WOW!!What a great time at the cookout. So many here were sooo welcoming and helpful with the box of charts and other paraphernalia. (Got there late and missed the goodie bags with the escudos in them!!Rats.) I got to meet a bunch of people-ropesfish, aquanut, ivan salis, agflit, Dan, Kevin, Tim, & Captain Kym apologies to anyone I may have forgotten as my brain gets porous sometimes) who helped determine that about 90% of the information was definitely intended to help find scaley treasure (fish). Indian River, near shore, off shore, north and south. Temperatures and depths, reefs, ledges, flats, shallows, WWII wrecks and structure. Some information put together for a local angler club.
It is hard to tell what was on the original owners mind for the other 10% because there was no explanation spelling it out.
But no matter what, I have great stories for my grand kids and some charts hopefully for some great fishing.
I'll keep you updated if/as I find out anything more.
Thanks again, you guys and gals are da bomb!!!