Along the Royal Trail with Lost Horse

Sp TH,
What makes you say these things my Friend?
I have spotted so many 3's on locations even
across the country. So what have you noticed,
that you think the #3 means something else,
& so then what is it that you think it means?
Lost Horse is a dedicated TH, & I don't think
she'd ever post anything false on purpose...
I have always thought the #3 representative
of The Holy Trinity myself, in a treasure area.
I have read however, that the #4 was gold...

A #5 indicates silver, a #7 indicates campsite or gold or both. I guess everyone has their own interpretation of symbols, I was told a #8 means vault/treasure room and trinity, again based off of what people want to believe. Just sharing what I know.

Interesting video . He has a very complex system to me. I like watching his stuff,but its all way over my head. I can hardly add 2+2. But for people that use the compass and ruler method,they should be able to understand it. I like hearing the 5, 12,33, interesting.

The Secret of How They Did It, while out in the Field...

Secrets of the Solstice Engineers


Just Sharing New Find

Small Triangle Marker on the Surface
Marks Hidden Alignment Boulder Marker under the Surface

PA240004 a.jpg

PA240019 a.jpg

Lost Horse

Just Sharing New Find

Small Triangle Marker on the Surface
Marks Hidden Alignment Boulder Marker under the Surface

View attachment 1874644

View attachment 1874645

Lost Horse

Very interesting LH, thanks for posting the photos. I swear i see minuture stuff on that rock. Like a #8 on a owls chest or its a 8 below a sideways hourglass ? Looks like two differant bird figures? And what looks like a woman wearing a Crescent Moon headdress ? :dontknow:. Let me know if you want the photo deleted.PA240019 a.jpgOIP (1).jpg

Just Sharing New Find

Small Triangle Marker on the Surface
Marks Hidden Alignment Boulder Marker under the Surface

View attachment 1874644

View attachment 1874645

Lost Horse

Hi Lost Horse. Did you find any heart shaped rocks or carvings at this place? Also, did you find any eye shaped carvings or rocks? I’ve seen the small D shaped rock with the pointer a few inches away from it.

Mdog Wrote - Hi Lost Horse.
Did you find any heart shaped rocks or carvings at this place?

Hi mdog - Here are some Alignment Markers that were found on my Site
Documented in the Lost Horse Book of Secrets

A Sun Burst / Eye Catcher

Back Side of the Sun Burst / Eye Catcher

Hidden on the Base of the Sun Burst / Eye Catcher
there is a Small Heart Marker for Conformation

Here is a S
quare / Diamond Marker
Top View


Back Side View
004 b.jpg

Side View
004 a.jpg

Here is a Sun and Shadow Fox Marker
This Shot was taken in the Early Morning


This Shot was taken in the Late Afternoon
006 a.JPG

006 b.jpg

Fox 007.jpg

Here is another one that was buried under the Surface about 1 1/2 feet
With Many Messages



Lost Horse

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Thank you Lost Horse. I’ve seen a triangle with a heart, eye and a small D shaped rock with a pointer. I was wondering if the site was similar to yours but it doesn’t seem to be. Thanks again.

Awesome thread, thank you for sharing this information.

Journey along the Royal Trail
From The Lost Horse Book of Secrets

Documented in the Lost Horse Book of Secrets, an update from a past story.
Journey along the Royal Trail - A Place To Rest
On Treasurenet Thread Page 321

My objective is to entertain you by sharing photos of what I have uncovered.
It's not my point to prove how many mining areas I have located.
Or to engage in some debate that will never get solved.
Or to solve any projects you might have going on.

Come along and join me, let me take you along the Royal Trail.
And share with you, my thoughts and prospective of the journey.
If you are a skeptic, that's ok too, get a cup of coffee and come be entertained.

I have put together photos that I believe are good examples,
to show you some of the Iconic Markers, while exploring this Treasure site.
And how these Iconic Markers are used to lead us to the Treasure.

But remember this - you will always be at the mercy of the
Pay attention to the engineering and design — each one is unique.
And how the Markers are incorporated to create messages.

Confirmation Is very important if you are trying to establish credibility for your site,
there are many ways of doing this.
• Connecting Markers to other markers.
• The quantity of well known Treasure Markers all in one place.
• And the lay out that seems to be of intelligent design.

Enclosing - If you need a more technical interpretation of Spanish Markers.
I want you know I am no expert in that field.
I have my own techniques of finding, photographing and documenting,
My travels along the Kings Trail, and happy to share and entertain you with them.


