Nov 17, 2004
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All Treasure Hunting
Have you ever hunted a place, and based on (1.) what you found, (TARGETS) (2.) how you found the targets, (3.) The age of the targets
Made a concept in you mind about the reasoning as to why you found what you found and its circumstances ?
I will give you one of two examples that I can remember but there are probably hundreds...
1. I was hunting an early Roman site in Spain, and it was CLEARLY a Roman ONLY site.. We found a few Roman coins and pieces of lead which are very common on Roman sites, but little else... But then out of the blue we dug a 1751 2 REALS Spanish coin and later a Second
Silver Spanish coin.... There is NO indication that any Spanish people actually lived on the site, no buttons, no bullets, no pieces of scrap copper, no buckles, No other Spanish household trash at all... So why did someone with Silver coins come to this site in the 1700s to visit and lose their coins ? I made the theory that there was actually Roman Ruins here in the 1700s (now just a farmers field) and that wealthy Spanish people came to visit the Ruins in the 1750s or 1800s losing a few coins when they did.. and now 200 years later the Ruins are gone and nothing but a farmers field remains...

Do you have situations like that where something you found seemed out of place and you tried to figure out why..
Of course we will Never really know...

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I always wonder "why is this here" for just about everything I dig up. Though my circumstances are usually a lot more simple than yours.

I always wonder "why is this here" for just about everything I dig up. Though my circumstances are usually a lot more simple than yours.
Well. when its a basic thing, like coins in a schoolyard.. we know why they are there...
But like I hunted a Churchyard years ago and ALL the targets were 6-8 inches deep and all were Indians, Wheats, or early silver.... why no modern pocket change ? The church was still active...
I believe that someone in the previous 6-12 months had hunted it and dug everything 5-6 or less.. and their machine was crappier than mine... ha ha ha Thereby getting all the modern stuff and who knows what else... and leaving all the deeper targets for me...
Like that.... kind of story..
I can't prove it but that's what I think ha ha ha

Well. when its a basic thing, like coins in a schoolyard.. we know why they are there...
That's true, obviously a dropped coin is a dropped coin. But even then, I wonder. For example, I've found coins at old one-room country schoolhouses. Then I think ,why was the kid carrying this coin? The schools I've hunted didn't have a school lunch program, and there wasn't any commerce to be done nearby. Was this coin normal change to them, or was it a "special" coin they wanted to show off? Was it a lot of money to them? Was it a big deal that they lost it? That kind of thing. Or one time I found a beautiful Indian Head penny at a farmhouse that I know wasn't even built until around 1940 -- well after Lincoln pennies were probably the "dominant" penny in circulation. Why was that IHP there? I always wish the things I find could talk.

Something that has always confused me, is when I hear someone say that they are hunting a "virgin" site but they aren't getting any signals... and then they say that because the site is so old everything is probably too deep for their machine to find, so they aren't getting any signals.. Of course to me or anyone else who has ever hunted a site, this just sounds ludacris, and really is an indication that the site has been picked clean by someone else..
(they said the owner had assured them that nobody had ever hunted the site)
I have been on a few sites I would consider to have been virgin, and the targets are everywhere... literally you can't swing your machine without hitting another target... The old house site me and my friend hunted I would almost consider virgin, simply because of the numbers of high sounding targets.... 9-10 wheats and 2 silver dimes all in the front yard area and all that in maybe 2 hours of hunting ? If anyone else had been there I would have only expected to find 2-3 wheats and no silver...

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