Bill D. (VA)
Silver Member
As some of you may remember, I dug 3 pieces to an 18th century sword guard at a new site back in April. I initially tried coating it with a little mineral oil to keep it from oxidizing, but it quickly dried out. So then I made the fatal mistake of letting it soak for a bit too long in the mineral oil, and it darkened it way too much. I was kicking myself for doing that as I thought it was an irreversible screw-up. But I decided to send it off to a professional and highly skilled relic restoration expert to see what he could do with it, and just got it back in the mail today. I just could not believe the incredible job he did on the guard. You can't see even the slightest indication of where the 3 pieces were joined together, and the patina was somehow returned to just dug condition. It was well worth the time and expense to have this done, and now this historical piece will look awesome in one of my display cases. The first pic below shows the largest piece right after it was dug, and the 2nd shows the guard after the first application of mineral oil had dried. The 3rd shows how I really screwed it up, and the final product is shown in the last image.