America’s Trade Debts Lead to a Likely Gold Confiscation

rmptr said:
I'll tell 'yah, as a construction worker, my slice has gotten REAL small!

Tell you what man. The pie is getting smaller for all of us. The only ones making money are doctors, lawyers (which means the politicians and big oil too), and executives. Just wait to see how much a bunch of bananas or bag of apples cost in a year or so when fuel costs between 5-8 dollars a gallon. Those executives aren't going to give up their billion dollar salaries so that your bananas will remain at a buck-fifty a bunch rather than 5 dollars a bunch. No, the sky isn't falling but start pinching your pennies now. EVERYTHING is going to cost WAY more and the govt isnt going to print anymore money. They want the dollar to deflate and it's only going to do that when everything costs a lot more than people can afford.

blurr said:
Well, my opinion is that this article is bunk. A trade defecit isn't a physical debt. It means that we are importing more goods than we are exporting. China buying our bonds is troublesome, but us buying oil from Canada and mexico is not. Also, the U.S. mint is selling all the coins anyone would like to purchase. It may be difficult to buy 2007 gold coins right now, being it is DECEMBER. Sorry, but again this article is bunk. The sky isn't falling, the tooth fairy and Easter bunny aren't real. ;D


Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the phone............the Easter Bunny isn't real? ??? :icon_scratch: :'(

Calm down 954...

It will be ok. I think. Here's a couple prozak...


Still hoping for the BIG treasure news here on Tnet and just found out nicolas cage found another!
I'm crushed... is he even a member?

and harrison ford! gosh, he really should be a member...

All I get anymore is crushing news... such as this...


I just don't know what will be next...


They just start younger every year!
What is the world coming to?

It's all really simple when you put it into the right terms which most people, if not all can understand.

Your all in this really big game of poker, with a set amount of chips.
Now as the game progresses, a few players end up with more chips than everyone else.
As more time progresses, more and more players run outta chips while some players end up with allot of them.
So the broke players, borrow chips from the players with the most in order to keep playin.
And as the game continues fewer and fewer players are the ones holding all the chips while more and more of the other players owe chips to those mega chip holders.
Eventually the Mega chip holders want all their chips back, or the broke players don't wanna continue borrowing chips to continue to play. That is where we are at. What will happen ?

I think the game is over ! :-\

If the US Government is forced to tighten up the belt and eliminate a few thousand government programs and a few million government salaries, quit giving pay raises to government retirees, deactivate a few military bases and Army Divisions and quit fighting foreign wars the sky won't fall. If it has to quit giving grants to major universities, and states the sky won't fall. If it has to quit finding ways to flood money into local education systems, tribal reservations, the sky won't fall. It the grants stop to local and state law enforcement the sky won't fall.

Wise words.

I don't feel MD's analogy quite covers the scenario, as it does not take into consideration true value is based upon productivity.

His description certainly fits, for the activity of the skimmers...
The 10%'er middlemen who produce nothing, and amass great wealth merely at the expense of all others.

I like the words of Frederic Bastiat for a simplistic view.
"Only by constant application of labor to natural resources does society prosper."


I wish I could agree with you rmptr, but our whole monetary system isn't based upon the value of productivity. And it never has been. Anyone caring to get a real quick education about what are value is based upon and in fact who the real rulers of the world are, like the analogy above who holds all the chips, watch the following movie. As for now, our nations value is actually measured in it's debt. something that is really hard to understand, but watch the little movie it's only 47 minutes long. You'll walk away amazed, maddened, stupefied, scared and smarter. :wink:


Hi MD,

I did watch the Money As Debt presentation on Google Videos.

It's very good.

And of course they did a better job in their 47minutes than you did in your single paragraph!

Is it that I'm simplistic and consider some partake in an honorable trade, or craft, and others who may have amassed a pile of ducats are worthy of nothing but scorn?

Perhaps I should watch it again. I need to be a smarter person!

I'm still trying to figure how a government in the land of the free and home of the brave can forcefully TAKE part of what a workman has determined to be fair and just compensation in equal exchange for his sweat and labor, when corporations are allowed to take advantage of loopholes and take writedowns to avoid paying tax upon profit! It's all pretty much beyond me. :icon_scratch:

Recovers Many Pull Tab Relics

rmptr, I hear ya bro. The fact of the matter is those are the people who have most of the chips bro. Both the ones who own the large companies as well as the leaders of the world governments. Those who hold most of the chips make the rules of the game.

P.S. I hope you took no offense when I said people would walk away smarter after watching this video. It first off wasn't pointed at you since I know I posted it in another one of your threads I felt reasonably sure you had watched it already. Also I have Two Doctorates as well as a masters degree, most people who know me personally think of me as pretty smart, yet I was dumbfounded by what I saw and learned in that video.
Lastly I already think of you as one of the smartest people on this site !


Oh gosh, I thought this was gonna be another fat joke! :icon_jokercolor:

Md, I am the perfect example of how a little bit of knowledge can cause a lot of trouble. ;D

Perhaps a lobotomy would be a welcome choice.

Ignorance, IS bliss.



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MD Dog said:
I wish I could agree with you rmptr, but our whole monetary system isn't based upon the value of productivity. And it never has been. Anyone caring to get a real quick education about what are value is based upon and in fact who the real rulers of the world are, like the analogy above who holds all the chips, watch the following movie. As for now, our nations value is actually measured in it's debt. something that is really hard to understand, but watch the little movie it's only 47 minutes long. You'll walk away amazed, maddened, stupefied, scared and smarter. :wink:

Too long for me to watch bro. I gotta go to work cause I have debts to pay! ;D

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