Antique Firearm in Wall

I hate to tell those liberals who advocate total dependence on gov't, but there is a ruling class in this country (ultra-rich), who do not want the status quo upset by armed rebellion. I believe our founding fathers wanted this threat to remain with us, to keep tyranny at bay. The rich want to use their minions in gov't to disarm us, while telling us that it's the best thing for us. There is plenty of info on this forum, Victorio Peak for example, to warn us to be mistrustful of gov't. For this reason, this forum provides a valuable service. I know my experiences in life are unique, but I thank God for the insight. I reported a group of drug dealing cops, and got screwed for it, finding out that they couldn't exist without everybody else involved. The smallest of articles can have much broader implications. Take heed you foolish libs. Do not trust gov't, and learn about our own history, so you can teach your kids, ad I do, cuz it's not taught in schools anymore.

Canadian gun laws are something like the ones in California, only worse.. Our big chance for change comes on the 18th of this month.. Normally, our parliamentary system allows by tradition, something called opposition days. These are days that the opposition parties can bring forth bills to be voted on. Because Canada's Parliament system is somewhat like a elected dictatorship, our liberals (which are in a minority position) caught wind that the opposition was going to bring forth a motion of non confidence in the government, and if passed, the government would fall, and there would be an election. So, they simply canceled the opposition days (a true liberal democracy eh!). But, The law says there MUST be one on the 18th of May, so there is a 99% chance the government will be defeated, and we will have another federal election probably in June. The Conservatives have vowed to scrap the current gun laws, and re-write them so the law applies more to criminals than to hunters, target shooters, and collectors as it does now.. With any luck at all, the firearms act, and the accompanying firearms registration farce will be history by next hunting season. At that point, literally millions of legally acquired guns will come out of hiding. Its going to be an interesting spring indeed...
If your a Canadian, or even an interested American, you can keep track of what's happening here:

Good luck up there in Canada. If these uneducated liberals had their way they would ban guns from everyone, and are stupid enough to think that criminals would turn theirs in. I love the relatively decent gun laws we have here in Texas, and the fact that they do have a concealed carry law. I am not a wacko who feels he must pack every where he goes, but if I feel I need to take some protection along, then I am able to do it. It has been proven in states where they have freer gun laws that violent crimes are reduced. Scumbag criminals are a lot less likely to hold someone up if they think there is a threat to themselves. If someone tries to break into my place, they only have to remember the saying - "Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be prosecuted!!". What a fantastic land this would be if we could ship out liberals. We need to send them all to their fellow countrymen in France!!.

Well, they just did a study up here, and Canada's, restrictive gun laws don't seem to be doing much good.. The Western provinces have a 60% higher crime rate than the bordering U.S. States, which have some of the highest gun ownership rates in the U.S. Also, Vermont which has virtually no gun laws, not only has one of the lowest crime rates in the U.S., but far lower than the bordering Provence of Quebec. Every place that has restrictive gun laws, also has a high crime rate, compaired to places that don't control gun legal owners. Compair Washington D.C.'s rate to next door Virginia's.. What happens in Florida with the new defence law is going to be very interesting.. I bet most of the criminals in Florida, will now concentrate their chosen occupation to visiting Canadians who have been generally brainwashed into a culture of defenselessness..

This story really appeals to me as the former owner of a house I lived in told us her own late husband hid a "Tommy" gun somewhere on the property! I was just a kid, and ended up finding some very interesting things but not that G-Man stick. It's still possible I'll get back in that house.

I like your site GunFarce!. DC is done, or taking a break from, blaming Virginia for it's problems and is talking bout modeling a plan after VA's famous plan of the eighties.(doh, I forget the 'famous' plan's name!)

Here too, there are getting to be more states that are honoring other states conceal carry license. I think Okla has an agreement with 13 others.

that is one sweet looking tommygun 8), i sure hope the finder gets it back and doesn't have to disable it, what a waste of a piece of history that would be :'(.

remember, that once a freedom is lost it can never again be fully regained " by Thomas Jefferson "

i love my country, but fear my goverment.

an, over-regulated American

My Grandfather while working on a historic house in Southern NY,found a 1849 Tower in the wall,now restored with orig springs and also it was a british make not an a american model!...

cool stuff in the walls...

But as for your discussion about this topic and the US's future- people have been warning about this for years and werre called cooks!......
A national gun regz is NAZI GERMANY!,but also a very good forensic tool to use against abuse of firearms "thats as far as ill go into that"....,
Also "no offense to anyone nor any of the Militia in Texas,its your duty",but a state sponsered Militia is illegal as amended!,I know that thier bring in drugs and supposed terrorists but its been goin on for over 200 years and some how its a fad to go bag a beno at the border "no offense to any Mexicans,since im also part of that heritage",
Its a shame to even call the US the Homeland,sorry my grandfather fought aganist this type of poltical propaganda "which is illegal",might aswell call it the Motherland or Fatherland,...
Seriously im called a Commie or Socialist!,but infact Im A American!.My Mothers side of my family dates back to 1713 in the US and Also i have Indian,and also Mexican Blood on that line,on my fathers its French and Prussian,My family like alot other peoples on this site and in the usa have had thier blood spilled in wars on this land and overseas to fight against what is happing today,...
Look at Miss Liberty and see what quote is along side of her...Give Me your.......Thats AMERICAN!

These people are not taking your jobs!,its the companies that migrate overseas due to the WTOs trade agreements about labor/cheap labor!,especialy Mexico! -
If anyone here knows what a Sweatshop or a Chicken Farm is in those countrys youd be first ot cross the border!..."
These people are afraid!,thats why they sneek becaus they dont know about a "now defunt" system to regulate who comes in and who dont.....

I agree there should be a border/interment checkpoint but with abit more commpassion and dignity!,Terrorism is and always has been part of HUMAN/MANKINDS HISTORY!,and just not in these screwed up years....,REMEBER THAT OUR FOREFATHERS THAT FOUGHT IMPERILISTIC BRITISH RULE IN THE 1700's is WHAT WERE DOING IN OTHER COUNTRYS!......BY THE BOOK!.....
YES i also support are troops enough NOT to buy gas nor oil very often!,I also yell at people who drive the Hummers around that for every 10 gallons of gas that blow out your sending to 18 year old kids to thier deaths who never got the chance to read a book instead to learn from historys mistakes.....

Now if you people are mad,then do somthing about the tax's!,lets fix Social Surcurity by not building a 40 billion dollar batman winged airplane that fals apart,nor weapons that have no use at all!-nu-ke-z-.some say "AHH LETS NUKE THEM" but do you know the effects of that?.....would you want your kids in a world of radiation from a 60 kiloton warhead?......

Yes there is a need for the people to be armed,"Seperation of church and state and for once we NEED TO TAKE THE POWER BACK!!!!",so lock and load for the future,,

LOL,,,,,,seriously no offense to anyone,nor to your beliefs,but instead of following the crowd "THINK FOR DAMN ONCE!!".......

This is from a person thats YOUR FUTURE!,and YOUR GIVING THE YOUTH NO FUTURE AS IT IS!........

but shi# happens
enough ranting,lets see some action!

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