Re: Another "Key" Idea
The main reason, that i too found it interesting n possibly used as reference material 4 a l8r date n time. However that bein said, names, dates n location spiked interests as well. Furthermore at the top it had a link to DOI. Call it Gut instinct (w only skim reading it once) there was a few words that stood out such as "honor" that was spelled honour, now the 1776 version of DOI has it spelled "or" but the 1823 has it "our" (or it could of been just that document). Thus, again makes me question the missing "orginal" DOI and its verbage could b the reason 4 unsuccessful deciphering. True w/o the key in hand we may never know, but beale passion 4 the DOI still makes me think it has 2 the "KEY" or eluding 2 the rite key... i certainly hope the Beale treasure story wasnt merely created 2 get Americans just to read the DOI...