Ancient ?

Marry Christmas to all in this topic !

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No wise guys here, Beep, just a little humor and some well wishes. Merry Christmas, Sir.

Now back to regular Programming.... :notworthy:

LOL @ Programming , how succinct LOL

" Monarch Programming "

We can thank MK Ultra for that .

Merry Christmas fellow-seekers

May each of you be blessed to have received your wished for Gifts .

and may I be Blessed enough to steal them from you .

( My older sisters and Mother would steal my Christmas and Birthday Gifts ,
sisters sell them for Candy Money , Mother sell them for Tobacco Products and Jim Beam whisky .)
" True Story that "

Quote Steve :" I returned that VCR to you ten-twelve years ago. "

Yes , I did ask you to make a copy for yourself , ?????

Cyzak , Steve was never in the Vault and the contents were not on that Video either .

I can relate that the Historic Value , the Knowledge , matched the Value of the Species .

Lost Knowledge ?
Yes , Knowledge suppressed by Royals and Vatican as well as Governing Bodies from centuries in the past .

What if I told you : Ancient Technology of Atlantis , was within the confines of that Vault "

Unknown how you may internalize that Fact I just related , Known is what Film Corps , Vatican , Gov.'t's will .

Next on History Channel : The Lost Tech of Atlantis

see what I mean about the World is run by Pimps ?

My earlier question was on the " Tomb in the Floridas that was Pilfered by grave robbers "

Secreted within the Tomb , was the Corpse of what the Grave robbers assumed was an Indian Chief .

Hold that thought.

regardless of Native or European , since when did the Apaches engage the Ceremonial Entombment of their Dead ?

Did these Natives copy what they witnessed the Visitors Practice ?

You see Cyzak , each post of mine , as I stated , opens another door into another Rabbit Hole , not bragging , stating it as presentation Man .

Listen to the Lou Reed Video I posted , " You can't trust in ,,,,,,,,, "

Owing to evidence of People using the facts I reveal , to enrich themselves of my " Open Source " Material ,

you'll no doubt understand why it is That I'm Cryptic about certain Venues .

Your Posited Query : What was in the Vault "

If I reveal the entire Catalogue , will we witness my words deleted from this or any site and used in another " Disney Corp. " Production as Steve and I have
seen with the Movie " National Treasure " ?

Strange Statement ?

Well , as it's been stated by others , " Rog' isn't Monitored , because he's lacking Facts "

Merry Christmas Seekers

I've never agreed with your National Treasure theft allegation - I'm not in that boat with you. I reckon many "treasure hunters" have likely claimed the same thing.

As I've stated many times, I appreciate your past generosity - showing a couple sites in the Organs, the VCR, photos of various petroglyphs, amazing stories, etc. Unfortunately, you've never provided anything to convince a person that those things are linked to any of the fabulous objects you claim, or that those objects even existed. That said, you do tell a good campfire story.

Merry Ancient Congruent Traditions, Everyone!

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It's always been a National Monument. Now it's a Park. Means more visitors, more staff, more restrictions I suppose. It's a very cool place to visit. Make sure you have enough water if you're hiking the dunes in warm weather.


and now , Intermission .

A Song on the Subject of Black-Ops

~~ Under the cover of Darkness ~~~

Isn't always, , just a way to excuse
ourselves from guilt

Isn't always a matter of hiding
from the Monster we are
beneath our own self made quilt

and isn't it Karma,
when the Light shines in
revealing our crimes, , ,
like the moment we realize, ,
where we're headed, ,
comes from
where we begin, , ,

and this old story been told far too long
time to rewrite the script
rewrite the lyrics to this old song, , ,
find a Truth we can believe
and hold onto, , ,
because I've become angry
enough to shoot the Moon
just to watch it fall on you, , ,

we give our all to a Nation
get sXXXhit in return
and if we get something of Value
the State grabs it
with the claim it's a sin.

Ever see a Rainbow in black and white?
yeah, that's right, , nothings as simple
as that, , we deny our colours
and hide away the facts, ,

There's more hidden behind the scenes
than is revealed by their lies
yes, your controlled
with the wildest of Schemes

and you suck it up like a Ball Game Beer
you're afraid to fight it, , ,
and that my friend is how you're controlled
controlled with FEAR!

Touche' you say?
yeah well, tell it to a Rent a Mom
I ain't your Preacher, unlike you
I don't pay for their Bombs, , ,

They Take a Poor Teen
wrap him Uniform
go fight for your Country Boy
go see the world,
A world to you unseen
when ya get back,
pay the bill to keep
yourself Warm

what'd ya fight for?
what'd ya gain?
a Tattered old Flag?
to drape on your Grave?

They Gain a Fortune off your death
so go wait for Jesus to come
just don't bother to Hold your breath, ,

go forth, Multiply,
we need more Fodder
for the wars of death
in which you Die, , , ,

go forth, like sheep to be sheared
yes go forth into the nightmare
you've always feared, , ,

Go die for your Country
we'll be here when you get back
dividing up the spoils,
go forth now
go on attack, , ,
your soul comes back with Boils
as we count the profits
you can return to your hillbilly shack

Educate the rich one's to run
the Game
use the Poor one's for death squads
whose gonna remember their name?

Hear the next Sabre to Rattle
the next to speak threat
get up for the Battle
we need a War, , we're behind in our Debt. ~~~ End ~~~
Roger Snow
Eat more fruit loops for better health.

Eat more fruit loops for better health.

I reckon Cheerios might be a better choice, heart healthy and all that.

Best advice, Don't eat the Government Cheese. :wink:


Spoof Photo's

Two men on stack of Bars is a Photoshopped picture

Drone Story is a Spoof Page

Camp Fire Stories ?

