Another Great Move By A Teacher----School apologizes over pro-Nazi essay assignment.


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Jul 27, 2006
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School apologizes over pro-Nazi essay assignment

It’s safe to say that “thinking like a Nazi” is not the most sound advice when it comes to assignments in high school, or in any academic institution for that matter.

And as such, a high-school in New York has formally apologized for assigning students homework that tasked them with writing a hypothetical essay on how they were sympathetic to Adolf Hitler’s former regime and that “Jews are evil and the source of our problems.”

The Albany Times Union reports that 10th-grade students at Albany High School were given the assignment as part of a critical thinking exercise where they are challenged to make an “abhorrent argument.”

"You must argue that Jews are evil, and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich!" say the assignment instructions for the five-paragraph essay.

Approximately one-third of the students refused to take part in the exercise. The English teacher who assigned the project has not been identified, and the school district has declined to say whether the instructor will face any disciplinary action.

Contrarian thinking is at the root of strong debate skills, but the assignment arguably pushed students out acceptable logical boundaries. And it’s not the only such recent case of questionable homework. In February, another New York school tasked students with formulating a math equation using the whippings given to an African-American slave as the variable.

And in March 2012, a Washington, D.C., teacher was fired after assigning violent math problems to students.

Beyond making the abhorrent argument, students were encouraged to watch and read Nazi party propaganda materials. They were told to imagine their instructor as a Nazi government official who was demanding proof of their loyalty.

"I would apologize to our families," Albany Superintendent Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard told the paper. "I don't believe there was malice or intent to cause any insensitivities to our families of Jewish faith."

Vanden attributed the assignment style to a new Common Core curriculum enacted by the state, which requires more sophisticated writing standards

School apologizes over pro-Nazi essay assignment

WOW.... Another clown that has no business talking to, or interacting with our children during a Teacher supervised, learning environment. I hope that a few people would be looking for a new job after this crap is all said and done.

The real problem here is only one third refused to do it. Then we wonder why the wrong guy won. Not that the other one was a good choice either.

maybe a bit extreme, but I'm not so sure it was a bad thing if it teaches to look at both sides
of everything with an open mind.

if the teacher was simply teaching them the nazis were right and Jews are evil,
it would be a different story. and the teacher should be removed.

but my understanding he or she just wanted them to understand the nazi's mind set.

is that so wrong ?
Psychologists try to do it all the time.

since nothing is just black & white, even Black & White TV has gray areas.
I personally try to do this all the time.
(weigh both sides of all arguments)
except when I know I'm right. ;)

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Impressive Jeff! Was expecting my post to get me slaughtered alone lol.

As Jeff says, it's "extreme". Such things have been used in "debating" circles for a long time, I've even thought myself about asking TH, RJC, Diesel and Chadeaux to argue for a gun ban, against me, Crispin, Stockpicker and A N Other arguing against one! Didn't think they'd play though, lol.
It's a way of really seeing things from both sides instead of just relying on the usual indoctrination forced upon kids (see the 1/3 who instantly refused to see what i mean.).
There's just no point to instantly believe everything you're taught only from one side of the equation, as "bias" always rules.

Plus, later in life they're bound to come across someone like me who drives them nutty with counter points, a "few home truths", real facts, and to them (as they were never taught any better) stupidity! :)

Impressive Jeff! Was expecting my post to get me slaughtered alone lol.

As Jeff says, it's "extreme". Such things have been used in "debating" circles for a long time, I've even thought myself about asking TH, RJC, Diesel and Chadeaux to argue for a gun ban, against me, Crispin, Stockpicker and A N Other arguing against one! Didn't think they'd play though, lol.
It's a way of really seeing things from both sides instead of just relying on the usual indoctrination forced upon kids (see the 1/3 who instantly refused to see what i mean.).
There's just no point to instantly believe everything you're taught only from one side of the equation, as "bias" always rules.

Plus, later in life they're bound to come across someone like me who drives them nutty with counter points, a "few home truths", real facts, and to them (as they were never taught any better) stupidity! :)

Dano debate is alright where it is welcome and productive, & should be taught in the Schools.

I'm the first one to be very hard on Teachers , but this subject was different.

as for the second amendment Issue, this subject is not open for debate here.
this is a watchdog forum to keep members up on whats happening.
Not to debate gun control, So T.H. is very much in his rights to refuse debate
on the gun control issue here.


As Jeff said, there is no debate on the right to keep and bear arms under the 2nd amendment on this forum, it is part of our Bill of Rights....

Might I suggest Oathtakers or USMC forum for a nice heated debate.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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We have the right to remain silent....

And we have for far too long! The libs sure scream like banshees! We didn't and look where we're at now.

We gave them the only voice that is heard. We did that!

More and more it's time for us to speak up before it is too late.

There is NO political party but the American people! Vote!!! Not 8 times like the libs did - oh, that's another serious need! Voter ID laws....

The politburo has screws things up beyond control, the political elite....

