody tried to do harm to me that day and night . The second purpose why there are human spirits that guard the treasure has something to do with guarding the treasure also from elementals like dominions, and powers. as long as the human spirit is there , that gold items cannot be robbed or claimed by dominions and powers. As we all know, God has control over all gold and treasures. And devils, like principalities, dominions and powers (fallen angels) also wanted to be like God. They want gold and treasures too. that is why they want to take over or claim dominion over it. But as long as the dead human spirit is there, it cannot be claimed by anyone except the human spirit. Japanese recoverers know how to release the human spirits from their vortex and lead them to light. That is one thing we Filipinos and non-Japanese nationals lack.
speaking of evil spirits, principalities dominions and powers, they can control the emotions and behaviors of those co-diggers or co-workers who don't have a pure heart and are not protected by Jesus and guardian angels. that is why you hear stories of those who were so mabait (kind hearted) before the items were recovered but surprisingly, when items are found, they become so ruthless and evil that you cannot expect them to be like that even in your wildest dreams. those possessed persons can kill their co workers. that is where the danger and hazard lies. spirits and other unseen entities play a role in your digging too.
I once had a worker before where he became so pale and weak that we could not understand what happened to him. we brought him to the hospital. all blood test, and other medical lab test were normal. but he was still so weak and pale. we brought him to someone who can pray and ask for divine intervention. immediately, he regained his strength and composure and it was like nothing serious happened to him after that prayer.
there are some things we cannot explain