Part 2 of - A Place To Rest

The Resurrection from Dark to Light / From Old to New
From “The Lost Horse Book of Secrets

Happy Easter 2021

Well, here we are, time for an update on Resurrecting/ Researching Treasure Markers.
In today's environment with our political — economical and medical systems.
The forced lockdowns mite give us some time to think about the true meaning of the word Treasure.
By looking in side the true Temple, our Hearts, - and what treasure does the Soul really Desires.
Like God given rights, that no government can take away.

Here is my story-
We left off where I said good by to the two elderly men - that day when I headed home.
As time went by, as life does, one of the elderly men contacted me.
And asked if I would be interested in following up on the dig site I did a few years back.
They had claimed the site, and would give me full access of the area claimed.
So I told him I would have to think it over, and that I would get back to him soon.
As the day went by and I looked at my life, I was Locked down, due to the political decisions
that were made.

So I started to think — I would get out of the house, and out of this backwards crazy environment,
back into the outdoors, doing field work playing in the dirt, where real life can be felt.
Engaging the brain in a positive activity, like searching, uncovering and back engineering a dig site.
If humanity wants to destroy itself, go ahead, I don't want any part of it.

So the next day, I called him up and told him yes,
and I could not get there fast enough, and I would be at their store this weekend.
He seemed very delighted that I would take on the challenge,
and we talked for awhile, and had a pleasant conversation.

The Weekend Comes
The RV packed up and ready, anticipating to see and be out in the desert again.
My coffee in the cup holder and the sound of the RV warming up.
Soon I am out on that long desert highway, watching the sun come up.
Reminding me of the first time, I started on this journey.
Its funny how we believe that some journeys have ended,
but some journeys, keep calling us back.

Many hours later I arrive at a familiar place in the desert, a place I will never forget.
A place, going back in time — and time moves slow here - not much has changed.
As I walked up to the front steps to enter the porch, I was ready to open the screen door.
When a voice yells out come on in, and its good to see you, I made you coffee and some breakfast.
Lets have a seat, and my brother will be showing up shortly.

As I ate and we talked for a while, his brother did show up and joined us.
We talked and made agreements on rules -
I get to document my findings, as long as they stay anonymous.

And I told them, I would stop in each time I came, and when I leave,
so to keep them informed about their claim. — And so a deal was made.

I wont bore you with the months that went by.
Those details are all documented in the Lost Horse Book of Secrets.

But I will show you, the Highlights of the end results.
Its now up to the claim owners to decide, on how they want to proceed with this information.

And I am happy to share with you what I uncovered, and hope this knowledge will show and give
Confidants to those who love the search, and for most of us it will be for our eyes only.
So don't expect others to understand, and don't loose Confidants, when they don't.

From Old to New
the uncovering of the Old, into today's reality.
And from Dark to Light — uncovering things that were hidden in the dark underground
and bring them into light for all to see and share.

To start my search, I went back to where I took the 3D imaging shots.
The 3D shot showing a vertical Shaft.

3D shot 002.jpg

Note — You can only search so much on the surface.
But all the real good stuff is underground hidden from site.
Ask anyone who uses a metal detector.
We are not after “a coin” we are after something bigger.
So we need to upgrade our tools like a 3D imaging tool.
Giving you the advantage the Padres never though would happen.

And I took some more updated shots of the area,
until I pin pointed the Target that I was looking for.


I Marked off a 20 foot square area, around the target location.
And started an archaeology style dig, removing only the top soil.
When I would reach the bedrock I stopped digging, and continued to dig in this manner
until only the bedrock was all exposed in my 20 foot square area.

After a few days the dirt on the bedrock would dry, and then I would hit it softly with a brush,
cleaning the surfaces exposing more clearer shapes, also better to photograph.

This took a while but it is worth it when you find stuff a treasure hunter would never find,
only because their hearts are after gold and most likely digging would be a chore to them.

After the digging was done and the markers we documented,
and by being anonymous, this is what was found.

The Findings
The first Marker that was found was the one we are all familiar with,
the Heart Marker — it is said that its meaning is — What your Heart Desires,
It has to do with the Love for Something.
Like in Love, once found, it beings Confidants and Security into your search.
The Spaniards, it was to cure the desire for Gold.

The one I use it for the most is - Confidants, that I mite be on the right track.
Because of its many uses, it can be used as Confidants for Trails, Direction, Water, Alignments, Campsites.

