Annoying People On The Beach


Sr. Member
Dec 11, 2006
Western NY
Detector(s) used
Minelab Nox-800
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
The other day, I went up to one of the beaches on Lake Ontario. I don't get there too often, so I wanted to make a day of it. I had been there about an hour when an older man came onto the beach and set up his towel. He watched me for a few minutes and then asked "What do you do with what you find?". I told him that if it's good, I keep it, and if it's junk, I throw it in the trash so it's removed from the beach. He then proceeded to tell me that I have to turn everything in to the city that I find. I asked him why I would do that with loose change and his reply was that if it was lost on city property, then it becomes city property and that I was stealing from the city and the taxpayers. At that point I laughed and walked away, continuing my detecting. He kept at it, repeatedly saying that I was stealing from the city. What a moron.


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In my area it's Tuesday they let the idiots come to the beach, so I try to hunt before they arrive :laughing7:

When I am detecting I am involved with what I am doing. At the beach, I was going along just fine. Finding change, pull tabs and the usual stuff. About 6 kids started following me. The leader of the kids started trying to find what I had targeted. With him pulling on my scoop and trying to look in. As luck would have it, it was a silver ring. By now I have become annoyed with the leader. He looked at me and said Give It To Me. In a nice tone I said "do I look like your daddy? He said no. I said good cause you can't have it. Maybe you should go tell your daddy to buy you one of these so you can find your own ring OK..... He and the rest of the kids left. Halleluajah peace again..

I have not had to deal with anyone at the beach yet messing with me, being 21 i'm sure other teenagers will eventually. Having been a power lifter/boxer i'm fairly intimidating so hopefully these situations don't arise but if they do i would gladly teach someone a lesson in respect and humiliation lol no one likes a bully !

I had some young drunks yell swear words at me in a boat. While using whites surf pro... But like everything else, being Irish, I count to ten, that day I need to count to a hundred...

Think I'll have have a shirt made that says ~Hunting for Poop~ on the front and back..... and carry one of the fake looking poops in my pouch, and when asked any questions...all I'll do is point to the shirt, pull the poop out of the pouch, and real quickly show it and put it back in my pouch and continue on. This is for the day's I really want to be left alone.:laughing9:

Think I'll have have a shirt made that says ~Hunting for Poop~ on the front and back..... and carry one of the fake looking poops in my pouch, and when asked any questions...all I'll do is point to the shirt, pull the poop out of the pouch, and real quickly show it and put it back in my pouch and continue on. This is for the day's I really want to be left alone.:laughing9:

I LOVE IT!! I can just see people faces when they ask, 'what the best thing you ever found" and you pull out the rubber poop :laughing7:

My wife asked me if i ever give anything away to the kids who come up to ask questions. i told her only if their moms are hot and wearing a bikini!!! I don't remember much about what happened next.

Seriously, dealing with kids depends on their age. Many of the teens are at the smartass stage and most of the problems come from boys. My usual comment is "with all these good looking girls on this beach the best thing you have to do is bother an old man with a metal detector?" Depending on their age, and level of smartassness I do this either mildly or full on man to man with graphic terminology. Done with a what the blank is wrong with you attitude, even some of the toughest ones turn beat red. Again, depending on the situation i have added, "what, afraid of girls?" Nothing like impuning manhood to even the playing field.

The younger ones get treated to whatever comes out of the hole as long as it's clad. If it's a keepr piece of bling i pull a quarter out of the finds pouch for them, and with parental consent, give it to them.

Lastly, for anyone standing too close who doesn't understand please stand back i use 'I don't want you to get electrocuted" Some jump back others smile and back away.

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I had this one boy who kept following me. He was right behind me and I almost hit him in the head with my scoop that I had over my shoulder. His Mother kept saying, "What are you looking for?" I tried to ignore the two of them but she kept asking. Well I got so annoyed that I took off my headset and said, "Are you talking to me?" She said again, "What are you looking for?" I said, "I am looking for bombs." Well she got up and grabbed her son and they left me alone. It was so funny, I still laugh about it. As a matter of fact I am laughing right now thinking about it:)

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