Another tax? So what else is new?


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2006
Detector(s) used
White's XLT
Actually, this one was enforced 95 years ago. I was at my aunt's house, searching for privies, when I came across a little area with broken glass beneath the surface. Uncovering the soil with a hand tool, I found glass and pieces of china and pottery, then spotted this round object in the dirt. I thought at first it might be a miner's tag, but saw the slotted opening and wasn't so sure. It wasn't until I got home and gave the piece a good scrub that I saw what it was. Apparently, what we now call a dog license (and I've found plenty) was called a Dog Tax (which is more accurate!) as far back as 1916. This one says, "DOG TAX for 1916 paid 2580 Beaver County, Pennsylvania. I did manage to find a privy, probably the most recent one at a house that dates to the early 1800's and was torn down in 1971. It was shallow for a privy, but held the unmistakable remnants one often finds in such places (grain). I managed a milk bottle and a small Vick's, along with two marbles. There were also (I'll assume) a salt and a pepper shaker. They're soaking now, so I'll get a picture up in Bottles and Glass later. There have to be privies about in a place that old; now, it's just a matter of finding them and that shouldn't be too hard!


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Nice job Henry. It's shaping up to be a nice weekend weather wise. Let me know if you need some help!

great job on the dog tax tag!!! I have an old one from Dauphin Co that I found over the summer. Neat little pieces of history :icon_thumleft:

Makes you wonder what the cost actually was to own a dog back then. I think the oldest one I've found is a 1920. I was shocked to find one that old around here. :D .....Shocked in the fact that anyone around here actually purchased one. :D
Way kewl find, 1/2. :icon_thumright: Love to see the bottles and marbles too. :wink:
Good luck on your return...
Nana :)

Nana40 said:
Makes you wonder what the cost actually was to own a dog back then. I think the oldest one I've found is a 1920. I was shocked to find one that old around here. :D .....Shocked in the fact that anyone around here actually purchased one. :D
Way kewl find, 1/2. :icon_thumright: Love to see the bottles and marbles too. :wink:
Good luck on your return...
Nana :)
I paid $6 or so to avoid a $300 fine; I can't imagine what it cost in 1916! Maybe a quarter? I don't know how many they sold, but it appear that over 2000 suckers bought them :wink:.

Kiros32 said:
Nice job Henry. It's shaping up to be a nice weekend weather wise. Let me know if you need some help!
Jared, I have a Sunday afternoon game, so Saturday is my best option for the weekend. As you read, I found probably the most recent privy and it's a small area so we should be able to locate the older ones. Before he died, my uncle told me the house dated to the 1830's, so they had to (relieve themselves) somewhere! I know it appears on the 1876 Atlas.

halfdime said:
Kiros32 said:
Nice job Henry. It's shaping up to be a nice weekend weather wise. Let me know if you need some help!
Jared, I have a Sunday afternoon game, so Saturday is my best option for the weekend. As you read, I found probably the most recent privy and it's a small area so we should be able to locate the older ones. Before he died, my uncle told me the house dated to the 1830's, so they had to (relieve themselves) somewhere! I know it appears on the 1876 Atlas.

Saturday should work if I am in town, there is a chance I won't be. I will give you a call later this week.

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