Ankhs For Your Help

Friends, I got off subject. Sorry about that. I started out looking for ancient Middle East influence in the Americas and moved to the conversos. I plan on doing a thread on the conversos some day because it's a very interesting subject.

Springfield made me aware of a place in New Mexico by Los Lunas where a stone was found with ancient Hebrew inscriptions. I decided to play around with the latitude like I did in one of my earlier posts.

Mystery stone at Los Lunas 34 deg 47'
Spiro Mounds, Oklahoma 35 deg 18'
Straits of Gibralter 35 deg 48'
Knossos, Crete 35 deg 17'
Tripoli, Lebonon 34 deg 27'

Ancient Hebrews in America - The Los Lunas Inscription

Spiro Mounds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Knossos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's an excerpt about Tripoli.

In ancient times, it was the center of a Phoenician confederation which included Tyre, Sidon and Arados, hence the name Tripoli, meaning "triple city" in Greek. Later, it was controlled successively by the Assyrian Empire, Persian Empire, Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Caliphate, the Seljuk Empire, Crusader States, the Mamluks, the Ottoman Empire and France. The Crusaders established the County of Tripoli there in the twelfth century.

Here's the link.

Tripoli, Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's where I let my imagination take off. If you were a trader from the ancient Middle East and you were looking for trading opportunities in this huge continent far from your home, would it be easy to follow rivers into the interior of this continent and set up outposts or trading centers at latitudes along that river that matched latitudes of places you were familiar with?

Any thought, pro or con?

Not sure if it would be easy,but with sound trade policies surely possible. I do not have sources to quote but have read of things found far from there origins. Parrot feathers,gator teeth,a monkey skeleton. A trade network always followed areas being peopled,right?. Sails brought fishermen to east coast long before st.
Lawrence run by Cartier. Spanish visited Florida,Vikings visited,its trying to confirm who else and when. With the volume of copper removed from superior country and being seasonal in harvest and good sailing weather, trade would speed acquisition. Would be interesting for ancient copper in other countries to be studied for source of origin.

Not sure if it would be easy,but with sound trade policies surely possible. I do not have sources to quote but have read of things found far from there origins. Parrot feathers,gator teeth,a monkey skeleton. A trade network always followed areas being peopled,right?. Sails brought fishermen to east coast long before st.
Lawrence run by Cartier. Spanish visited Florida,Vikings visited,its trying to confirm who else and when. With the volume of copper removed from superior country and being seasonal in harvest and good sailing weather, trade would speed acquisition. Would be interesting for ancient copper in other countries to be studied for source of origin.

I know what you mean Releventchair. There seems to be a lack of artifacts that can be traced on both sides of the Atlantic. If all the copper coming from the Lake Superior region was being used to make bronze, you would think the traders coming back would be bringing bronze tools or weapons to be traded. There seem to be a lot of ancient Old World inscriptions carved at many places around the country but it would be nice to see some artifacts. Maybe some things have been recovered but pictures haven't been made public. There are some ancient cultures here in the United States that made huge advances in building techniques, art and trade starting in the late Broze Age, the Adena (1000-200 B.C.), Hopewell (200 B.C.-500 A.D.) and later the Mississippian (800 A.D.-1500 A.D.).
The Bronze Age in Europe 3200 B.C.-600 B.C.
Middle East 2300-1200 B.C., some places earlier, 3600 B.C.
Britain 2100-700 B.C.
Ireland 2000-500 B.C.
Atlantic 1300-700 B.C.
China 3000-700 B.C.
Korea 800-300 B.C.
North Africa did not develope metallurgy until the Phoenician colonization about 1100 B.C.

Here's a link. Bronze Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh boy,as usual lots to digest,research. Worked native copper shows up around. Rumors of mines playing out bringing others here from other countries with similar tools ,techniques.

Dare i ask Frankn what Templars interest were,beyond rumor of a place to cache? 1300,s farther than i,ve seen any documentation.

Franklin, seeing as how you brought up the Knights Templar, here are a few links about the ancestors of Coronado's wife. The first one is about her father.

Alonso de Estrada You will see mention of how the Templars protected the Jews on her mother's side of the family. This next link explains the name de la Cavalleria.


It seems like the Templars were pretty tolerant toward the Jews who worked for them.

The Knights Templar provided bodyguard services as well as investment activities. Perhaps they were traveling here as guards for explorers AND investors for the same groups trade activities.

