And........Its done. Mission complete

I got to say something here about the Ryan bashing that's been bugging me........
1st off Ryan was not a treasure hunter, prospector, miner etc. that I know of, but he still jumped in with both feet into the psm's & the supers
hoping to do something he wants to do, TV documentary's & movies. In researching he has met the TT family relatives, gone to Texas!
And made videos of everything!!! WOW what an accomplishment!!! And he put these videos up for everyone to see!

Now if there is something, a picture, a video, an idea or evidence Ryan posted that helped you determine anything about the psm's
(& there's a bunch of info Ryan provided & even the family provided) weather positive or negative, then Ryan should be merited not bashed
for lack of proof etc. Ryan didn't get his documentary, so he lost out.
For me, SEEING the carved stone plaque or wall (whatever you call it?) that matched the writing on the psm's did it for me hands down!!!
It allows researchers to go a different path instead of wasting another 50 years.
I'll repeat this:
"If Ryan didn't do the research he did (positive or negative)"
NOBODY WOULD HAVE LEARNED ANYTHING ABOUT THE PSM's or TT" other than the 60 years of guessing.

I just thought i'd put my 2 cents in the kitty,
I know it's fun to bash, now you can bash me!!



I don't think one person ever bashed his work per-say.
But when a grown man acts like a child, I don't think you need to defend that.
People paint the picture of the person. As I paint yours or You of me and so forth.
And your picture of Ryan's work.

Ryan's a Con Job hands down, I know that to be true, That's my painted picture



I don't think one person ever bashed his work per-say.
But when a grown man acts like a child, I don't think you need to defend that.
People paint the picture of the person. As I paint yours or You of me and so forth.
And your picture of Ryan's work.

Ryan's a Con Job hands down, I know that to be true, That's my painted picture


I really don't know Ryan, I met him at my 1st rendezvous for about 10 minutes. I have no personal feelings good or bad of him.
I'm grateful of the info he has shown, which he didn't have to. I'm sure people have gotten hurt money or otherwise when having
to do with investing or having to do with production or on a personal level.
I have deleted my post as I realize it's not worth the headache.

Given Travis' employment at a major mine (Magma ?), I'm surprised no one has suggested a high grading "racket" as a possible source of the 26,000 something that was listed in his accounts. Being topside, and tending the mules used at the mine, he would have been in a good position to control and benefit from such a scheme. It has already been said that he made a number of trips to Mexico during the time he was accumulating his cash, cars etc. , with the implication that he was selling (fencing) stuff down there.
“HIGH GRADING AT TONOPAH.” The arrest of four men for high grading took place at Tonopah last Friday morning as the men were coming off shift at the McNamara mine. The men arrested are William Turner, vice president of the Tonopah miners' union; Tom Conifrey, Tom Cunningham and Patrick Flanigan. They were caught with the rich ore concealed upon their persons, and it is said that nearly a wagonload of ore was recovered from the residences of the high graders. These men have been suspected for a long time, and Friday morning the entire shift was held up and searched. All were lodged in the county jail, and two of them have since given bail. It is announced that they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Rhyolite Herald, October 28, 1908 "

Ha ha. The very first shift I worked as an underground miner in CO in 1974, the whole crew high-graded a picture rock stringer exposed by the previous shift. The stuff looked just like that "matchbox ore." I guess we worked 2-3 hours on it, with the shift foreman leading the charge with a portable drill. I got about 1/4 of a peanut butter jar full of little pieces. I asked my new job partner Vince about it and he said, "The company looks the other way because they know half the experienced stope miners would quit if they cracked down. Good miners are hard to find."

Vince's dad was one of the stopers. I once saw half a dozen wooden dynamite boxes full of really good gold ore in his garage in Montrose. These guys sold the stuff to Red Chinese agents who made the rounds about once a year, paying cash. Even though I only witnessed the one occasion described above, it looked to me like high-grading was a well-established practice in those days.

