Ancient ?

wow! great video treasurechest,thanks for posting. i seen a couple of things that look close to what i have found before,the giant laid to rest and the large pointer,heres a alien looking for the mother shipView attachment 698468

heres a pointer very close to the one in the videoView attachment 698469 well iam off on the hunt this morning,will post the giant later when i get back,thanks for the video

heres a pointer very close to the one in the video well iam off on the hunt this morning,will post the giant later when i get back,thanks for the video

waiting for the giant.

heres the giant usernotfound. billythekidder did a killer mark up on the shadows around him,with the theme of david and golith,he picked out david with the sling shot in another photo of the giant,david was in shadow form,it was killer. thanks billythekidderView attachment 699834

Is that David's shadow, just above the giant's knee??

no shortstack,its in another photo that you cant see in this shot. do you see the shadow devil demon on the upper right? when i see him, i think of it as the good stuff.

here it is 2a.webp david to the right of giant, stone being thrown above him

thanks billythekidder for posting that photo.,heck i love looking at it again,with out doing any of the work. thanks.

that photo was taken very close to a hidden gold mine.

i was hoping someone would know that hadji009,or recognize something close. i cant believe it is random work of nature,it just to sharp and clear. the more i go out and find differant things,the more i realize,there where alot more people than just the Spanish working these sites. i had such a hard time in the beginning to try and make sense of the signs to fit in the so called rules,but it just wasnt working in the area iam in. if you read on treasure found stories, you will fine that the rules are broken alot.even look at the depth of the finds,no where near the kings height. thats why i say now,keep a open mind,and let what you are finding set the rules,not the so called experts.when you start finding alot of things that they are saying, dont add up out in the field, you come to relize, your gonna have to make the break thru on your own. unless you can find a straight shooter. i have found there to be a lot of smoke screens being put out on here and other sites. i like hearing new ideals on treasure hunting,its like a breath of fresh air. but unfortunate they get harassed and run off on here and other sites if people dont follow there rules. i have posted pictures of being very close to final spot and have either been misdirected to other areas.or they clam up and wont say anything.(some help?) i have never read on here yet where the experts have said you are there,your at the spot. its either they dont know them self. or they truely dont want to help at the end. i feel bad for the ones on here that havent figure that out yet.once you figure that out. you can move on thru the smoke screen. i know this will make alot of the rule book followers mad, coming from a green horn,lol. iam looking for the truth,not B.S.

If I gave you bs or mislead you I am sorry, like you I am still green and can only tell what I think based on what little I have seen or see in pics. My opinion is that some want us to give up so they can have it,or to protect it from us. go back and study your pics spend a LOT of time on them and use you gut. You think you are close so you must be! I have shadows where there is no sun, I have symbols that you can not find meanings for. Time of year came into play. Keep looking and you WILL find it!!

no billythekidder not at all, its just an out burst of frustration by me. it bothers me when i have asked the experts in the past to show some of the pozo's that they have uncovered or some of the final confirmation rocks that they have dug up at 2 feet. the gov. is not gonna waste there time on that,i understand not showing the treasure part. the only finale confirmation rock i have seen on here was posted by hadji. have you noticed that none of the experts will post there photos? then explain the omegas finale direction in the photo they have of omegas and where the omega led them to the finale confirmation rock 2 feet down? i havent seen it yet on here or other treasure sites. if they truly want to help,why wouldnt they do that? iam at the point of not wanting to post anymore photos. i think the photos help me the most, in seeing that i have found that same rock or shadow at some of the sites i work. it helps with me with thinking its legit.thats why you never hear me telling someone that this means this,that means go that way.i cant do that, because i dont know. all i can say is that,yes i have found that same shape of rock or shadow at a site iam working and i believe its a true sign. but as you see on here and other forums there a thousands of views,but hardly anyone will share there photos,but they sure will run there pie hole,lol. sorry everyone for being so hard. my vent for the year. ill shut up and be a good boy now. and watch for some photos.

There are 2 people who HAVE posted complete trails from pick up to end with empty holes.....Old Dog and Lost Horse. Lost Horse even drew up a map relating to her trail and explained the hows and whys of each monument. Old Dog used photos taken from a slightly raised position on his trail and drew the arrows with written explanations of how to decode HIS trail.

i hear you shortstack. iam looking for the people that dont follow, or belive in the rigid rule book. just read about some spainish treasure that have been found,where the rules havent been follow by them,whats up with that? i know iam only a green horn here,with only 2 years of part time work in the field. but i belive where iam at,it all starts with the ancient stuff.where people for thousand of years have come along,seen the signs,worked the area,took what they found,left what they couldnt it,changed the signs to there understanding.and moved on. the same as iam trying in the year 2012-2013. the same as i will. if i find more than i can carry,i either move it, or leave the rest there, rebury it and then i change the signs,move them or destroy some signs. is it right? no. do i think that has happened,oh yes indeed. do i think the Spanish did that,oh yes indeed. do i think the Spanish also dug there own mines and set up there own sites.yes.raided the ancients mines and treasures and changed others?,yes. i know when i started posting on here,it was never mention to me that,hey there's a good chance that your sites have been worked long before the Spanish got there. thats why i kept saying to myself when i went out,hey this stone isnt following the rules,or this isnt even in the rule book. and i thought holy cow,that rule book needs a mule train in its self to haul it,just look at all the differant photos of the signs and the way there used,just on here.the book would be massive.and iam sure there people on here that belive the Spanish where the first miners here.but i dont. i think its a big piece of info. to leave out to a green horn, to not atleast tell them that your site maybe way before the Spanish and there a good chance of mixed signs and alter signs. some may not believe that,but i do. id like to find a group of people to work with that belive in that theroy and dont throw a big old fit when you dont by into its not in the spanish rule book B.S., i think if people got out of that control and moved on with accepting things that dont fit. we all would make a giant leap forward. ah HA!, thats it! some people dont want that. they just cant be wrong,they have study this all there life,there just cant be new in roads or new theories,all my work down the drain. the world is round,darn it. well its not a loss, theres new discovery all the dosent mean that the guy, that thought the world was flat, was any less of a great scholar. he just didnt have all the latest tools and info. at the time. atleast i dont think any less of that guy that thought the world was flat. well thats just my thought. iam looking for people to work with that want to think beyond the norm. if anyone knows of any forums or sites where the experts dont throw a fit about not following the rules,please let me know,id love to be part of that group. thanks dogtth.View attachment 721622View attachment 721623

Hi Dog,

I like the shadow. Did you ever try to see how the rocks were set up to cast the shadow. Could be a clue there. If the shadow is meant to lead somewhere, I think the top part of the shadow with the light spot in the head is the direction I would look. The light spot could be to get your attention. It looks like another bigger face on the bottom looking the same direction. The top figure with the light spot in his head seems to be looking at two columns that are high. I'd look for a terrain features like that. Profiles look Aztec. There might be something important at the foot of the second column where there is another light spot in the shadow. If it is ancient, you can probably forget about looking for a triangle, and the distances might be in miles instead of a few hundred yards. Is this shadow close to some type of large landmark that would grab your attention?

That's my best shot Dog. I think that people try to help but I think each site is different so unless you are right there, you don't have the full picture. That, and people tend to interpret things in different ways. If you're interested in ancient stuff, so am I.


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