Once I got down about a foot, digging into the soft over burden, is when I found this Marker.

The Heart Marker

As I worked my way towards the south side, is when I found the Bear Marker.
Same as the Heart, only a foot or so under the soft over burden soil.

The first thing I think of is Danger for obvious reasons.
But other meanings come to mind — bears like caves for shelter.
Protection while underground — also a meaning of danger while underground — like a death trap.

We have two Markers on this one stone — The Bear and the Profile Face,
giving us Direction and Conformation — Also it shows intelligent design.
That this is Not mother nature.

What I did was I placed them above the cliff.
Putting them inline where they were found because at this point,
I had to continue to dig down under them, to remove all the top soils until I hit Bedrock.

Pay attention to the way the Stone Marker were placed giving you a Message.
In this case, looking in the direction of the Heart Marker.
Again, Confidants.

Bear Marker

As I continued digging down — Removing only the dirt - over burden.
Exposing the bedrock as I went along, is when I would stop digging.

And so as I followed the rock cliff down about four feet, I uncovered the Horse Head Marker.
Do not know the meaning of the Horse at this time.
But it looks like to me it is hiding another message that stands out.
The Circle, with the Dot in the Center. — Know as the Marker for Gold.

This Marker is somewhat Fractured, due to being under the surface,
for about three hundred years.

Horse Head Marker


004 a.jpg

004 b.jpg

After I dug down another three feet, is when things stated to take shape.
The impression of a vertical shaft, started to expos itself.
Revealing what the 3D shot found — from 3D into reality.


As I cleaned up the area some more, I could see that large boulder, was placed in the middle of it all.
Its a Marker, I am calling the Plug.


Other Signs, incorporated into this Boulder.

Here is a photos of the final lay out.

Looking at the Geology - it looks like it was a spring at one point, that brought up the Minerals.
A thermal Tube - They dug down removing all the good stuff.

The Padres — They wasted no effort when it came to hiding this vertical Shaft.
First they filled the shaft with what looks like 85% tailing,
most likely a way to hide their tailing piles.
Putting them into good use, and the rest 15% over burden soil - Making it really hard to dig out.

Then placing this plug marker at the center surface of the shaft, and covered the whole thing up
with top soil.
And with only a foot or so left to cover up, they placed the last remaining Markers in place,
(the Heart and Bear marker) and continued to cover up the whole area.
Like nothing ever happened at this place. The only clues that were left behind
were the Markers that were found on the surface, shown in the first story.

Three hundred years goes by, and its uncovering, bring it from Darkness in to the light.

This is the way I left it — the Vertical Shaft with the Plug uncovered and exposed.
All the information was given to the claim owners, to continue their Journey.
Its now up to the claim owners to decide, on how they want to proceed with this information.


I want you to know, I am no expert in this field.
I have my own techniques of finding, photographing and documenting,
My travels along the King’s Trail.

And happy to share and entertain you with them.

And I want to thank everyone, for their kind words and support.

I pray that all your journeys will be safe ones.

Until Next Time...


So the 3 D imaging was this done by the device you had previously posted about earlier in the thread the Deep Seeker.

So the 3 D imaging was this done by the device you had previously posted about earlier in the thread the Deep Seeker.
Hi - Cyzak
Through the Years I have Collected ( 3 ) 3D equipment / tools

(First 3D Shot Photos)
The first shot was done by a - 2002 OKM Cave Finder model which is now obsolete
This is My Favorite — it can Scan a 40 foot Square Area 200 feet deep
With One Shot covering a large area and saving searching time

(Second 3D Photo)
The second shot was done by the Deep Seeker model
But take note - that the Deep Seeker Coil is Small
and does not go as Deep as I would like
And can not be used in Rain — Can not get Wet -
But does have its advantages

It is mostly designed for what they call the Halo effect - Ionic Fields
(The Ionic Fields that comes from Buried Metals)
Finding the Halo with out using a Polarized Camera
Once the Area is Located the rest of the equipment is used
to help you pin point the dig Spot

the 3D is Secondary when it comes to this equipment
But it did pick up an Image of the Vertical Shaft that was Close to the Surface
6 to Ten Feet so far - and you can see how far I dug down
and how much over burden soil was removed before I found the Surface of the Shaft
That the Deep Seeker Located -

I am still testing this tool - Does not Penetrate Solid Hard Rock -
But it is Light Weight and great to handle while hiking steep hills sides
and gives you Real Time Info while you are on site
with the Option of a 32G Mini card to save and share your shots for later views