One of Vince's dad's buddies wouldn't keep the stuff on his property, so he'd hide it "in the rocks close to the highway" somewhere between Montrose and Ouray. That's all he ever said about it. The guy died unexpectedly and his pals looked all one summer for his cache but never found it - maybe a couple hundred pounds of high-grade, probably still sitting there. It's a "lost treasure" story that's very likely true.

Ha ha. The very first shift I worked as an underground miner in CO in 1974, the whole crew high-graded a picture rock stringer exposed by the previous shift. The stuff looked just like that "matchbox ore." I guess we worked 2-3 hours on it, with the shift foreman leading the charge with a portable drill. I got about 1/4 of a peanut butter jar full of little pieces. I asked my new job partner Vince about it and he said, "The company looks the other way because they know half the experienced stope miners would quit if they cracked down. Good miners are hard to find."

Vince's dad was one of the stopers. I once saw half a dozen wooden dynamite boxes full of really good gold ore in his garage in Montrose. These guys sold the stuff to Red Chinese agents who made the rounds about once a year, paying cash. Even though I only witnessed the one occasion described above, it looked to me like high-grading was a well-established practice in those days.

One of Vince's dad's buddies wouldn't keep the stuff on his property, so he'd hide it "in the rocks close to the highway" somewhere between Montrose and Ouray. That's all he ever said about it. The guy died unexpectedly and his pals looked all one summer for his cache but never found it - maybe a couple hundred pounds of high-grade, probably still sitting there. It's a "lost treasure" story that's very likely true.

lol..if it weren't for high grading we wouldn't have any turquoise..gem silica..azurite..etc

lol..if it weren't for high grading we wouldn't have any turquoise..gem silica..azurite..etc

And all sorts of other stuff. Guys would take out optical quality quartz crystal clusters, peacock copper, big hematite and pyrite crystals, even nice pieces of the main sulfide veins, etc. - straight down to Benji's Rock Shop in Ouray where Benji would pay decent for them and turn around and peddle the stuff to tourists and collectors.

It has already been said that he made a number of trips to Mexico during the time he was accumulating his cash, cars etc.

Hence the other GPS location off the HP stone I found a few years back! Close to a Mexican mission and gold mine down south of Douglas. I'll see if I still have my notes on that location and post the coordinates for all to see.

I found my work sheet! Somewhere I have the L&L that was generated by the bible gematria. I have that location stashed in my archives. I'm probably helping RG find the next treasure in the series if so all I ask is credit for being ahead of TT's game here. Travis was pretty good with mathematics. He hid a series of Longitude and Latitudes in the front and rear of the HP stone. Probably did so in the trail / heart stone too. The first one was easy. These next ones, well, just take a look at the system he used!


L-4-12 1-A L-D H-E
U-3-21 8-H U-C A-A-10
G-2-7 24-X G-B
A-1-1 23-W A-A
R-3-18 16-P R-C
E-8-5 9-I E-H
S-5-19 S-E


Bill, This is the area I was probing last year.
I noticed some areas are softer than other areas, leads me to believe someone else has been there before?

View attachment 1618274

I'm afraid it is was another Treasure Hunter! Indiana Bone's comes to mind...always digging a new hoe somewhere...he found his lost ark hiding in her temple of doom but she had a crystal skull so he made it his last crusade! He acquired an STD "Super Treasure Desire" but got over it quickly.

I finally heard back from the second of the two GPR technicians late yesterday.
Neither gentleman had very much to say about what they could see in the video, and nothing particularly negative. That the operator is evidently experienced with the use of the equipment and how to scan the x and y directions of a small area like that in the vid. However, without seeing the results of the scan, it's not possible to make any judgement as to the actual size, shape, and composition of the object in question. Both made remarks as to the rough surface and the brevity of the scan being factors in the results obtained. They also commented on the "report" that was posted, but I will keep that confidential for now.

