an update on the mine El Naranjal

So, I'm going to bring up what I consider an interesting coincidence here.

It seems that the "Garibaya" group consists of 14 mines in close proximity all in the same mineral structure, with a very rich gold mine, "El Naranjal" not in the same mineral structure as the others. It is located west of the others, and is at the bottom of a barranca.

The "Tayopa" group consists of 17? (Don Jose, please confirm, this is what I dug out of the Tayopa thread, but I may be wrong) mines in close proximity, all in the same mineral structure, except for a very rich gold mine, located west of the others at the bottom of a barranca.....

Interesting coincidence, no? We won't even go into the oranges at both gold mines....


Kinda sorta makes you want to draw an line on a map between these complexes and look for outcrops and topo cuts just west of the line, eh?

This do CNlands.?

distance of the mines from Tayopa itself.webp

Call me lazy, but if someone wouldn't mind just giving me the exact coordinates to a large KNOWN cache of gold and/or silver, I'd greatly appreciate it. I swear I'll throw you a buck or two for your troubles![emoji28]

As usual, all the best to all of you!

(The above post is nothing more than a failed attempt at being funny- please continue!)

:laughing7::laughing7::notworthy:.Aerial.webpCN, why ? when they run mostly N - S from 'the' Capilla ? there were no churches, in the sense that most think of Churhes, at Tayopa, despite what certain authors say. There was only the small mission.

.Dobie's.webp Capilla type at Tayopa.webp

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J.A.A. you will have to ask ORO. Tis his.

Ummmmmm not to pick a fight with you amigo BUT, you know I am just a 'keeper' for your data, only you can really open up Tayopa. Didn't we discuss this a while ago? Doesn't it tell you something that the partners could not find it, when you were not there? Needs to have you there to get it, Karma and Fate are lined up for that and that only. Haven't you seen enough evidence to back that up by now?

Please do continue;
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Oro, mi busom buddy, but Naranjal ?? Hmmm, maybe your are right about Tayopa since strange things and actions led me to it. .Like the missing Guayajiro indian on the bus that gave me a critcal clue, then it appears that nobody or the Guayajiros knew him or of him, and they know every member of their tribe. He appeared out of nowhere and returned there when the bus ride was over.

Just one of the many spiritual things that appeared in my seach for Tayopa, almost
as if "I"was to be the one to open Tayopa up ??

Is "I" a reincarnated Jesuit

Is that why FR Polzer found it so easy to talk to me ???? :laughing7::laughing7:

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Hi all its quite a while since I visited the forum. I also have doubts that this is the EL Naranjal in the stories that make up the legend.
There are to many differences in the descriptions of the land and other things mentioned other than the name.
I did receive part of this information from annie namely the Don who owned the mine due to the mines name which Annie had given me. but that was just additional information not a clue as Roy Mentions. and I have found myself many mines scattered all over Mexico had the same names.
They are obsessed with oranges. but at that time and now still doesn't alter or change the clues that are in the various stories.

The first I found that does fit the stories this after looking at the river in dobies book which didn't fit (rio mochorita) was Jose's clue
South of culiacan east of cosala inside Durango on the Rio San Lorenzo.
A place there that had both the high mountain and the large boulder at the side of the stream in a valley made over many years by run off water from the stream plus the outlines of where buildings had been. also what looked like the outlines of the formal garden the Don had built from another story I came across. And just over the sinoloa Durango border.
A few miles away another site on another stream off the same river another site that matched the other description in Wikipedia. Where the mine is on a mesa.
The name of the haciends and Indian villages at the sites came from INEGI with coordinates after writing to the Archive of the Indies in Seville. Giving them both names that had come up in the stories.
Another clue from a description in a book reprinted in the Gutenberg project. A dairy written by an American guy who with other friends had gone to Mexico on an adventure trip travelling on horseback.
from cosala heading to los remedios writes. As we crossed the ridge over to our right we could see the hacienda los naranjos on which the fabled gold mine of EL Naranjal is located.
On Google earth 5 many of the old royal roads were shown in approximation in the historical section. the one mentioned by Roy including the short spur to los naranjos was shown. Although appear to be missing from later versions of GE.
I have other clues so in my mind Annie's post whilst both interesting and detailed don't match the stories.
The original story by Roy is also a good tale the mention of the 4.000 drop and church/cathedral on the opposite bank probably refers to a short section of the barrancas el cobre. There is a section that has a vertical drop off straight down although I don't think it's the height mentioned. Also on the opposite bank further upstream is what Is now known as the lost cathedral. Now with a road to it and a tourist attraction.


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I should have mention the original diary written by the American guy was published in 1850.
Annie's area is a few miles south west of torreon I think is in the los Cardenas area the land south of there does drop gradually away and to the east of los Cardenas is a largish lake so the mine mentioned in his post would be flooded as it is below the water table.
The spur off the royal road goes to the hacienda los naranjos not the mine and part of the original road at the spur area can still be seen on ge where it crests the ridge

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ORO, ya posted ------ , it is a different mindset, looking for deposits large enough and economically promising enough for the large company to mine successfully, rather than small, "pocket" type deposits that would be a bonanza to one or two people but for a large company would hardly pay the operating costs for a month

I'll have you know that my lil the Escondida is a perfect mom & pop mine with approx.2,000 yankee a ton.

As for El Naranjal I repeat it is in Chihuahua on the Tayopa property (complex). The complex is a fairly large area, some 5 x 15 miles of the basic complex. many more miles of hydrothermal and volcanic activies -- for example there is a perfect two ringed small caldera which I alwas wanted to explore for diamonds - your turn now. Then there is the Pt placer formed where it enters into the Mayo river,. and on the western side where it drops into Sonora, where one of the rings has eroded away,was considered by them as the richest Gold vein / placer in NW Mexico, And , and, Oh well you;ll have your work cut out for you, El Naranjal will only be secondary.

EL Naranjal. Between You me and Annie we have one

Hi Furness,, yep. There are three Tayopas also, although Oro has the true one.. Incidentally my Naranjo has most, if not all, of the characteristics needed for Naranjal --- oops I mean Oro's.

Keep posting my friend, I am enjoying them, and Annies. :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Wow - a blast from the past! And ... a heartily welcome back!! ;-)

Hi loke. Thanks I hope your well and the same to all on here that posted in the various threads. Jose oro Gollum Joe etc
I did tend to lose interest with the site after blind bowman left it got just to darned quiet on here. Plus other interests got priority


I did find a link that gave credence to the story about the Don who owned the mine laying silver flags in the courtyard of the hacienda for the visit by the bishop of Culiacan.
Turns out a village in the area wrap aluminium kitchen foil round pieces of timber to represent the flags and parade at Easter possibly confirming the truth in the story which I think was in dobbies book

Unfortunately the comp crashed before I got to the name of the village and I lost the link. Doh


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Not meaning to de-rail the topic, but Loke, I liked your previous avitar better, this one looks like a tree stump ?

Not meaning to de-rail the topic, but Loke, I liked your previous avitar better, this one looks like a tree stump ?
Maybe because it _is_ a tree-stump? Nature can play some nasty tricks - you should look up the painting 'The Scream' of Edvard Munch ... (

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Loke, you posted -- Nature can play some nasty tricks

I'll have to ask you to keep Oro out of this.
:laughing7: He's ok, it's just that he is, well, Oro, and my friend ( yours also, which is why I allow him to go with you.) :occasion14: Hi to Beth, she's fair game also :laughing7:

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