Any Ideas on this


Apr 15, 2010
Hey guys,

Don't know what this might be. It looks to be pewter. It has a helmeted soldier on the right and a crest on the left. On the back has no marks other than a spot where it could have been a pin or button. The site contained rev and civil war finds. Sorry about these pics, (taken with phone) I will post better ones soon. Indian Head penny for size comparison.

Thanks for all your help!



  • 0202111505c.jpg
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I played with it a little for you got a little more detail from it Chug


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backintheday said:
Sorry about the fussy pics, i am taking new ones and they will be up soon.

Look for a Macro lens close up setting on your camera. It will look like a flower. macro.jpg

We need picks of front and back, side may also be needed, and something in the picture for size reference such as a ruler or coin.


  • macro.jpg
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its blurry as heck, so hard to tell for sure but it looks sorta like a spanish crest to me by its outline shape

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no macro lens? did you look for the flower? maybe too close. try backing up a few inches.

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Helmet looks Greek to me, could be Spanish too i suppose as the Greeks arn't that big into sheilds and crowns and lions "rampant".
Might be a brand mark that was tagged onto the back pocket of a pair of jeans,sweater,jacket etc. :dontknow:

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When I see the lion rampant, shield and crown I think of Belgium or Scotland.

We cannot do much with these pics. I can help you take a better pic but I need to know if you have a close-up setting on your camera. You may be not pausing momentarily for the autolens to focus or you may be not holding steady through the autofocus process.

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OK guys, I am a lousy photographer with a crappy camera. Not a good combination... at least my detector works! Anyway, I took another photo on the macro setting holding it as still as possible. . It's still not as good as I would like.

I found this piece in Beaufort SC, along the river. An old site capable of producing items back to the 1600's, other items found there were a pair of British or Spanish Navy cuff links and pewter buttons. I first thought it to be Spanish as the crown and lion look similar. However, the helmet threw me for a loop, it has a face guard and something looking like a plume on top.

Thanks for all your help!



  • new.jpg
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its a old fashioned type --- knights helmet with movible "visor" in the "up" position it also has a plume ( ostrich feather) on it * ( military speaking wize -the "knight" is a protecting the countrythus its a symbolic type of item) ---- the crown and sheild represent " king and country "--the "knight" the military defender

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Its a lot better pic :icon_thumright: but still below average. It may be the camera. Some cameras have a fake macro lens. The only solution may be to back up and crop.
I tried to sharpen it.


  • unknown backintheday.jpg
    unknown backintheday.jpg
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Don't know what it is, but to me it's an awesome find! Keep it always! Been to Beaufort several times half a century ago (lol) on way to camp with parents and sisters on lovely Hunting Island beach. I guess that area's a lot more crowded these days than the serene unspoiled area it was! Hope you continue to find unique and interesting relics! Andi

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Lay in bed last night thinking about this piece. Something about it is very familiar, and then it came to me. I found one the same last year on the beach here! Due to it being on the beach i decided it wasn't anything old, plus it was quite shiny too, so i think i dumped it with the trash. It may be in the garage, will have to have a look in my "hmm maybe... " bin. Think we'll find it's off a piece of clothing or something though.

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A few people now that have seen it have suggested it might be a badge for a piece of clothing. I guess it could be however it looked to me to be at least 19th century..... But looks can be deceiving, thanks for everyone's help.

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backintheday said:
thanks for everyone's help.
The last pic was better and Im more than willing to search more IF AND ONLY IF we had something to work with. I havent the slightest idea if its paper thin or an inch thick. :dontknow: I also cant see the back. A good clear pic of the front, back and side or angled pic as well with something for size reference is SOP. I know the blurry pic has a blurry penny next to it but it really helps the eyes visualize if the penny or ruler was in the new pic.,259110.0.html

Backing up should make a much better picture. I think the lens was too close. When looking at the cameras screen, what you see is what you get. If it looks blurry, it will be blurry. Back up and/or adjust the camera until the image becomes in focus. I hope this helps.

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