I finally heard back from the second of the two GPR technicians late yesterday.Neither gentleman had very much to say about what they could see in the video, and nothing particularly negative. That the operator is evidently experienced with the use of the equipment and how to scan the x and y directions of a small area like that in the vid. However, without seeing the results of the scan, it's not possible to make any judgement as to the actual size, shape, and composition of the object in question. Both made remarks as to the rough surface and the brevity of the scan being factors in the results obtained. They also commented on the "report" that was posted, but I will keep that confidential for now.
The rough surface has a great impact in the scans integrity. The unit I rented had a flat large heavy antenna that you simply dragged over the spot. I had to "prep" the surface with a rake and weed eater removing all small and large rocks. I practiced for a few days on my septic tank and other known targets. The GPR was only good until you reached the depth of the clay layer. Lots of false targets because of the rough surface and clay. IMHO

The rough surface has a great impact in the scans integrity. The unit I rented had a flat large heavy antenna that you simply dragged over the spot. I had to "prep" the surface with a rake and weed eater removing all small and large rocks. I practiced for a few days on my septic tank and other known targets. The GPR was only good until you reached the depth of the clay layer. Lots of false targets because of the rough surface and clay. IMHO

Why choose a G.P.R. instead of a two box on the 47 site?
Bugs me more than the possible scan results.

"Beep- wonk". Dig. Question answered.

The same guy Sarge put in the way of a tunnel ,smelled gold; and went boy howdy "John Henry" on the ceiling faster than non lethal force could have stopped him walks away from an unguarded big hit where a suspected great value may exist?

Maybe he evolved into a scarred up law shy wizened desert rat in a short amount of time and felt nervous about eyes about somewhere at the moment.
Still . Leave it sit after bringing some one to it and indicating good reason to dig?
Something more than what may have been , is missing.

Last edited:
I finally heard back from the second of the two GPR technicians late yesterday.
Neither gentleman had very much to say about what they could see in the video, and nothing particularly negative. That the operator is evidently experienced with the use of the equipment and how to scan the x and y directions of a small area like that in the vid. However, without seeing the results of the scan, it's not possible to make any judgement as to the actual size, shape, and composition of the object in question. Both made remarks as to the rough surface and the brevity of the scan being factors in the results obtained. They also commented on the "report" that was posted, but I will keep that confidential for now.

RG found nothing, The best treasure he found was Travis's stuff. Which is Awesome!
A Garret ground Hog with the deep seeker coil would have been a better choice for RG and Riley's septic Tank.
There is no coded lat/log in the Stone Maps.


Tired of agonizing over the old and new PSM lore? Want some recently discovered old stone carvings to contemplate? Try this video on for size. After seeing this, my first thought was: if Serna's theories are correct, are these carvings in any way connected to today's southwestern treasure legends? Think "Horse of God."


Its really been revealing to watch you guys struggle with this. Its amazing. Not unlike the progressive stages of grief recovery.

One thing that is crystal clear is the anger under the surface. That’s very telling. Next up on the list is protectionism. Duck, cover, protect, ignore, belittle, and deny. It’s rampant for any number of reasons. Really interesting to see the alliances form. Any port in a storm, right? Makes for strange bed fellows.

Why is there a need to find a villain? Be that villain Travis, Miller, Mitchell; or your favorite; Ryan and myself.

Does placing blame somehow make you more comfortable in your beliefs? Does that get you one step closer to finding your version of “the treasure”? No, I think not. It’s a personal thing of one-upmanship and manifest itself depending on your individual perspective and wants and desires.

We have some folks that are interested in seeing the evidence, new evidence that stands on its own. Those are the smart folks. They have the ability to accept what is shared and use it to their benefit. Some may use that evidence and come to our same or similar conclusions or; form their own which may be quite different than ours. That’s what true discovery is all about. You are the wise ones.

Then there are the others………..

We have a known deceptionist that has no problem desecrating a burial site, adding the name “Tumlinson” to a grave marker and filming it for your viewing pleasure. But; you pass right by that because, I guess, he’s on the “right” team. Hit “like” he’s believable. Good grief. What levels will you stoop to in remaining blind?

We have a poor soul that’s so hungry for notoriety that he’s all over the map on this story. Even he can’t keep his position straight and continues to play both sides of the issue both publicly on the forum, and in private emails to the folks he betrays. It’s a sad thing to see his desperate attempts to remain relevant. Just as an aside, there are no, and never have been, any “investors” in the TV series. Anyone who tells you they invested in the TV series is less than truthful. But; hit “like” and maybe, just maybe, you can stay on the right team. How’s that working out for you??? Black helicopters, men in black, with black SUVs. But; never fear. Just stay out and the Legend Team is on it. They will tell you what you can believe. Right!