What can we do? Getting heard is a beginning. And maybe wiping the slate in the mid-terms will help.

maybe a bit extreme, but I'm not so sure it was a bad thing if it teaches to look at both sides
of everything with an open mind.

if the teacher was simply teaching them the nazis were right and Jews are evil,
it would be a different story. and the teacher should be removed.

but my understanding he or she just wanted them to understand the nazi's mind set.

is that so wrong ?
Psychologists try to do it all the time.

since nothing is just black & white, even Black & White TV has gray areas.
I personally try to do this all the time.
(weigh both sides of all arguments)
except when I know I'm right. ;)
The Common Core Curriculum is full of very strange ideas and instruction that defy US beliefs. It seems to be very close to a statement I heard once that said " he will force you to go out of your comfort zones, He will change our history"

That being said,, this assignment could have really backfired if some of the kids were taught what Propaganda is and learned how to recognize it.

Looks as if the propaganda was was not emphasized that well though.

Yes I'm sure they don't want the whole truth coming out

A very long time ago I was attending a Jr college in S. Calif. I was on the GI bill (an entitlement because it was EARNED) Most of the students in my Civics class were brain dead kids right out of high school and anxious for their brainwashing. The instructor brought in a "speaker" that talked about how our children are raised watching John Wayne killing all of the Japanese and German soldiers and glorifying war and killing. He went on to say he could NEVER kill anyone, no matter what. All of the students fell into his pacifistic nonsense and I was afraid we would soon go outside, collect flowers and dance around a Maypole. The instructor finally had to give in to my raised hand and I began to ask his guest a few questions. I asked, if he was sitting on the front porch and someone was going to enter his house, and kill his entire family, and the only way to stop him was to kill him, could he do it then? His response was, no, he still couldn't bring himself to kill. I then said, I would much rather have my children watch John Wayne fight oppression than have them watch you sit on your porch in a rocking chair doing nothing while your wife and kids are getting slaughtered inside your home. After the students were shown they could actually think outside the small box they were being placed in, many seemed to change sides and go with common sense and forget about singing kumbaya.

The only time to sit in a circle and sing kumbaya is when your trying to score with the girl sitting next to you.......:p

I went back to college when I got out of military, one of the first things I noticed was how liberal the teachers were ...

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I went to college after I worked in the oilfield a few years. Our English lit Professor never came into class, he had a TA that woulkd come in and sit on top of the desk cross legged and preach that pacifist, US is evil nonsense. Then made us watch that "how I learned to love the atomic bomb) crap and dissect it to pieces.

If every kid had to go out and fend for themselves at least 1 year before going to college this country would be a power house! With only a few years separating me from the other freshmen I was embarrassed for their lack of common sense.

The real problem with many teachers today is that they think their opinion matters. Maybe I was just lucky, but when I started teaching high school and later college I remembered what my mentors had said "teach the subject and keep YOUR opinion to YOURSELF". And even though I wanted to vent at times, I knew I was hired to teach the curriculum at the public school level from a state and district adoptedtextbook. At the college level I was free to order whatever text/books I wanted to use in my classes, but I never forgot my training. I would have some lively discussions going between veterans and just out of high school folks and always at all levels, "What do YOU think?" would come up.. My answer was always that it mattered not what I thought, they had the material in front of them and had to decide for themselves. Weigh the evidence, look at the research and decide. It didn't take long for them(and me) to realize that people fought and died to make sure that the country, the constitution and the students right to sleep peacefully, attend college, find and live a good life and enjoy freedom had been purchased at a very high price...

I have a feeling you were a great teacher....:icon_thumright:

The English teacher I had at this same college required we buy the book HE wrote to use for his class. One assignment he gave us was to read a bunch of black militant writings (if you want to call them writings) and then write a 500 word essay on how we felt about their rants. Most students wrote stuff on the order of "I can see where they're coming from" etc. I was surrounded by wool-covered classmates just waiting to be told what to think next.

Liberals are evil.

Teachers are evil liberals.

Education is a tool of the evil liberal elite to brainwash our children.

Does that sum it all up?

Liberals are evil.

Teachers are evil liberals.

Education is a tool of the evil liberal elite to brainwash our children.

Does that sum it all up?

Ben we are not saying all liberals are bad but most liberal politicians are the ones attacking out rights...

I have a brother that is a college professor and as liberal as they come, he believes all education should be free through doctorate which is idiotic and I told him so, I am not paying because someone wants to be a professional student or get a doctorate in liberal arts. We do not see eye to eye on much at all....

His views and ideas on politics are expressed to his students.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Say whatever you want about politicians, however...

It is reprehensible the way you guys talk about liberals and especially unacceptable the way you talk about teachers and education.

it used to be called "playing the devils advocate" to have to defend something that your personally totally against -- a trail lawyer might hate smoking and its effects (say his mom or dad died of cancer from smoking) but might get a "big tobacco company" defense case assigned to him by the bosses of his legal firm .

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