[QUOTEThe Knights Templar provided bodyguard services as well as investment activities. Perhaps they were traveling here as guards for explorers AND investors for the same groups trade activities.][/QUOTE]

Throughout most of there history the Jews have made a lot of people rich as long as they were offered some stability in return. The Jews had knowledge of trade and finance and foreign countries accumulated over centuries. They had an intelligence gathering network far advanced from anybody else. They were advisors to kings and could speak many languages. If the Templars were in America, it's probably because somebody else guided them here and it was probably the Jews. There were many monarchs who sought out the Jews when their countries were broke and they needed help to build up their economies. The Templars and the Knights of the Order of Calatrava protected them and became wealthy. And from what I've seen so far, the Jesuits protected them also. The Jews were the best at creating wealth. If you want to find out who moved the money around over the centuries, study the Jews.

You should also read the book, The Richest Man in Babylon. KvM used to advise everyone to read that book to learn how to manage their money and make it grow. :coffee2:

Been alot of years since reading it. It or one like it told of interest making interest ,get three generations of it going and investor doing well.

Here's something you folks might want to research with me. There's an old mound site in Baton Rouge, La. called Monte Sano. I can't find much about it except that there seems to be some debate about the age of the site, 4500 B.C.-3000 B.C. This is supposed to be one of the oldest excavated mounds in the United States. One article I've read says the site was just north of the capitol building in Baton Rouge. If so, that would make it's latitude about 30 deg 27'. I tracked east to see if it lined up with anything and I ended close to the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt at 29 deg 58'. The age given for the Great Pyramid is 2560 B.C. I went further east and found the spot where the Tigres and the Euphrates Rivers enter the Persian Gulf at about 29 deg 54'. I wonder if some of the ancient were set up on the same latitudes of important geographic regions. Anyway, if any of you can find anymore info about the Monte Sano site, I would appreciate it if you would post it here.

The area where the Tigress and Euphrates Rivers join the Persian Gulf was the center of the Sumerian culture. They are considered the oldest of the civilizations. Everyone else refers back to THEM as the source of their scientific / mathematical knowledge, and they are also directly connect with the Annunacki (sp). Sitchin goes into great details on that area and culture.

Here's another latitude connection that goes along with the Los Lunas mystery stone, the Bat Creek Stone.

Bat Creek inscription - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I couldn't find an exact location of the mound but I think I'm real close at 35 deg 38'.

Los Lunas mystery stone 34 deg 47'
Spiro Mounds 35 deg 18'
Bat Creek 35 deg 38'
Straits of Gibralter 35 deg 48'
Knossos, Crete 35 deg 17'
Tripoli, Lebanon 34 deg 27'

Here's another latitude link, the Metcalf Stone. Here's an excerpt,

More and more, scholars are coming to admit that peoples from the Middle East reached
the New World long before Columbus or the Vikings. One stone, found at Fort Benning,
Georgia, has unusual markings all over it. It is called the “Metcalf stone” in honor of its
discoverer. In 1968 Manfred Metcalf was looking for slabs to build a barbeque pit. Several
strange-looking, flat rocks caught his eye; he picked up a large flat piece of sandstone about nine
inches long, brushed it off, and noticed odd markings on it.
I saw the stone myself, and took photographs of it. Professor Stanislav Segert, professor
of Semitic languages at the University of Prague, has identified the markings on the stone as a
script of the second millennium before Christ, from the Minoan civilization on the island of
The inscription on the stone, Dr. Cyrus Gordon asserts, is in the writing style of Canaan,
the promised land of the Hebrews. Concludes Gordon, whom I interviewed at his old, New
England style home in the suburbs of Boston: “There is no doubt that these findings, and others,
reflect Bronze Age transatlantic communication between the Mediterranean and the New World
around the middle of the second millennium B.C.
” He said such discoveries prove beyond doubt
ancient Jews came to the Americas long before Columbus!
Metcalf gave the stone to Dr. Joseph B. Mahan, Jr., Director of Education and Research
at the nearby Columbus Museum of Arts and Crafts at Columbus, Georgia. Mahan sent a copy of
the stone to Cyrus Gordon. Gordon reported:
“After studying the inscription, it was apparent to me that the affinities of the script were
with the Aegean syllabary, whose two best known forms are Minoan Linear A, and Mycenaean
Linear B. The double-axe in the lower left corner is of course reminiscent of Minoan civilization.
The single verticle lines remind us of the vertical lines standing each for the numeral ‘1’ in the
Aegean syllabary; while the little circles stand for ‘100.’”
Concluded Gordon: “We therefore have American inscriptional contacts with the Aegean
of the Bronze Age, near the south, west and north shores of the Gulf of Mexico. This can hardly
be accidental; ancient Aegean writing near three different sectors of the
Gulf reflects Bronze Age
translatlantic communication

Earlier, Springfield gave us the coordinates of a stone with 2 ankhs on it near Silver City in New Mexico, 32 deg 53', and Victorio Peak, 32 deg 55'.

