Is this area the " Spooky Burd Capital " of the World or sumpin ?
Getting back to that Tomb over on the Mesa in the Floridas .
Question was : Since when did the Apaches Entomb their Departed ?
Interesting , A Cliche Cemented Stone seal , over a Tomb , done by Apaches ?
I think not , not even for a Chief , not even in an Area where all things seem strange , weird and Paranormal .
I haven't gone too far in investigating the Grave Robbers and what they removed from that Tomb , I will get deeper into that Criminal
activity at some point , plenty of contemporary witnesses still around , very willing to talk about who what when where and why , about the Criminals .
I've been told by a Few , that those Criminals are uncomfortable when I'm in Town .
They believe I'm going to uncover the facts of their crimes ,
well , that just may be , owing that , without even asking questions , people come to me with their Testimonies .
Seems people want to Talk , have someone to investigate the crimes of the Grave Robbers , yet , word is , Officials with Badges were involved
and people are scared of those folks .
A Sealed , Cemented Cap over an Indian Tomb ?
" At Half Past the middle of any Road ,
somewhere near center , of all we've been Told
there's a Price to Pay
there's Karma waiting , watching , with cuffs for the Wrist
and even if the Culprits can manage to get the Gist of this
There's really no escape
Justice as fickle as it seems
Always scoops em up in the Cape
~~~ The Prodigy Wins Again ~~~
What I'm searching for ?
Well there's a Tale to Tell
and I may as well , share it with you
Hidden in the Mountains Shadow
resides the sign
maybe a little Elf made it
or perhaps the hand of the Divine
Perhaps that which I seek
is not so much an answer
No , I'm not all that Weak
and damned good as a Dancer
I believe what I need to seek
is that single missing piece
stolen from the Puzzle
by a Fat Gutted Sneak
A Fat Man is hard to hide
easy for even the Blind to see
and when the Dogs smell Him
Do him no good , in attempt to flee
Bag Lady watches from her Buzzard's Perch
High in the Belfry , down the street above the Church
She's the Watcher , the one gifted to see
~~~ Total amount , lost , is less than the return ~~~
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