Its really been revealing to watch you guys struggle with this. Its amazing. Not unlike the progressive stages of grief recovery.
One thing that is crystal clear is the anger under the surface. That’s very telling. Next up on the list is protectionism. Duck, cover, protect, ignore, belittle, and deny. It’s rampant for any number of reasons. Really interesting to see the alliances form. Any port in a storm, right? Makes for strange bed fellows.
Why is there a need to find a villain? Be that villain Travis, Miller, Mitchell; or your favorite; Ryan and myself.
Does placing blame somehow make you more comfortable in your beliefs? Does that get you one step closer to finding your version of “the treasure”? No, I think not. It’s a personal thing of one-upmanship and manifest itself depending on your individual perspective and wants and desires.
We have some folks that are interested in seeing the evidence, new evidence that stands on its own. Those are the smart folks. They have the ability to accept what is shared and use it to their benefit. Some may use that evidence and come to our same or similar conclusions or; form their own which may be quite different than ours. That’s what true discovery is all about. You are the wise ones.
Then there are the others………..
We have a known deceptionist that has no problem desecrating a burial site, adding the name “Tumlinson” to a grave marker and filming it for your viewing pleasure. But; you pass right by that because, I guess, he’s on the “right” team. Hit “like” he’s believable. Good grief. What levels will you stoop to in remaining blind?
We have a poor soul that’s so hungry for notoriety that he’s all over the map on this story. Even he can’t keep his position straight and continues to play both sides of the issue both publicly on the forum, and in private emails to the folks he betrays. It’s a sad thing to see his desperate attempts to remain relevant. Just as an aside, there are no, and never have been, any “investors” in the TV series. Anyone who tells you they invested in the TV series is less than truthful. But; hit “like” and maybe, just maybe, you can stay on the right team. How’s that working out for you

Black helicopters, men in black, with black SUVs. But; never fear. Just stay out and the Legend Team is on it. They will tell you what you can believe. Right!
You have an individual so set in his convictions he will ignore the obvious and cling on to the imaginary. The same person that offered to sell his solve of the stone maps for 5 figures. Yeap, we still have the email offer on that. Yet that person hasn’t bothered to go find and mark their “end of the trail”. Never set foot in Arizona or sent anyone to verify his solve. Go figure.
We have a known impostor who has spent years investigating the legends with his own profit motive. A person that has used deception, trickery, and denial at every turn. Has been shown for who he is and how he’s using you. But; that’s okay. He’s on the right team. Don’t dare ask him to provide his source for his claims, scant as they may be. That just won’t be kosher, now would it? Don’t rile him, he’s big and strong. Really?
Those are your sources of comfort in dealing with some uncomfortable facts. Go ahead, hit “like” and feel better about those uncomfortable facts. Doesn’t make them go away.
I told you all that I could along the way. And; I told you there would come a time when I could and would share the evidence with you. You called me all manner of names, from naive to liar and everything in between. I told you this story was larger and much different than the one Clarence Mitchell told you. He told you (maybe) what he thought was truth, but it fell short. I told you the real truth would change the story you have clung to for years. Told you Travis had prototypes to work from and what you saw in the museum was not authentic as portrayed. Told you it was a small piece of a much larger story. That high level members of the SoJ and the Vatican were allied in the discovery and had their portion of the story to tell. That the family had never before seen evidence that would set the story on end. Even the kindest among you told me I was delusional, at best. Well; who was telling you the straight story and who was delusional? Who is it that wants to remain delusional today
I started this thread to tell you my role was done and best wishes in your pursuits. This is the crap show you have turned it into with vile commentary replete with naked men and scantily clad women.
Regardless of how entertaining that may be for some, it does nothing to disturb the evidence provided. But it does shine a bright light on many of you. You can poke holes in the theory but the evidence stands. Deal with it. And; with that I won’t let the door hit me in the ____ on the way out. Have a nice day!