Another "Key" Idea

Re: Another "Key" Idea

Just some matching and close dates............ :icon_scratch:

Re: Another "Key" Idea

I was on Wikipedia and came across some info on Key. Then remembered that I thought I read something on a Skinner. Both guys were connected through the war of 1812. But still more :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2:

HH Jay

Re: Another "Key" Idea

Just a thought i had, that maybe the DOI is the key however the original was signed on July 2nd 1776 by 2 ppl when it was passed but then by the signing of all 56 members was done on July 4th 1776, story has it the original DOI was stolen, n thats y we cant cipher it correctly wo the original DOI. so shouldnt we focus r research of locating the original DOI ? its gotta b somewhere rite? maybe beale used it n then hid it... or jefferson?

Re: Another "Key" Idea

With the thought of the original DOI, I doubt that whoever wrote these ciphers would have had the original either. If, and thats a ver "BIG" if, it was the original I beleive it would have surfaced by now. And I beleive your dates are a bit off, the 56 signers did so in early august if memory serves me correctly. The DOI disappeared so Jefferson had lost it also. Personally I think Paine may have had something to do with its disappearence. IMO it was kind of getting even after writing the DOI and not being asked/included in signing of his document. With Paine there is will, motive, and I'm sure the ability to retreive the DOI. If the ciphers do lead to the loot then I think if you beleive that Independence is the "key" to the document you seek then open your mind further. Include other documents of Independence. If its a Confederacy document then follow that route. My beleif is that whatever is used will be from that earlier time period.

I am in beleif that the Beale Pamphlet also contradicts itself. So of the time periods for travel were not possible until later than the 1820's. Also Ive found that other expiditions that went west during that time had to deal with a very harsh winter in 1819-20. Then that spring the Missouri river had major flooding.

To conclude, Im not saying I truely beleive or disbeleive what Ive seen so far. There are alot of sketchy stories with some fact mixed in. I remain open minded looking forward to seeing the candle played at the end.

HH Jay :thumbsup: :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2:

Re: Another "Key" Idea

hey Jay i get ur logic.. paine idea, im gonna do some more reading there...

Re: Another "Key" Idea

Hey Kgunn

:thumbsup: :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2: This is a great place. Great conversations with Rebel KGC and Bigscoop, too. :laughing7:

Re: Another "Key" Idea

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D TY! CARRY ON! :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee for BOTH! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2::wink: :coffee2: :read2:

Re: Another "Key" Idea

True that!!! U guys have been doin this alot longer then i n i cant wait to c what u all tell me 2 read next lol i just wish i could b more of assistance... sorry sometimes i have a habit 2 just throw stuff out there 2 c what will come out of it n so far u all send me in the right direction lol im NO expert not even an amateur, just want 2 learn. I certainly aint here 2 step on toes or chap some1s rss...

Re: Another "Key" Idea

Read Playboy and Hustler.....apparently Heff and Larry Flint knew TJB personally. But I dont :read2: it, its all about the pics :laughing7: :icon_thumright:

HH Jay

Re: Another "Key" Idea

??? guess i missed something ???

Re: Another "Key" Idea


And what are your thoughts behind the link that you posted??? Why do you think that is possibly a key peice of evidence in the Beale Mystery??? Im reading through it now and find some things interesting myself :icon_thumright: :read2: :icon_thumleft:

Re: Another "Key" Idea

The main reason, that i too found it interesting n possibly used as reference material 4 a l8r date n time. However that bein said, names, dates n location spiked interests as well. Furthermore at the top it had a link to DOI. Call it Gut instinct (w only skim reading it once) there was a few words that stood out such as "honor" that was spelled honour, now the 1776 version of DOI has it spelled "or" but the 1823 has it "our" (or it could of been just that document). Thus, again makes me question the missing "orginal" DOI and its verbage could b the reason 4 unsuccessful deciphering. True w/o the key in hand we may never know, but beale passion 4 the DOI still makes me think it has 2 the "KEY" or eluding 2 the rite key... i certainly hope the Beale treasure story wasnt merely created 2 get Americans just to read the DOI...


Re: Another "Key" Idea

Apparently from one point of veiw the story was to sell a book, via a dying newspaper. This is one of many avenues you will start to see as yoou dip further and further into what we call Beale.... :thumbsup:

Re: Another "Key" Idea

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D You got TWO "issues" here... WHY the amendment & the "dying newspaper" in Lynchburg, Va. I think the amendment was "aimed" at Aaron Burr, VP under Thomas Jefferson; Burr wanted the SW to be his EMPIRE; THUS, the amendment, so he COULDN'T NOR... ANYONE ELSE. I will do I & R on the "dying newspaper" of 1885. :dontknow: :coffee2: :read2:

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