So ? LOL

The Drone Story is a " Fake News " Article

the D.I.A. Agents sitting on Gold Bars was a Photo shop picture

I wrote a cool back story for the set of Pic's

" Alexander the Great's Lost Treasure Found in Iraq "

and the photo's are about as real as the Back story .

Camp Fire Stories ?

Well , it keeps ya coming back doesn't it LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry , Santa made me do it LOL

quote : " Eat more fruit loops for better health. "

Took your advice , ate the whole Box ,

sad ,,
Health not better ,
it gave me Rainbow Farts , don't get that out of Cheerios LOL

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" Spoof's ? "

Happens everyday man , do I write sweet back stories ?

Every Day LOL

So ?

Two letter word added for effect LOLOLOLOLolollolol

Camp Fire Story coming up .

( gotta find the Picture first )

Try and keep the scale balanced, day and night, good and bad, rich and poor. Look 4 the balance point X .Dig it?102118 883.webp

Is this area the " Spooky Burd Capital " of the World or sumpin ?

Getting back to that Tomb over on the Mesa in the Floridas .

Question was : Since when did the Apaches Entomb their Departed ?

Interesting , A Cliche Cemented Stone seal , over a Tomb , done by Apaches ?

I think not , not even for a Chief , not even in an Area where all things seem strange , weird and Paranormal .

I haven't gone too far in investigating the Grave Robbers and what they removed from that Tomb , I will get deeper into that Criminal
activity at some point , plenty of contemporary witnesses still around , very willing to talk about who what when where and why , about the Criminals .

I've been told by a Few , that those Criminals are uncomfortable when I'm in Town .

They believe I'm going to uncover the facts of their crimes ,

well , that just may be , owing that , without even asking questions , people come to me with their Testimonies .

Seems people want to Talk , have someone to investigate the crimes of the Grave Robbers , yet , word is , Officials with Badges were involved
and people are scared of those folks .

A Sealed , Cemented Cap over an Indian Tomb ?

" At Half Past the middle of any Road ,
somewhere near center , of all we've been Told

there's a Price to Pay
there's Karma waiting , watching , with cuffs for the Wrist

and even if the Culprits can manage to get the Gist of this
There's really no escape
Justice as fickle as it seems
Always scoops em up in the Cape

~~~ The Prodigy Wins Again ~~~

What I'm searching for ?

Well there's a Tale to Tell
and I may as well , share it with you

Hidden in the Mountains Shadow
resides the sign
maybe a little Elf made it
or perhaps the hand of the Divine

Perhaps that which I seek
is not so much an answer

No , I'm not all that Weak
and damned good as a Dancer

I believe what I need to seek
is that single missing piece
stolen from the Puzzle
by a Fat Gutted Sneak

A Fat Man is hard to hide
easy for even the Blind to see

and when the Dogs smell Him
Do him no good , in attempt to flee

Bag Lady watches from her Buzzard's Perch
High in the Belfry , down the street above the Church

She's the Watcher , the one gifted to see

~~~ Total amount , lost , is less than the return ~~~

View attachment 1783414

Well , Kendog , one of the Archaeologist that listened to my Blorf , is coming out to the Field with me Tomorrow .

He's studied these Glyphs for decades , he said : " Bu Jove , I believe you've got something there , my Boy "

yeah , I guess I do .

so , Sunday in the Freeze , we'll be walking the Glyphs .

I bet he leaves with his Mind all in a Flutter LOL

have some Cheeks Ken

View attachment 1783804

Is this area the " Spooky Burd Capital " of the World or sumpin ?

Getting back to that Tomb over on the Mesa in the Floridas .

Question was : Since when did the Apaches Entomb their Departed ?

Interesting , A Cliche Cemented Stone seal , over a Tomb , done by Apaches ?

I think not , not even for a Chief , not even in an Area where all things seem strange , weird and Paranormal .

I haven't gone too far in investigating the Grave Robbers and what they removed from that Tomb , I will get deeper into that Criminal
activity at some point , plenty of contemporary witnesses still around , very willing to talk about who what when where and why , about the Criminals .

I've been told by a Few , that those Criminals are uncomfortable when I'm in Town .

They believe I'm going to uncover the facts of their crimes ,

well , that just may be , owing that , without even asking questions , people come to me with their Testimonies .

Seems people want to Talk , have someone to investigate the crimes of the Grave Robbers , yet , word is , Officials with Badges were involved
and people are scared of those folks .

A Sealed , Cemented Cap over an Indian Tomb ?

" At Half Past the middle of any Road ,
somewhere near center , of all we've been Told

there's a Price to Pay
there's Karma waiting , watching , with cuffs for the Wrist

and even if the Culprits can manage to get the Gist of this
There's really no escape
Justice as fickle as it seems
Always scoops em up in the Cape

~~~ The Prodigy Wins Again ~~~

What I'm searching for ?

Well there's a Tale to Tell
and I may as well , share it with you

Hidden in the Mountains Shadow
resides the sign
maybe a little Elf made it
or perhaps the hand of the Divine

Perhaps that which I seek
is not so much an answer

No , I'm not all that Weak
and damned good as a Dancer

I believe what I need to seek
is that single missing piece
stolen from the Puzzle
by a Fat Gutted Sneak

A Fat Man is hard to hide
easy for even the Blind to see

and when the Dogs smell Him
Do him no good , in attempt to flee

Bag Lady watches from her Buzzard's Perch
High in the Belfry , down the street above the Church

She's the Watcher , the one gifted to see

~~~ Total amount , lost , is less than the return ~~~

View attachment 1783414

I believe that section of that mountain range has the oldest stuff, the beginning of the work. There is also a nice Mound there in the foot hills.

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