Hi, hadji009, thats just a thought that I had rolling around in my mind like a marble, there's so many reasons that IF they had all the Gold why would they need to take it to Spain if this was going to be New Spain, why would they need to make Huge Faces on a wall, seens that they had large to small on everything and it seems to be a pattern, there' s Why would they place an egg shape boulder fifty five inches high with a Cross that had a cripple arm long part runs East / West and the good arm point south indicating 3 directions on the south bank of Red River, across the River north was barren land ( desert) south has lots of desirable property, why does it seem that when you find a triangle that indicates North on a base line its allways 2.5 miles East and west to another trail, it seems that the Cross with the Cripple arm indicates nothing to the north and if you go south to ---------- texas its 12.5 miles or 5 leagues and theres a triangle with 5 backward 7's across the top and it indicates go north 2 tubs carved out of solid rock one with a lip around it to place a lid. Why did they place 25 miles square in a large area why are there 26 letters in their alphabet why did they only use 25, why does it seem that they had places of worship every 12.5 miles or about a days walk from any direction. So many questions without any answers. hadji I'll bet that was an experience with Mel . Did anyone ever figger out the entire weight.