You have an individual so set in his convictions he will ignore the obvious and cling on to the imaginary. The same person that offered to sell his solve of the stone maps for 5 figures. Yeap, we still have the email offer on that. Yet that person hasn’t bothered to go find and mark their “end of the trail”. Never set foot in Arizona or sent anyone to verify his solve. Go figure.

We have a known impostor who has spent years investigating the legends with his own profit motive. A person that has used deception, trickery, and denial at every turn. Has been shown for who he is and how he’s using you. But; that’s okay. He’s on the right team. Don’t dare ask him to provide his source for his claims, scant as they may be. That just won’t be kosher, now would it? Don’t rile him, he’s big and strong. Really?

Those are your sources of comfort in dealing with some uncomfortable facts. Go ahead, hit “like” and feel better about those uncomfortable facts. Doesn’t make them go away.

I told you all that I could along the way. And; I told you there would come a time when I could and would share the evidence with you. You called me all manner of names, from naive to liar and everything in between. I told you this story was larger and much different than the one Clarence Mitchell told you. He told you (maybe) what he thought was truth, but it fell short. I told you the real truth would change the story you have clung to for years. Told you Travis had prototypes to work from and what you saw in the museum was not authentic as portrayed. Told you it was a small piece of a much larger story. That high level members of the SoJ and the Vatican were allied in the discovery and had their portion of the story to tell. That the family had never before seen evidence that would set the story on end. Even the kindest among you told me I was delusional, at best. Well; who was telling you the straight story and who was delusional? Who is it that wants to remain delusional today???

I started this thread to tell you my role was done and best wishes in your pursuits. This is the crap show you have turned it into with vile commentary replete with naked men and scantily clad women.

Regardless of how entertaining that may be for some, it does nothing to disturb the evidence provided. But it does shine a bright light on many of you. You can poke holes in the theory but the evidence stands. Deal with it. And; with that I won’t let the door hit me in the ____ on the way out. Have a nice day!

Its really been revealing to watch you guys struggle with this. Its amazing. Not unlike the progressive stages of grief recovery.

One thing that is crystal clear is the anger under the surface. That’s very telling. Next up on the list is protectionism. Duck, cover, protect, ignore, belittle, and deny. It’s rampant for any number of reasons. Really interesting to see the alliances form. Any port in a storm, right? Makes for strange bed fellows.

Why is there a need to find a villain? Be that villain Travis, Miller, Mitchell; or your favorite; Ryan and myself.

Does placing blame somehow make you more comfortable in your beliefs? Does that get you one step closer to finding your version of “the treasure”? No, I think not. It’s a personal thing of one-upmanship and manifest itself depending on your individual perspective and wants and desires.

We have some folks that are interested in seeing the evidence, new evidence that stands on its own. Those are the smart folks. They have the ability to accept what is shared and use it to their benefit. Some may use that evidence and come to our same or similar conclusions or; form their own which may be quite different than ours. That’s what true discovery is all about. You are the wise ones.

Then there are the others………..

We have a known deceptionist that has no problem desecrating a burial site, adding the name “Tumlinson” to a grave marker and filming it for your viewing pleasure. But; you pass right by that because, I guess, he’s on the “right” team. Hit “like” he’s believable. Good grief. What levels will you stoop to in remaining blind?

We have a poor soul that’s so hungry for notoriety that he’s all over the map on this story. Even he can’t keep his position straight and continues to play both sides of the issue both publicly on the forum, and in private emails to the folks he betrays. It’s a sad thing to see his desperate attempts to remain relevant. Just as an aside, there are no, and never have been, any “investors” in the TV series. Anyone who tells you they invested in the TV series is less than truthful. But; hit “like” and maybe, just maybe, you can stay on the right team. How’s that working out for you??? Black helicopters, men in black, with black SUVs. But; never fear. Just stay out and the Legend Team is on it. They will tell you what you can believe. Right!

