antique bell


Jr. Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Golden Thread
I found this bell when I was a kid. I worked
on my aunt's farm and one of the first jobs they had us do was to pick up rocks in the field and toss
them into a truck. I picked up the bell thinking it was a rock and never let it out of my sight. Does
anyone have any idea what this bell could be used for? My aunt's farm is in Massachusetts and its
pretty rich in history in that area. My grandmothers house was about 1/4 mile away and it was
built in the early 1700's. (some pyro kid burned it down though) Anyway,let me know what you
think and if you have any idea the age, etc... its about 3 1/2 inches tall and the mouth of the bell is
about 2 inches across the inside isn't white, it reflected a little when the camera flashed. I'm not sure
on the type of material its made of, its not light but has some weight to it.


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BlueDiamonds said:
Bridge, hold onto your seat.... its a bounty hunter pioneer ex. It's all I could afford so I'm working with it. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a headset plug and beeps real loud! haha oh well, if you can't laugh at yourself
then who can you laugh at? :D If I had found this forum 3 years ago, I would never have bought the model
I did and would have held out for a good used one. I am sure I'll trade up sooner rather than later!
It will be great to meet you and others that share this interest in metal detecting at the florida hunt. Got a question for you, there is a really old house on state road 50 out past the withlacoochee state forest. There is no mailbox, etc.. just an old abandoned home. (I'm passing by there this thursday on my way somewhere else so I'm going to find cross roads or some address nearby - and also to take a picture or two) How do I find out who owns it to ask permission to hunt it? Its a really old home.

You can find stuff with that Bounty Hunter :) trust me I know you can. :thumbsup: I'd take that Bounty Hunter to the beach. The better machines will get you more depth and better target id, but still that BH can hunt

As far as that old house I agree with rmptr,

We always honor the Metal Detector Hunters Code of Ethics

I always start with a neighbor and ask if they know who owns it, then work on permission with them. With the internet it isn't hard to get a phone number or address on a old home/property. Some county tax appraiser records are now on line and easily accessed without a trip to their office.

I assure you someone owns it. It could be the state as they bought up a lot of property along Hwy 50 for the turnpike/tole road system to help get traffic off I 4 and I 75. A lot of thier plan is still in the future but they went after properties before folks knew what was going in to help get it cheaper.

Jim, so far I've only found some new coins, can tabs, and junk. Nothing of any value for sure but I haven't been metal detecting very long. I had the machine for over 3 years but it was in my closet collecting dust until recently.
As for the old home, it is abandoned but I'm going to see if I can find the owners first. It looks like its haunted, you know, one of those type of houses. Old and creepy. I'll post pic's on here if I can get some good ones on thursday.

RMPTR, I agree, an upgraded md is going to happen its just a matter of time. On the old house, I'll get the address when we stop to take pictures, if there is an address visible, but there didn't appear to be any type of mailbox the last time i was out there. I'll use your advice about drawing the map too, that may be exactly what I need, a county map. You are right, someone must have to pay taxes on it. It looks like a hundred years old! I'm sure their taxes are pretty low. :) ps. rmptr, what do your initials stand for?

Bridge..ok, for you, I'll give the BH one more try at the beach but you may find it floating off shore if it doesn't shape up! :D I'm trying to think if that house had a neighbor nearby it but I don't recall seeing another house. It could be because I always think 'that's a creepy looking house' and don't look at other things around it but, I'm pretty certain its sitting there by itself. I guess if the state owns it then it's fair game?

if the state owns it you'll be ok as long as it isn't inside a state park. Still take your other half along or a friend and just be careful as in this day and age of crackheads, meth freaks, and homeless camps one never knows what might be hanging out or lurking there.

If you can't find anything on it pm me and I will find it for you, also I'd like to see pics of it myself,

Here is the old place.


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Cool place! Bet there is a lot of history there.

This is the little bell I found a while back. Congrats on yours..Really nice.


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I love that old place.Is it for sale....what a fantastic house.....As far as that Bounty Hunter.....I used one for years and still do when I am looking for the deep wont let you just takes awhile to learn the far as to the beach with it...I have have used mine on freshwater beaches and have done well...I am not sure about saltwater....Good Luck and I cannot wait to see what you dig out of that house property....Maybe if you get permission you could team up with someone from Tnet to help you ...Hint Hint :icon_queen:

Hey now that I see where your talking about, I do know this place as I have driven by it many times on my way back to the farm from Pcola. I have often thought of how nice it would be restored and back in service. I'm a sucker for big porches :). One of those folks long gone and relatives (owners) too far away to take care of it type places. I hope you do get on it and they give you permission. It would be an awesome place for you all to search and discovery on.
There is no telling what history you might discover there. If only those walls could talk. Still be careful as there are hazards like wells, etc so watch were you walk.

Hey OldRiver, thats a nice bell you have too, where did you find yours?

Gypsy, it doesnt have a for sale sign on it but you never know, they may want to just get it off their hands. Its cool looking for sure.

My bell was found in Texas in Chambers county. I found it at an old home site close to my house. I have found a lot of things there. I'm still hunting it, and find a little something there every time I go. My biggest find was an 1859 sharps pistol. I was really surprised to find the bell though. It was about 18 inches deep. The little dinger was missing out of it, but I did find one in the same area that I believe went in this bell. It looks a lot like to one in your bell. Congradulation on you bell. Its very nice.

About that Ace 250 detector, I forgot to tell you that it is a Garrett. I know several people who own them and they find a lot with them and seem to use them more then their other detectors.

Old River, mine was found in Massachusetts and I know someone on the bell forum that found theirs up in Michigan. They are all over the place. You have a nice one there! Its wild that you found the dinger that goes in it too. you are lucky!

JimB, you are right about the Ace, I don't have one but I have read a ton on here and that is the most recommended one for sure. I bet Garrett is glad he came up with that little baby! :wav:

Any luck on your bell I.D.? I have one almost exactly like it. I don't know it's origin or age. I bought it at an estate sale. The mans house looked like a museum. He had collected from all over the world.

Any luck on your bell I.D.? I have one almost exactly like it. I don't know it's origin or age. I bought it at an estate sale. The mans house looked like a museum. He had collected from all over the world.

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Maybe someone else knows.

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