As the story goes, the lad was loading his saddle bags with the loot. While he had his back turned to the passengers, one man pulled a pistol out of his boot and shot the robber in the back. Still able to ride, the robber rode to a spring nearby where he rested. Knowing he would not get far with the weight of his loot, he cut his saddlebags in two and buried one bag on each side of the spring. He latter rode to see his love and explained to her what he had done. He died in her arms and she never told anyone what he had done. It wasn't until she passed away and her family read her diary that this story was discovered.
I have found what I believe to be the bandits lookout point high up on a ridge where a bandit could see a stage coming across Simi Valley. At this vantage point there is a date carved into the rock. This date is carved with an old time script and shows sign of weathering.
While hiking the old stage road a friend of mine sister found a GOLD coin from the same time period. I sure wish it would have been me. LOL