You have an individual so set in his convictions he will ignore the obvious and cling on to the imaginary. The same person that offered to sell his solve of the stone maps for 5 figures. Yeap, we still have the email offer on that. Yet that person hasn’t bothered to go find and mark their “end of the trail”. Never set foot in Arizona or sent anyone to verify his solve. Go figure.

We have a known impostor who has spent years investigating the legends with his own profit motive. A person that has used deception, trickery, and denial at every turn. Has been shown for who he is and how he’s using you. But; that’s okay. He’s on the right team. Don’t dare ask him to provide his source for his claims, scant as they may be. That just won’t be kosher, now would it? Don’t rile him, he’s big and strong. Really?

Those are your sources of comfort in dealing with some uncomfortable facts. Go ahead, hit “like” and feel better about those uncomfortable facts. Doesn’t make them go away.

I told you all that I could along the way. And; I told you there would come a time when I could and would share the evidence with you. You called me all manner of names, from naive to liar and everything in between. I told you this story was larger and much different than the one Clarence Mitchell told you. He told you (maybe) what he thought was truth, but it fell short. I told you the real truth would change the story you have clung to for years. Told you Travis had prototypes to work from and what you saw in the museum was not authentic as portrayed. Told you it was a small piece of a much larger story. That high level members of the SoJ and the Vatican were allied in the discovery and had their portion of the story to tell. That the family had never before seen evidence that would set the story on end. Even the kindest among you told me I was delusional, at best. Well; who was telling you the straight story and who was delusional? Who is it that wants to remain delusional today???

I started this thread to tell you my role was done and best wishes in your pursuits. This is the crap show you have turned it into with vile commentary replete with naked men and scantily clad women.

Regardless of how entertaining that may be for some, it does nothing to disturb the evidence provided. But it does shine a bright light on many of you. You can poke holes in the theory but the evidence stands. Deal with it. And; with that I won’t let the door hit me in the ____ on the way out. Have a nice day!

There is a rancorous tone therein....And it's focus regarding certain subjects that fits a particular profile that is not that of a mature woman.

Ah well.

"You" have been a liaison for info.. Thank's.
Info is not communication ,but has revealed some dusty unknown (to me anyways)clues and relics about Travis and the "stones" that started the curiosity you became involved in becoming a chase to an end. An end of many ends? Who knows yet.

Stay well. And not bitter ,but above the fray. Easier on the heart.



Known deceptionist? Prove it Lynda! There was no proof of an illegal burial site only a cross with a name on it. Travis's name was there and I video taped it as I walked up to it for the first time while climbing the mountain. You couldn't bury anything underneath that cross it was solid rock. Just because someone with known deception practices claimed it was burial site you believed it? It's illegal to bury remains on Federal Lands within three miles of a waterway without a permit to do so. If anything it was a shrine for pilgrimage of those who worship Travis! So go up there and say a blessing to Saint Travis he was so honest and forthright! Just like you are in giving us all those total BS "facts".

Prove it, you can't, so stop with the accusations and no proof. Show us proof Travis buried something in an empty hole that's the proof we all want! oh wait, you can't do that either...whoops!

I do admit that Legends Team photo was a bit over the top so I deleted it. I'll clean up my posts for the future and try to keep them "PG+". Will you take old Indy's treasure spot off the market Carrol? He's already climbed all over those spots and like he said it was his last crusade. I don't wish to force offense from the likes of Old. I don't pm or email anybody so rest of what she's talking about is anyone's guess. It's not I. It sure has her up in arms with all these conspiracy theories.

By the way those men had no arses. So technically they weren't naked just naked and afraid naked.

And it's done, Mission Complete...

Too late Bill you offended her. I on the other hand enjoy your humor and take no offense. I'll ask the Jesuit's to say a little prayer for you as they are praying for the return of their treasure from the GPR man.

Its really been revealing to watch you guys struggle with this. Its amazing. Not unlike the progressive stages of grief recovery.

