Ancient ?

yes casca,you are right. i have seen that. i have found one place that they made a super giant turtle out of a mass of smaller stones , with piles of stone behind the turtle going off in the distance on flat ground. you can tell that it was all man made. it stops at the giant turtle. and on the turtles giant head,it looks like the spainish then carved a duck in its head with a lighting bolt. the amout of work it took to do that is unreal, and reason? no ideal, just a long trail of stone mounds to the giant turtle.

I found some old chinese writing way up high on a rock off AZ-88 going east from Tortilla Flat... so that's kinda got me stumped

howdy john az. iam in sw nm. towards the boot hill of the state by the mexico boarder. i have been shifting from hunting just the spainish,to the ancients,giants and aliens,lol. i belive now that it starts with the ancients. i have seen too much now that dosent make sence with just the spainish. i was finding things that didnt jive with what the experts where saying. i do belive the spainish went after there sites and tombs. i just dont belive that the spainish built all these monuments. iam still searching for my first discovery and recovery,i belive iam getting real close now. iam thinking of doing some type of work with the stars and full moon ,and see how that works out. thanks for posting your photos. i enjoyed seeing them. do you do any work on the ancients,giants or aliens?

Yes... I've found a lot of interesting things here in the Superstitions... but although I've found these markings from Mexico to Canada, and from Texas to California

I'm going to have to write a book, because I've found and photographed so much stuff... but I will leave it at that. You need a deep detecting detector... I've found a lot of stuff at 5'7"... usually the average heighth of an ancient.

great info. john az., thanks for posting it. i like hearing about the depth of your finds,have you found anything at a shorter depth? i like hearing about your chinese writing. i thought one head that i found looked asian to me.but i havent heard of anyone else mention anything,so i just kept it hush.a couple of weeks ago i found a head with a very long upper head,looked alien to me its good to hear someone with experiance is finding things outside the norm. and not affraid to comment on it. yes, please do the book, it will be great also too if you break outside rules of the spainish so called rule book. i think alot of that stuff is a smoke screen to keep people from the truth. i belive some of it is legit. but not all of it. theres some people laying out so much b.s. that they got other people chasing there tails. you would think that as much has they have been out in the field,they would figure it out. its good to here some of your thoughts.

The further east and northwest I go away from the "normal" Superstition Mountains ( I call it normal, because a lot of weekend prospectors go there to the area, off the Peralta Trailheads etc)... so the further east and northeast I go... I run into abundant masses of symbols, mines and ancient faces made by indians from mexico as well as around Arizona... but your talking eons of time and people coming from all over the world passing through here also. I find writing on the ground and hills and newer writing is overlaying the older writing. Some writing looks Jesuit - Franciscan and Spanish/Mexican... I didn't want to have to write a book, but there is so much stuff out here just in the eastern side of the Supes... to prove everyone wrong if they think Peralta Stones/LDM/Jesuit?Aztec and right on down the line, wrong! There's stuff unexplainable and things I've never seen before, there are diagrams cut into the rock face "glyphs" faces, numbers, letters, words etc.

Then trying to hike way up high and photograph the images and dealing nature. I have other posts here and there on this Forum showing my finds etc. Then one has to really speculate one thing... since there are so many Spanish Mines in the Superstitions... Jacob Waltz only found a Spanish or Indian stash location. I found a cave some time back, near Tortilla Flat. There was a pile of gold mixed in quartz right in the front entrance of the cave... but if you hiked all around the cave and inside - there was no quartz any place.

There are lots of stash locations in the Supes and I found numerous caves that have been filled in years ago with rock adobe... it's looks like natural rock, but you see the bits and pieces in it and you can tell it's not normal strata.

I don't know if you believe in Ions from gold, Ionic Isotopes or Ionic Radiation. Man made gold, left in the ground over a period of 100 yrs sets off Ions... and thats what sets off your metal detectors. they are reading these Ions... So a few detectors I use detect these Ions coming through these adobe filled rock walls that sealed off the caves inside. Then depending how thick the adobe mix is and how much time you have to dig it etc

Any how, I will go through my notes and find the gps location to the Chinese letters near Tortilla Flat.

great info. john az., thanks for posting it. i like hearing about the depth of your finds,have you found anything at a shorter depth? i like hearing about your chinese writing. i thought one head that i found looked asian to me.but i havent heard of anyone else mention anything,so i just kept it hush.a couple of weeks ago i found a head with a very long upper head,looked alien to me its good to hear someone with experiance is finding things outside the norm. and not affraid to comment on it. yes, please do the book, it will be great also too if you break outside rules of the spainish so called rule book. i think alot of that stuff is a smoke screen to keep people from the truth. i belive some of it is legit. but not all of it. theres some people laying out so much b.s. that they got other people chasing there tails. you would think that as much has they have been out in the field,they would figure it out. its good to here some of your thoughts.

