And Yet Another "Profound" Solve!

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Gold Member
Jun 4, 2010
Wherever there be treasure!
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Older blue Excal with full mods, Equinox 800.
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All Treasure Hunting
As I have stated prior, each year I have several Beale theories come across my desk, some of these coming from various locations throughout the world. Well today I just got another that the author is going to allow me to share with you. But first a few words regarding this new theory and it's relation to the narration in the Beale Pamphlet.

According to the tale it was in 1822 that Thomas Beale gifted Morriss with the iron, the contents inside supposedly leading to a hidden fabulous treasure that was, in turn, to be gifted to the parties hidden within the codes of cipher #3.

Throughout the narration we are also told of circumstances of unique character and generosities, such as the personalities and history of Sarah Morriss and her Husband, Robert. This also including the mention of Ward and the fact that he allowed a close friend to stay in his home until death.

Eventually the iron box is likewise gifted forward to someone else, an individual who lays claim of wishing to remain anonymous while at the same time gifting his secret to the general public. This is the foundation behind the new theory that I am about to expose you to and I have little doubt that you will fully understand why this new author has decided to let me post his summation today.

Regardless what you may think of this new theory one cannot deny the rare amount of genuine thoughtfulness and caring that eventually resulted in this summation, nor can one deny the strange but very real circumstance that eventually inspired this new author's labor's regarding the Beale mystery.

As it was explained to me, it wasn't until he happened upon a very curious item bearing the date 1822 that the light turned on in his head and his path to remedy was quickly realized, if only for a short duration. While I cannot determine his theory to be accurate I also cannot deny his reasons and intentions for pursing such a solve. As strange as it might seem there is certainly a curious connection. Here is the item he discovered with the curious date at the bottom and the following link will provide the necessary explanation. In closing he wanted me to make sure that I did not forget to offer you his most sincere Holiday blessings. (click on image to enlarge.)

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ANOTHER "fraud", eh...? Like Freemason's "HOLE SAFE" or "SAFE HOLE"...? How was the X-Mas party at the TIKI-Bar, this year..? Sell out the BEE ALE...? 59 bottles of Bee Ale (Beale) on the wall... 59 bottles of Bee Ale; Rev. Billy C. Wirtz "rock the joint"...? HA! Heard about the "Alien Goats", one with a flashing RED nose... even Santa had a RED nose... or was THAT WC Field in Santa's outfit...? Hmmm... "Start EVERY DAY with a smile, and get it over with"... (Santa WC).

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