and if you need more proof to keep quiet, read this

Great link :thumbsup:

A summary from the article for those discouraged by the length:

Treasure trove law in the United States may be summarized as follows:
(1) Treasure trove goes to the finder, unless the finder is trespassing. If the finder
is trespassing, it goes to the locus owner.
(2) Treasure trove includes gold coins, silver coins, gold bullion, silver bullion,
plus paper money; it must have “the thought of antiquity,” i.e. be several decades
old. Courts have not yet decided whether treasure trove includes coins of base metals.
(3) Many finds of money are now handled not through the common law of treasure
trove, but through statutory schemes, under which the money is deposited with
the police for between ninety days and a year, and if the owner does not claim it by
the end of that period, the money vests in the finder.
(4) Two states – Tennessee and Idaho – award treasure trove to the locus owner.
(5) Treasure trove is taxable at the ordinary income rate in the year that it is discovered.
(6) Employees get to keep what they find when acting in their course of employment,
unless their employer has a heightened legal obligation towards the customers,
in which case the property goes to the employer. Examples of employers with
heightened legal obligations are hospitals vis-à-vis their patients, common carriers
vis-à-vis their passengers, and hotels vis-à-vis their guests.
(7) Police officers, baggage inspectors, and members of the armed forces do not
get to keep what they find when on duty.
(8) Finds in banks go to the bank; finds on government land go to the government.
(9) Finds in Indian graves on Federal or Indian land go to the Indian tribe that is
most closely related to the decedent.

as it was famously said by bob marx --"treasure is trouble" -- because if you blab about finding treasure all the various govt "legal eagles" will swoop upon you and pick you to the bones , crooks will target your home / place of bussiness -- everyone will try by hook or crook to get your "wealth" from you .

treasute hunters motto **** when you open your mouth , your treasure pours out. --so enjoy your wealth in quiet.

Great info.

By the way - doesn't anyone find it..................disturbing ----------- that we can "trespass" on our own public land??


"You have the right to remain silent"


Well if it was me who found a treasure trove with a metal detector? The first thing I would do once I started getting a signal, dig and found part of a treasure trove. I would rebury to make it look like it wasn't recently dug, mark the location with something so I could find it again.

Go put my metal detector up, or have someone come pick it up and take it out of the area. Go back to the site with a jar, start digging for earth worms for fishing bait............Wait, what is this in the ground I that I dug up? WOW, some treasure, someones buried cache, or buried loot, Wait, there are jewels there as well as gold nuggets, 5,000 $20 Gold coins WOOO WHOOO, I hit the jackpot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy, how I wish that could be true, but that WOULD BE MY STORY and I am STICKING TO IT!! Fish LOVE worms!!!

I agree with #24. If found treasure, keep your mouth shut.

mrs.oroblanco said:
Great info.

By the way - doesn't anyone find it..................disturbing ----------- that we can "trespass" on our own public land??


Yea...caught that...if on state land it belongs to the state, on fed land, it's the fed's.


geeeze if I didn't already despise the goberment this would totally be the last straw.... so basically if you win big, creep away quietly - and spend it in small amounts over the next few years...don't go and cash out, pay all your bills off and buy 15 cars and houses all over the place....or someone will figure out your not working anymore.... keeping quiet means a lot - :laughing9: hope when I find a big haul, I'll be able to keep my mouth shut. :)

yeah -wording in that doc -basically says we are trespassers on the kings lands? I'm seeing less and less of a republic as these vultures keep circling....and wow they really do want everything you'll ever own, and be able to own once your gone.... the thing about keeping things in a bank (the bank gets what ever you leave behind after you pass? if you don't have relatives?) and before your off spring come in to collect your prizes, they have to make an appointment with the banks rep and the IRS to open the box. just so the IRS can get a piece of the pie and document what ever prizes you might be getting.... reminds me of animal planet on TV where the vultures keep picking at the bones...disgusting. >:(

Please give me more details. Thank you.


Well said 111. :thumbsup:

Here's an idea you might want to use if you hit a big one. The IRS is looking for spending beyond your income so pacify them ! Declare a chunk of your find to explane increased spending and pay tax on it. The amount you find is seldom if ever known. Now convert the rest to CASH in small selloffs. Take the cash and bury it in PVC pipe sections about 1' long, use a post hole digger. Place flowers on top to mark the locations. The ends of the pipe can be capped and solvent welded on to make them water tight. Need money later on, just dig one up and use a pipe cutter to make your withdraw. Another note. Everthing you find is found in your back yard. This eliminates all the "guess it was mine" claims.
The big thing is to cut down your exposure, cover your trail ! Frank

:-X I tried to tell everyone to keep quiet and all I got was alot of disrespectful PM's .

Cherokee_Kidd said:
:-X I tried to tell everyone to keep quiet and all I got was alot of disrespectful PM's .

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