I've found things right on the surface inside these 'triangles' and then 2-3 feet down also

heres a spot i think iam going to hit tommorow, i been wanting to go down inside this bowl and see what i can find in there. looks to be very interesting to me. i belive originaly done by ancients, then worked by the spainish.View attachment 738733

thats nice too, I have found rings that are a few hundreds of yards across with letters and numbers in them circling top of mountains that have gold mines on them. I will post those later. Nice Finds Dog :icon_thumright:

very interesting john az. i like hearing differant thoughts on what has gone on with this stone monuments. i have no ideal on what ions are or ionics isotopes are. very interesting on the depts of your finds also. i have a spot i found a couple of weeks ago that i belive is ancient,there is a very large amount of drill holes there in this large solid rock area. with some kind of what i thought to be a ceriamonal pit or stone layout. i just cant get it all in a photo. id like to have a photo of it all in one shot,with drill holes and the large stone base with pit and all. this large stone area throws the compass off when you set it down too.strange. i guess ill try and take a ladder up there with me,so i can get high enough to get it all in one shot. i was wanting to see if it is some type of constelation layout or what.thers also some weird like brick path layout cut in the has a very ancient feel to me.its just something i have never ran into yet. ill look for the brick type path layout and post the photo. any ideals?

strange brick lookin patteren, any ideals?View attachment 739254

to the right of that blue line, I do see something written in the rock as well on the left of that line (symbols & words) do you have the photo where this goes off into the distance? a lot of times when the "ancients" were making diagrams on the ground... the line symbols were carved into everything... but if you have other photos of the surrounding can help. What other photos do you have of the area?

this is just a short section john az., but i picked it back up about 300 yards away on top of a large stone monument,but it is cut on a angle in the stone,no block work,just a straight angle cut,with one section turned in a differant direction. i just cant get the photos to come out right to catch this whole area with the drill holes,patterns cut in the large stone mass that this whole pattern sets on. iam very disappointed in the photos, iam not catching it right. i think it needs shown all in one photo to understand what the person is telling. theres drill holes, cut patterens and other things,even the shape of the large stone this fits all on is part of the story,i belive. ill resize some photos of the angle cut thats about 300 yards off on top of a monument. it sure looks like its in the same heading. hers one of the drill holes on this set up.View attachment 739289View attachment 739288

its always good to see these guys, they keep the bad guys in check in the area i work. even though the bad guys dont bother me and i dont bother them,you never know.View attachment 739356

heres a photo of the angle cut stone about 300 yards off on top of monument,on same heading. i belive this may be spaView attachment 739297

lots of faces animal, human...whatever, but they are looking at the heart on the nose of that animal.

I circled it.


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heres a photo of the angle cut stone about 300 yards off on top of monument,on same heading. i belive this may be spainish, but i belive the drill hole area is ancient. any thoughts?View attachment 739296View attachment 739297

Drill holes were used much like a transit we use today, these drill holes are mostly found at the beginning of these lines. They used the furtherest mountain/highest parts of the hill(s) as reference/vanishing point(s) to make these straight lines. The lines are used for the Triangles/Diamond shapes and also these lines go right straight up the middle face of the exposed mines/caves. If you follow these lines on the ground, pay attention to a corner maker. Sometimes when this line hits the mark/reference marker... they will fan out in multiple directions. When that happens, it is to sometimes throw off people seeking the treasure/mines/caves and sometimes every line leads to other diamonds/triangles/stash locations. Then on top of that, when you get to a marker that looks like a sun dial... thats a multiple reference point for other lines coming in from somewhere else and once in a while people half expecting it will find gold or silver bars in these "dials" and the line the silver or gold bar is on... is the direction to the treasure/mine(s).

Every face is looking at the one you circled. I'm not sure if they are looking at the crack "hoyo" between the hand and the mouth or something else, but the eyes of ALL those faces should give you and idea of what they are looking at...cant' really tell from the photo. But if the faces are looking at a "heart" the eye of the character would be a heart. If it's looking at a specific shape, the eye could be that shape. You also have to consider hidden meaning.

Example: the eye could be a dot. The dot could mean one or cave or a unit of on and so forth.

:cross:On a side note:

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Some of those rocks are "hit" by the sun, others are not. That fact could be significant. If you play with contrast, at some point you will end up with a couple of faces and a couple of hearts which should be some of the only things illuminated.


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thanks for the spell check usernotfound. yes this is another one as you move around this monument it becomes very complex,as does the stones surrounding it. theres a owl up there also perched to the right out of frame, where if you photo at the right time in the evening, he wakes and he will have two golden glowing eyes.very cool i thought. ill post that photo when i find it. so all of that is all way too much for me. i have to put blinders on and try to find the simple way to the X spot. great link

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