The Stars DO move... it depends on the O'clock. Capella west of North Star...? YEP! Follow night time/day time/night time. EAST coast USA in DARKNESS; WEST coast still has light... Earth MOVES. Then there is the Winter/Summer "thing" & Spring/Fall "thing"... LOL! "As the sun rises in the EAST... so does the Worshipful Master rises in the EAST; to ....".
Mr. Pike Loved the significance of the stars and planets and their individual placement on the sky's canvas.
All around the wall, just below the ceiling, is painted, in French Lodges, a knotted cord or rope (la houppe dentelée), about six inches in diameter, with tassels dependent from it at each corner. The knots are 81 in number. This is not used in this jurisdiction.
On the ceiling, also, particular Stars and Constellations are painted. In the centre, the three stars in the belt of Orion; and between them and the Northeast, the Pleiades and Hyades, one of which is Aldebaran; half-way between Orion and the Northwest, Regulus in Leo; in the North Ursa Major; in the Northwest, Arcturus; West of Regulus, Spica Virginis; in the West, Antares; in the South, Fomalhaut; over the East, also is Jupiter, and over the West, Venus; Mercury, close to the Sun, and Mars and Saturn, near the centre of the ceiling. The Stars in the belt of Orion represent the number 3; the Hyades 5, the Pleiades and Ursa Major, 7. The five royal Stars are Aldebaran, Arcturus, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut.
L.C. Baker