Wow, A very interesting video . I have seen some the photos the guys in Ozarks have posted here. They got some great sites for sure. Dang those guys got around.
Oh boy, wow… and wow. No way man, …that this little guy with a tormented soul can do what he claims.
Terry Carter is a Schmuck for taking advantage of this guy’s personal drama, to make a buck with this video. Terry Carter lost all his frail credibility (in my personal view)
While I feel for this guy’s loss of family life (and his kid, which obviously marked him badly for the rest of his life) it becomes clear that everything he’s saying is nothing than a compilation of everything he ever read about treasure hunting stories, myths & legends, hunting theories etc-etc and everything else he came across. Then,..he immersed himself in that ‘bigger picture-story’ as his own.
Too bad for him, as his reality is not his own. But I still think that Terry Carter is a predator willing to do anything for a buck, and kept putting words in his mouth and leading him further into his fantasy.
There are elements of his story picked up from everything that was printed under the sky: …from Victorio Peak, to KGC, to Montezuma, to Templars, To Egypt, to XYZ… everything he could get his hands on. But when it comes to field experience,…nothing makes sense. Nothing that he describes in his ‘Hunt’ is either accurately feasible or belongs to him …as personal experience, but rather what he read elsewhere as part of somebody else’s theory. This is typical to remote hunters from home and couch dwellers with a lot of dreaming under their belt. Some of them write books too, in the same way by using a lot of imagination and speculation borrowed from others. As such, the information goes round-and-round contributing to the general miss-information.
Again, ..sorry for the guy’s drama, but T. Carter is a schmuck.
(p.s. How long it took that little guy to dig that huge hole in the ground by himself? In hard rocky soil and caliche? How many hours per day? Every day? …oh yeah, piece o’ cake. Ahem )