Silver City 32 deg 53'
Victorio Peak 32 deg 55'
Poverty Point 32 deg 38'
Watson Break 32 deg 22'
Metcalf Stone 32 deg 21'
Mt. Carmel, Israel 32 deg 44'
Babylon 32 deg 32'

I don't know why the print changed, this site has a mind of it's own.


At least its still english!.l.o.l.

I tried to find some similarities between Poverty Point at 32 deg 38' and Mount Carmel at 32 deg 44'. I chose Poverty Point because it developed during the Bronze Age and at a time when the Phoenicians were a trading power. Mount Carmel was an ancient "high place". But high places could also be constructed mounds.

The "High Place" in Biblical Archeology

[h=2]Asherah [EBD][/h]and pl. Asherim in Revised Version, instead of "grove" and "groves" of the Authorized Version. This was the name of a sensual Canaanitish goddess Astarte, the feminine of the Assyrian Ishtar. Its symbol was the stem of a tree deprived of its boughs, and rudely shaped into an image, and planted in the ground. Such religious symbols ("groves") are frequently alluded to in Scripture (Ex. 34:13; Judg. 6:25; 2 Kings 23:6; 1 Kings 16:33, etc.). These images were also sometimes made of silver or of carved stone (2 Kings 21:7; "the graven image of Asherah,"

You might want to remember the description of the "Asherah".Its symbol was the stem of a tree deprived of its boughs, and rudely shaped into an image, and planted in the ground.

Here are some excerpts from a link about Poverty Point.

When the Poverty Point site flourished, trade flourished; when the Poverty Point site was abandoned, trade ceased, and so did the flow of information that accompanied trade. If the Poverty Point site had not existed, there would be little reason to set off Poverty Point culture from the general culture that existed at the time.

Excavations have not determined how the mounds were used. Domed mounds look like those used as tombs by later cultures, but, with one exception, no burials have been found in them. James Ford and Stuart Neitzel did find a burned fragment of a human thighbone in a bed of ashes beneath the large domed mound at the Poverty Point site, but no bones were found in the mound itself.

The geometric layout suggested that the earthworks had been built according to a master plan in a massive all-out building program. Their size, coupled with millions of artifacts scattered on and in them, gave an impression that Poverty Point was home for a large population and a magnet for visitors.

On the western side of the plaza at the Poverty Point site, archaeologist William Haag excavated some unusually large and deep pits. If these held posts, they had to be the size of grown trees! Too big to have been used for ordinary residences or even ceremonial buildings, these huge posts are imagined to be calendar markers for important days like equinoxes and solstices, an American Stonehenge made of wood.

Here's the link. If this interests you read the link. It's only 5 pages. The geometric pattern of the site reminds me of an ancient labyrinth.

Louisiana Archaeology Poverty Point Anthropological Study Series

Maybe the large hole described at Poverty Point, big enough to hold a tree, held an Asherah monument. Also for you guys who search for monuments in the field, an Asherah could also be a large upright stone column on a hill. If you see something like this that seems out of place, check the site for other signs of a high place. This would be a monument of Middle Eastern influence.

There goes the print again.


Just a thought about things in my mind is that the Rune Stones along the Arkansas River ( and other places also ) were carved by the Vikings or were they just using a different language to keep you off trail. Just thinking outside the box I guess, so I think that the Jesuit Priest had LONG arms and gave birth to MANY other possible theories

Dsty, there's a place right next to your county where they found the Shawnee Runestone. The latitude is 35 deg 19'. It lines up with these places.

Mystery Stone of Los Lunas- 34 deg 47'
Shawnee Runestone- 35 deg 19'
Spiro Mounds- 35 deg 18'
Bat Creek Stone- 35 deg 38'
Strait of Gibralter- 35 deg 48'
Knossos, Crete- 35 deg 17'
Ramitha, Syria- 35 deg 31'

Ramitha was a Phoenician trade port.

Unless this is all a big coincidence, it seems like artifacts were set up along the same latitudes as trade centers.

This is off subject again, but for you folks who like the Knights Templar in America story, here are some latitudes you can check out.

Kensington Stone, I couldn't find the exact latitude but you might want to research this better- 45 deg 49'
Guysborough Harbor, where Henry St. Clair is supposed to have landed- 45 deg 24'
Oak Island- 44 deg 30'
Newport Tower- 41 deg 48'
Vatican City, Rome- 41 deg 54'

Do your own research to check these latitudes out.

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