Another Great Move By A Teacher----School apologizes over pro-Nazi essay assignment.

it used to be called "playing the devils advocate" to have to defend something that your personally totally against -- a trail lawyer might hate smoking and its effects (say his mom or dad died of cancer from smoking) but might get a "big tobacco company" defense case assigned to him by the bosses of his legal firm .

The teacher in the article was attempting to get their students to think outside the box and to learn to form arguments by understanding how the "other side" might be thinking. It is a great way to develop critical thinking skills as well as to grow ones mind individually by keeping an open minded approach to other opinions. It is clear that many on this forum could benefit from such an excercise. Unfortunately, the teacher chose this excercise in poor taste, as using the "Hitler example" always leads to problems. Could have been a great excercise if the teacher had chosen a less provacative topic.

The teacher in the article was attempting to get their students to think outside the box and to learn to form arguments by understanding how the "other side" might be thinking. It is a great way to develop critical thinking skills as well as to grow ones mind individually by keeping an open minded approach to other opinions. It is clear that many on this forum could benefit from such an excercise. Unfortunately, the teacher chose this excercise in poor taste, as using the "Hitler example" always leads to problems. Could have been a great excercise if the teacher had chosen a less provacative topic.


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Ben, I'm confused. In another post you accused "us" of Obama and Biden bashing. Yes we were, with reason, but it seemed to upset you that we weren't worshiping them like the liberal community seems to enjoy doing. Now you say "Say whatever you want about politicians, however...".......what is it, can we say what we want or not? We have reason to bash them and we give good, sound examples of their inability to understand common sense. Now you are telling us that you feel it's reprehensible the way we talk about liberals, teachers and education. IMHO the liberals have an agenda and they are fooling the general public into thinking it's for our own good. How can they fool the general public? By using our schools system to turn out fools. Our public school system is a mega failure! Are you going to come up with some stats somewhere that are going to show me how brilliant our students are? All the teachers care about (I know, I know, not ALL teachers) is their unions and the outrageous benefits they receive for turning out the students we have nowadays. Sure, there are some "conservative" politicians that say some dumba$$ things once in a while but, imho, the liberals have a hard time even coming up with anything close to intelligent when it comes to gun rights, gun control, what will work, what won't work, how they work etc. etc. etc. If they can't take ridicule they should get a clue, educate themselves or at least listen to those who know something, then do their job accordingly. That goes for the teachers as well.


So if teachers were using extreme right wing Nationalism or racism as a teaching tool it is okay and just a teaching method, just be sure we don't attack them for doing so or the education system for allowing it.....

There is a difference between teacher teaching someone to think outside the box and indoctrinating them with their politics.

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Ben, I'm confused. In another post you accused "us" of Obama and Biden bashing. Yes we were, with reason, but it seemed to upset you that we weren't worshiping them like the liberal community seems to enjoy doing. Now you say "Say whatever you want about politicians, however...".......what is it, can we say what we want or not? We have reason to bash them and we give good, sound examples of their inability to understand common sense. Now you are telling us that you feel it's reprehensible the way we talk about liberals, teachers and education. IMHO the liberals have an agenda and they are fooling the general public into thinking it's for our own good. How can they fool the general public? By using our schools system to turn out fools. Our public school system is a mega failure! Are you going to come up with some stats somewhere that are going to show me how brilliant our students are? All the teachers care about (I know, I know, not ALL teachers) is their unions and the outrageous benefits they receive for turning out the students we have nowadays. Sure, there are some "conservative" politicians that say some dumba$$ things once in a while but, imho, the liberals have a hard time even coming up with anything close to intelligent when it comes to gun rights, gun control, what will work, what won't work, how they work etc. etc. etc. If they can't take ridicule they should get a clue, educate themselves or at least listen to those who know something, then do their job accordingly. That goes for the teachers as well.

This post is a shining example of exactly what I am talking about.

You guys absolutely bash Obama but this thread is not about that is it?

You are clearly taking my quote out of context - did you learn that from your "news sources"?

Here is what I wrote: "Say whatever you want about politicians, however...
It is reprehensible the way you guys talk about liberals and especially unacceptable the way you talk about teachers and education."

In context, that means that I can handle the Obama bashing but I find the teacher and liberal bashing to be unacceptable and disrespectful.

Ben, you wrote both of these. In a previous thread you wrote, "Is the whole purpose of this thread to bash the president and vice president? How patriotic..." I would read that as you think it is unpatriotic to say anything bad about those two. Am I wrong? Then you wrote in this thread, "Say whatever you want about politicians, however..." Can you see my confusion? If I say whatever I want about politicians you accuse me of being unpatriotic.

Liberals are evil.

Teachers are evil liberals.

Education is a tool of the evil liberal elite to brainwash our children.

Does that sum it all up?

JB, this is you saying they are evil, you have former teacher, students and members with family members who are teachers relating true instances in our posts, only person to use "evil" was you.

It appears you believe teachers can not be bad only us. I respect the teaching profession, but it doesn't mean the position isn't abused....

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Ben, you wrote both of these. In a previous thread you wrote, "Is the whole purpose of this thread to bash the president and vice president? How patriotic..." I would read that as you think it is unpatriotic to say anything bad about those two. Am I wrong? Then you wrote in this thread, "Say whatever you want about politicians, however..." Can you see my confusion? If I say whatever I want about politicians you accuse me of being unpatriotic.

You are coming to your own assumptions, which are so far off base, it is scary. If you feel the need to take what I say out of context, be my guest.

That being said, I'm done attempting to have any sort of rational debate with you. As soon as you go into your conservative "grab bag of tricks" and start taking everything I say out of context, I am done. Period.

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