One thing that is crystal clear is the anger under the surface. That’s very telling. Next up on the list is protectionism. Duck, cover, protect, ignore, belittle, and deny. It’s rampant for any number of reasons. Really interesting to see the alliances form. Any port in a storm, right? Makes for strange bed fellows.

Why is there a need to find a villain? Be that villain Travis, Miller, Mitchell; or your favorite; Ryan and myself.

Does placing blame somehow make you more comfortable in your beliefs? Does that get you one step closer to finding your version of “the treasure”? No, I think not. It’s a personal thing of one-upmanship and manifest itself depending on your individual perspective and wants and desires.

We have some folks that are interested in seeing the evidence, new evidence that stands on its own. Those are the smart folks. They have the ability to accept what is shared and use it to their benefit. Some may use that evidence and come to our same or similar conclusions or; form their own which may be quite different than ours. That’s what true discovery is all about. You are the wise ones.

Then there are the others………..

We have a known deceptionist that has no problem desecrating a burial site, adding the name “Tumlinson” to a grave marker and filming it for your viewing pleasure. But; you pass right by that because, I guess, he’s on the “right” team. Hit “like” he’s believable. Good grief. What levels will you stoop to in remaining blind?

We have a poor soul that’s so hungry for notoriety that he’s all over the map on this story. Even he can’t keep his position straight and continues to play both sides of the issue both publicly on the forum, and in private emails to the folks he betrays. It’s a sad thing to see his desperate attempts to remain relevant. Just as an aside, there are no, and never have been, any “investors” in the TV series. Anyone who tells you they invested in the TV series is less than truthful. But; hit “like” and maybe, just maybe, you can stay on the right team. How’s that working out for you??? Black helicopters, men in black, with black SUVs. But; never fear. Just stay out and the Legend Team is on it. They will tell you what you can believe. Right!

You have an individual so set in his convictions he will ignore the obvious and cling on to the imaginary. The same person that offered to sell his solve of the stone maps for 5 figures. Yeap, we still have the email offer on that. Yet that person hasn’t bothered to go find and mark their “end of the trail”. Never set foot in Arizona or sent anyone to verify his solve. Go figure.

We have a known impostor who has spent years investigating the legends with his own profit motive. A person that has used deception, trickery, and denial at every turn. Has been shown for who he is and how he’s using you. But; that’s okay. He’s on the right team. Don’t dare ask him to provide his source for his claims, scant as they may be. That just won’t be kosher, now would it? Don’t rile him, he’s big and strong. Really?

Those are your sources of comfort in dealing with some uncomfortable facts. Go ahead, hit “like” and feel better about those uncomfortable facts. Doesn’t make them go away.

I told you all that I could along the way. And; I told you there would come a time when I could and would share the evidence with you. You called me all manner of names, from naive to liar and everything in between. I told you this story was larger and much different than the one Clarence Mitchell told you. He told you (maybe) what he thought was truth, but it fell short. I told you the real truth would change the story you have clung to for years. Told you Travis had prototypes to work from and what you saw in the museum was not authentic as portrayed. Told you it was a small piece of a much larger story. That high level members of the SoJ and the Vatican were allied in the discovery and had their portion of the story to tell. That the family had never before seen evidence that would set the story on end. Even the kindest among you told me I was delusional, at best. Well; who was telling you the straight story and who was delusional? Who is it that wants to remain delusional today???

I started this thread to tell you my role was done and best wishes in your pursuits. This is the crap show you have turned it into with vile commentary replete with naked men and scantily clad women.

Regardless of how entertaining that may be for some, it does nothing to disturb the evidence provided. But it does shine a bright light on many of you. You can poke holes in the theory but the evidence stands. Deal with it. And; with that I won’t let the door hit me in the ____ on the way out. Have a nice day!

That was quite the Vent, Old

You feel better now, As a outsider all Ryan really shared was some Travis Stuff, and friends with a couple family members. He always stops short of giving any real facts at all. From page 1 to 15 no facts/proof. I thought it
was a waste of time to read it all. Nothing gained for me, Nothing found for Him.

Take Care Old

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