Always make sure you have cash on you!

Chug And Red

Gold Member
Feb 18, 2010
Vancouver WA
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Chug)Whites Classic 5 ID, (Red Whites Coin master Pro)

Chug and Reds New Additions

Give It Up>> Garrett's AT Pro
Buttercup>> Garrett's Ace 250
Show Me the Money>> Garrets Ace 400
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting

Hi everyone, hope you all had a great weekend with lots of cool finds. Due to rain off and on, we haven't been able to get out too much, so we have been doing more research on our town, and decided to hit grass strips in a new area, hoping to find Pokey! It was overcast, and cold, but so worth it! 0106131143.jpg wow2.jpg wow.jpg There had to be close to 300 geese, the noise of them made it hard to hear our machines, especially for Chug since he cannot wear his hearing aid right now, I don't know how he was able to hear his targets, but he did!
He did pretty good on clad, $1.07, and cold fingers!
I found 13 cents and these cool items. DSCF1520.JPGDSCF1529.JPG DSCF1524.JPG I dug down about a foot, and felt the curved edge, and thought I had found a can, I decided I felt enough, and was now really curious, so I kept digging, and cleaning dirt away, during this time is when Chug kept hitting clad! He asked me at one point if I was digging my way to China, but there was no way I was leaving without it.It's made of copper we think. My other interesting find is this,DSCF1497.JPG DSCF1494.JPG DSCF1514.JPG DSCF1506.JPGDSCF1510.JPG DSCF1528.JPG. Not sure what I found, it might be pewter, so we are looking forward to finding out what we can. After all that hard work, we decided to go out to dinner, 0106131508a.jpg yum.jpg The bread is so good, you could make a meal just on it! 0106131508.jpg 1.jpg My drink was so good, and a little strong, but that's ok. 0106131515a.jpg 2.jpg We both had the prime rib, really great, we enjoyed ourselves, and when it came time to pay, a good old gift card from our landlady!
One tiny problem, we were $8.25 over, and had no cash, and Chug's card wasn't working.
So we come up with a plan, Chug had a check he could cash on him, and the credit union is across the parking lot, so he tells our server what he was going to do, and explained I would stay there til he got back, no problem, right?
NOT! Here come's her manager, "I'm sorry sir, there seems to be a problem..." Yes, we are aware of the problem, so Chug explains it again, the manager still doesn't get it, he told her I was staying as colateral.
Blank look on her face, so I lean over and say" My husband has to go get money from the credit union and I am staying here til he gets back, and trust me he will be back, because our 18th wedding anniversary is next month, and if he doesn't come back, he is buying me something gold!"
THAT she understood!
When Chug got back, she came and got the money to pay the overage, and tip, she brought the little black book thing, and it had a one dollar bill, and a ten, and we hadn't paid her tip yet. Thank goodness he had a few coins in the truck, so we were able to give her a decent tip. The service was ok, but it seemed like she didn't want to be there, she kept going in the kitchen to see someone.

Now it's time to relax, so off to bead for now, research tomorrow! Thanks for reading, take care, stay safe and HH! Red

Upvote 4
Also Be carful and Make sure your Pick Up all Of your Trash Or Sheriff Gumby will Find You!!


I LOVE it!!! :icon_thumright:

That ended better that i thought it would.
Expected more like,"and the last i saw Chug that night he was washing dishes in a skid row hotel!"
Congrats ,you two pulled off another caper.:metaldetector::metaldetector::love6:

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Actually I told the Girl, Quote "You can Hold the Red Head as Ransome Untill I get Back!!!" LOL If i did not come back All Heck would have Happened trust Me HH Chug

Lol good story, And I thought that I was the only person that Never carried enough money on them......I used
to have to keep a hundred on me or felt broke, But now It's a lucky day if you catch me with a ten spot on me
I just don't carry it around on me anymore, If I got it I'm afraid that I'll spend it, And you guy's had some more
Good finds as usual too.....................HH

Your pewter piece may be an ink sander. Could be quite old! Nice find!

Great story,one y'all will remember for years to come. Can't wait to find out what the pewter item is.

always Carry a selection of hair with. and
Find out what color the cooks is. :laughing7:

Of course since the girl didn't trust you's, the tip would have been non existent.
the least she could have done is copied your drivers license # & give you's 24 Hours.

anyway Nice digs

That pewter item appears to be an end piece to an old cane. Regarding the girl at the restaurant.... she probably saw you shooting photos of the food and became paranoid, thinking something is wrong... is a lawsuit pending? or is this a con to run on out without paying the bill. I'm sure long term employees have seen it all in the restaurant business. I am honorable and would never do the following, however, if you carry a dead cockroach in a ziplock in your purse and ... label the bag "Do not open until emergency cash shortage," Well, you know where this is heading so best to end it here... LOL

Your pewter piece may be an ink sander. Could be quite old! Nice find!

Thank You for the Info Reds Detector was running on low batterys, We are going to hit this area Again Hard next time we get Out!!! the area we a hunting has Some Great History!!!! HH Chug and Red

Its all of your Fault, Red is going to drag me to Musuems Now!!! :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: Hopfully by the ????? Hair People Hair!!! I Know Im Bad Very Very Bad!!! HH Chug

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