Another Mystery Stone Thing


Hero Member
Dec 26, 2004
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Innisfil On Canada
Another Mystery 'Stone Thing'

I found this about 20 years ago on the Bruce Pennisula, along Colpoys bay. (just north of Owen Sound on Georgian Bay, Lake Huron) It was face down near the water in a grove of cedars. It attracted my attention because it was the only rock around with a long square edge.. I pulled it up out of the dirt and rollled it over.. Thats when I seen the face.. I don't know if it's some artifact, or just an old 'craft' project. It's about 2 feet high and 8-9 inches on each side. I have sent picture to several museums, but have never had a reply, so I guess it's not that important.. But, It's been guarding my garden for 20 years now and doing a damn fine job too!


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Re: Another Mystery 'Stone Thing'

Well omnicognic
The question of "How to tell if a goat is a virgin" I know has been puzzling TreasureNet readers for some time now.

According to goat authorities
"As far as breeding goes, there are two "types" of goats:
"Equatorial type" goats that come from climates that are hot all year long. These goats will breed all year long. Examples of these breeds are most meat breeds like Boers, Spanish & Fainting, and also Pygmies and (sometimes) Nubians.
"Alpine type" goats. These are most of the Dairy breeds. These goats are seasonal breeders, like deer, and have a definite breeding season. This usually is from about Aug. to Dec/Jan. The does will come into heat about every 21days and the bucks will stay in rut during the entire breeding season. Once the buck go out of rut, they loose most of their interest in sex until the next rut. "

So I guess you would buy a young "Alpine" goat which was born in the spring before the fall mating season. However, I suspect a lot of readers here who regularly sacrifice virgin goats already know this.

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Re: Another Mystery 'Stone Thing'

I think that is a mistake the sacrifice must be human it works better, quicker, tastier& all around better effect. I cant see why some one would put that much work in to something just to pich it like that. Might allso be Italian. SASQUASH

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Re: Another Mystery 'Stone Thing'

Well, I don't know where it originated 'for sure', I don't know who made it, I don't know why they made it, but it has been guarding a little patch of ground at the front of my house for over twenty years now. No one has had an 'untimely' death, and I have not won the lottery 'yet', so it doesn't swing luck either direction 'too far'.. I often tell my wife we are under the 'tread water' curse.. Every time a few bucks come in, we get a bill, or repair cost of almost exactly the same amount.. It's uncanny..We can't seem to get ahead, but then again we are not falling behind.. Gad, I finally realized!!!!
It's the long lost statue carved to the glory of, and bearing the curse of,
.... mediocrity! >:(

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Re: Another Mystery 'Stone Thing'

Hay don't fill to bad us as mid. Americans are richer then 90% of the world. SASQUASH<><

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