An exotic tick that can kill cattle is spreading

Yep, a couple of ticks in Ohio are really messing things up for drywashers in the gold fields.

WTF does any of this have to do with gold prospecting or drywashing? Shouldn't it be moved to the Treasure Legends thread or one of the other fantasy danger danger silliness you must fear threads?

The two natural critters that kill the most humans in the U.S. are the honeybee and deer. Ticks aren't even on the list.

I’ll put down a few bags of Triazicide this spring. These mild winters don’t help the tick situation.

Sorry to hear about what you went through.

Thank you for sharing as you are not the only one effected.
Below is some information as I and many others don't know that much about what can happen:

Ehrlichiosis is rarely deadly. With antibiotics, people usually improve within 24 to 48 hours. Recovery may take up to 3 weeks.

Early signs and symptoms (the first 5 days of illness) are usually mild or moderate and may include:

Fever, chills.

Severe headache.

Muscle aches.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite.


Rash (more common in children)

Unlike Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis is considered an acute infection without chronic long-term consequences. Its severity varies from person to person. Many people exposed to the disease agent exhibit no symptoms, while others suffer mild symptoms that resolve without treatment.

Without prompt treatment, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis can have serious effects on an otherwise healthy adult or child. People with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of more-serious and life-threatening complications. Complications of an untreated infection may include: Kidney failure.Oct 5, 2022

What happens if ehrlichiosis goes untreated?

If HME is left untreated, life-threatening symptoms, such as kidney failure and respiratory insufficiency, may develop in some cases. Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis is caused by the bacteria Ehrlichia chaffeensis (or E. chaffeensis).Apr 7, 2009

Ehrlichiosis has three possible phases of disease: an 'acute' phase or early signs of disease, a 'subclinical phase' where there are no obvious signs of disease, and a 'chronic' or long-term stage. The severity of the disease varies considerably with the phase.Mar 1, 2023

What are the two types of ehrlichiosis?

Two types of human ehrlichiosis were found in the U.S. in the late 1980s, human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE). HME is now referred to as ehrlichiosis. One of three Ehrlichia species, E. chaffeensis, causes HME.

Is there a test for ehrlichiosis?

Serology. The reference standard serologic test for diagnosis of ehrlichiosis is the indirect immunofluorescence antibody (IFA) assay for immunoglobulin G (IgG).

Does ehrlichiosis cause joint pain?

What are the symptoms of Anaplasmosis and Ehrlichiosis? The symptoms are the same for both and may include fever, muscle aches, weakness, and headache. Patients may also experience confusion, nausea (the feeling of sickness in the stomach), vomiting, and joint pain.

How do you get rid of ehrlichiosis?

Doxycycline is the treatment of choice for ehrlichiosis and all other tickborne rickettsial diseases. Presumptive treatment with doxycycline is recommended in patients of all ages, including children <8 years.Jan 17, 2019

What is the sister of Lyme disease?

Babesiosis is transmitted by the blacklegged tick, the same tick that transmits Lyme disease. If you are bitten by a tick and develop symptoms of Lyme disease, you will also probably get tested for babesiosis. Any primary care doctor can order tests for this disease.

Can ehrlichiosis cause heart problems?

Cardiac involvement in myocarditis induced by Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis infection is an incredibly uncommon complication with sparsely available literature. Also, this case highlights the importance of early recognition as a first step in management.
It happened that I had a mutated version of ehrichiosis (kinda like what happened to mersa disease in hospitals. they had specialists coming from all over the US to probe my orifices. Original disease was found on Ft Sill Oklahoma by troops in the field. Mine was a very mutated version of that same disease.

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It happened that I had a mutated version of ehrichiosis (kinda like what happened to mersa disease in hospitals. they had specialists coming from all over the US to probe my orifices. Original disease was found on Ft Sill Oklahoma by troops in the field. Mine was a very mutated version of that same disease.
I'm wondering what other mutations can be carried by the common tick?

Well in about a day or so I will be 'Ticking down' to the new year.........:laughing7::thumbsup:

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Oh, I've had plenty. Never got sick in any way from any of them (knock on wood). I just spray my boots with insect repellent and accept any that get past it as part of the deal for being out in the weeds.
Yeah...that was my attitude for a looong time. Then I got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Now that was what is called "an attitude adjustment". Now it's permethrin on all my clothing and Picaridan on my exposed skin.

I haven't noticed any ticks here last 2-3 years. Before that (for several years) our gardens and property, were invaded by ticks. Hopefully all of them moved across the border into Ohio. For a while there we had to check ourselves after being in the garden. Of course, we see fewer deer now, could have been the source of our tick population.

I wouldn’t put it past foreign enemies or even domestic corporations to be developing strains of ticks to be used as biological weapons that could be dropped via aircraft. My conspiracy theory for the day. If you think about it..a parasite that kills its host really shouldn’t be a viable species over the long run..right?
Lyme disease was a bio weapon developed by the US during WWII in top secret labs. There are numerous books written on the subject. I suggest reading "Bitten " by Kris Newby as a start. I am a victim of Lyme disease-once you have it, it is always in your body. My case is not as severe as some but still a nuisance, and now I'm very aware of any tick that sets foot on my body and usually catch them before they become attached.

Why is this in a drywashing forum ?

I would be more concerned about Scorpions , Rattle Snakes, Ant's, Black widows,
Tweakers, fire --- all of which I have encountered drywashing.

Why is this in a drywashing forum ?

I would be more concerned about Scorpions , Rattle Snakes, Ant's, Black widows,
Tweakers, fire --- all of which I have encountered drywashing.
I'm surprised it hasn't been moved to the Ohio State Animal Husbandry sub forum. I'm sure all those members would like to be informed since it's Ohio State and exotic cow tick specific.

Not much use to drywashers. Not many cows drywash in my experience. When they do I'll bet it's funny. (No thumbs) :laughing7:

Lots of exotic ticks in Ohio apparently, a few cows too from what I've heard. Dangerous mining there! :thumbsup:

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As long as the proper message is getting to our members, who cares what area it is posted. This is a forum after all. :coffee2:
Excellent point and I could not have said it better.
Thank you for sharing.

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