Take Note — If you are Serious about Treasure Hunting -
you can not do it with out something like a 3D imaging Tool
Once you find a location and documented all your Surface Markers
Do your 3D imaging search to gives you a better understand what is in the Ground around you
And what you mite be looking at on the Surface — like an Alignment cross point area

3D Imaging Tools do not solve all your Questions
It a tool like a Metal Detector
It takes time to understand the personally and what it can do and cant do...
But if you use it right
It can give you the Advantage over someone that is searching with out a metal detector

3D Imaging does not penetrate Water
If your Void is filled with water you will not get to see what is hidden IN the water
only that there mite be a void detected

P.S.- You will never Find what is Hidden Under Ground using a Compass...

Until Next Time...
Lost Horse


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Hi - Cyzak
Through the Years I have Collected ( 3 ) 3D equipment / tools

(First 3D Shot Photos)
The first shot was done by a - 2002 OKM Cave Finder model which is now obsolete
This is My Favorite — it can Scan a 40 foot Square Area 200 feet deep
With One Shot covering a large area and saving searching time

(Second 3D Photo)
The second shot was done by the Deep Seeker model
But take note - that the Deep Seeker Coil is Small
and does not go as Deep as I would like
And can not be used in Rain — Can not get Wet -
But does have its advantages

It is mostly designed for what they call the Halo effect - Ionic Fields
(The Ionic Fields that comes from Buried Metals)
Finding the Halo with out using a Polarized Camera
Once the Area is Located the rest of the equipment is used
to help you pin point the dig Spot

the 3D is Secondary when it comes to this equipment
But it did pick up an Image of the Vertical Shaft that was Close to the Surface
6 to Ten Feet so far - and you can see how far I dug down
and how much over burden soil was removed before I found the Surface of the Shaft
That the Deep Seeker Located -

I am still testing this tool - Does not Penetrate Solid Hard Rock -
But it is Light Weight and great to handle while hiking steep hills sides
and gives you Real Time Info while you are on site
with the Option of a 32G Mini card to save and share your shots for later views

Take Note — If you are Serious about Treasure Hunting -
you can not do it with out something like a 3D imaging Tool
Once you find a location and documented all your Surface Markers
Do your 3D imaging search to gives you a better understand what is in the Ground around you
And what you mite be looking at on the Surface — like an Alignment cross point area

3D Imaging Tools do not solve all your Questions
It a tool like a Metal Detector
It takes time to understand the personally and what it can do and cant do...
But if you use it right
It can give you the Advantage over someone that is searching with out a metal detector

3D Imaging does not penetrate Water
If your Void is filled with water you will not get to see what is hidden IN the water
only that there mite be a void detected

P.S.- You will never Find what is Hidden Under Ground using a Compass...

Until Next Time...
Lost Horse

The compass is only used in rare cases I mostly go off of the alignments.What I am interested in is specific measurements and markers that are found what ones do you find most interesting.

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In my opinion, electronic equipment will work about 5-10% of the time. It's worth trying, but that okm machine you have won't hit a tire rim 3 feet down correctly. I looked into it. A good gpr is probably the way, but the learning curve is nuts. I use a 1 meter and 2 meter coil pi, and they are difficult to use on a slope where most of this stuff is located.
The best resource is going to be auras. And then figuring out an entrance thru marker alignments and compass bearings and measurements and what seems to make mathematical sense and take your chances.

Box Circle Preview

This guy was trying to sell his okm btw several years back on several treasure forums.. went by the name "wyoming" here or another place I think. Can't remember specifics anymore from years back.
None of his stuff makes any sense, especially his appearances he did with a speech. He was selling books though. It's like listening to a mad man on all the whacked out geometry he was pushing, partly in my opinion to make up for someone calling him out a long time ago on his stuff. Which was unfortunate, he was on to some stuff, but had to make up things for books to sell, which is total bs in my opinion. The guy is not to be found anywhere now. I had a chance to set up a hunt on one of my spots with him many years ago, but something wasn't right about him and I canceled it. Glad I did.

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I apologize on being too forward on this, and will retract what I've said if you have done test plots with buried targets that you have buried at various depths and sizes and have had very positive results. Otherwise, I'm just out to save someone spending 8,000- 12,000 bucks on questionable tech. Which has been okm products in the past, although I'm only basing it on other people's feedback. I have never owned one.

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