- #21
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Babylon 32 deg 32'
Friends, I got off subject. Sorry about that. I started out looking for ancient Middle East influence in the Americas and moved to the conversos. I plan on doing a thread on the conversos some day because it's a very interesting subject.
Springfield made me aware of a place in New Mexico by Los Lunas where a stone was found with ancient Hebrew inscriptions. I decided to play around with the latitude like I did in one of my earlier posts.
Mystery stone at Los Lunas 34 deg 47'
Spiro Mounds, Oklahoma 35 deg 18'
Straits of Gibralter 35 deg 48'
Knossos, Crete 35 deg 17'
Tripoli, Lebonon 34 deg 27'
Ancient Hebrews in America - The Los Lunas Inscription
Spiro Mounds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Knossos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here's an excerpt about Tripoli.
In ancient times, it was the center of a Phoenician confederation which included Tyre, Sidon and Arados, hence the name Tripoli, meaning "triple city" in Greek. Later, it was controlled successively by the Assyrian Empire, Persian Empire, Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Caliphate, the Seljuk Empire, Crusader States, the Mamluks, the Ottoman Empire and France. The Crusaders established the County of Tripoli there in the twelfth century.
Here's the link.
Tripoli, Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here's where I let my imagination take off. If you were a trader from the ancient Middle East and you were looking for trading opportunities in this huge continent far from your home, would it be easy to follow rivers into the interior of this continent and set up outposts or trading centers at latitudes along that river that matched latitudes of places you were familiar with?
Any thought, pro or con?
Not sure if it would be easy,but with sound trade policies surely possible. I do not have sources to quote but have read of things found far from there origins. Parrot feathers,gator teeth,a monkey skeleton. A trade network always followed areas being peopled,right?. Sails brought fishermen to east coast long before st.
Lawrence run by Cartier. Spanish visited Florida,Vikings visited,its trying to confirm who else and when. With the volume of copper removed from superior country and being seasonal in harvest and good sailing weather, trade would speed acquisition. Would be interesting for ancient copper in other countries to be studied for source of origin.