Along the Royal Trail with Lost Horse

Journey along the Royal Trail

A Place To Rest

The Lost Horse Book of Secrets

Hello Trackers,

We continue to look to see if there are more markers,
And collect the data as we find them.

This Maker is a Water Symbol.
This Marker was cut Round on purposes.

Round Markers like this, are usually found on Trails.
To Represent or Suggest there is Water near by.

When I came across this marker, at first it didn't make any sense.
Never the less, I documented it, and added it to my list.

Its not until later, where we will see the big picture,
that we will see the part that it plays.

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Water Marker
And from this Angle you can see the suggestion of a Heart.
Giving you again, the Conformation that this Marker is not Mother Nature.

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To be continued...
Lost Horse

Journey along the Royal Trail

A Place To Rest
The Lost Horse Book of Secrets

Hello Trackers,

The Subtlety, That Most People Miss.

Just as we looked at the Iconic markers on this site,
Now lets look at the subtlety, that most people miss.

As I look for these, sure enough they start to show up.

The first one I spot, is the Notch.
The one on the Center Piece / Eye Catcher / Turtles Back.
You can clearly see that this “Notch” was cut into the rock.

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This Notch is a, Shaft Symbol / Marker.

It is not a Mistake, that it is where it is.
On The Center Piece.
On the Eye Catcher.
On the Turtle's Back or Shell.

It is meant to be Seen...


This Mine is a “Mine Shaft
We are now being told to look for a - Mine Shaft / Covered with Stones.

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To be continued...
Lost Horse

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Lost Horse,

Thank you so much for taking the time to present your photos, findings, and interpretations with the rest of us. This thread is so informative and insightful. You are very gracious.

WOW !!,,,

What a journey you are taking us on. Most here will agree that a huge THANK YOU is in order for sharing the signs and observations concerning / surrounding those signs.
Even though we have nothing (I know of anyway) here in Pennsylvania like this, but there are drill holes I believe were used in surveys.
For you,,, to take the time and effort to document as best you can for those viewers here that this type of markers / signs were in use is simply inspiring.

I believe I can speak for the readers here when I say we are eagerly awaiting the next installment in this series.
Thank you again for taking the time to put this presentation together for us

Hit / Fred

Journey along the Royal Trail

A Place To Rest
The Lost Horse Book of Secrets

Hello Trackers,

Continuing to look at the Subtle Markers.

The Second one I spotted,
Is what some people call a Gun Site.
You can call it what ever you want.
They all have the same Important feature, and that is to give Direction.

This one is on the Bent Knee, of the Man Laying Down Resting.

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The Gun Site – Notch
Again, You can clearly see that this Notch was cut into the rock.

You can call it what ever you want, it is still used in a certain manner.
This is a Cut in the Rock Made to be Viewed through.

If this is Intelligent Design,
then we should see something interesting.
If Mother Nature, + Random = Dead End.

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The Gun Site – Notch
And so, as we look through this cut in the rock,
What do we see?


At this point, all we see is a small grouping of Rocks / Stones?


To be continued...
Lost Horse

Journey along the Royal Trail

A Place To Rest
The Lost Horse Book of Secrets

Hello Trackers,

Again as I continue to look for - Subtle Markers

What catches my eye was,
Remember the Turtle's Head, that looks more like a Pointer Marker,

Looking straight down on the Turtle's Head,
We can clearly see that its a Pointer, Giving Direction.


Subtle Markers
If this is a Pointer, then where is it Pointing to?

So as I look at it more closely,
And I line myself up, giving me the correct view point.

The pointer is pointing to those same Small Group of Rock / Stones,
That the other Cut in the Rock on the Man Laying Down, Knee .was Pointing to.


Two Subtle Markers
Now we see that there are 2 Subtle Markers, that are Directing us to this One Area.

This definitely establishes Intelligent Design at work,
and it gives us more Conformation.

So, what is with this Special Grouping of Rocks?
Whats going on over there?

Something is special over there, and we better take a look at it


To be continued...
Lost Horse

Journey along the Royal Trail

A Place To Rest
The Lost Horse Book of Secrets

Hello Trackers,

Subtle Markers

We start to come up with some very interesting Messages from the Past.
As we follow the subtle markers

As we change our view,
we can see the line up from the Man's Knee and the Turtle's Head that is a Pointer,
And how they both are lined up and point to the same area of interest.

Intelligent Design...


So What is so important with those small grouping of stones?
That they made such a great effort, to make sure we would find their message.


Well lets take a look.

We start again with something simulated, with its Mouth Open.
It is not covered up, but open, Open Mouth - Meaning Mine.

The Heart – Again giving us conformation, this is Not Mother Nature.

And Below, we see a Piece of Quarts Rock , that was buried in the ground.

Note: The Simulation of what it is, is Not so Important.
Don t get lost in trying to figure out what the Artist was trying portray.
Depending on his / her resources and skill level, Your always at their Mercy,

But, the Suggestion it is giving, that! is the Real Key Here.

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The Message
The Mine Marker, (The Simulated Mouth that is Open).
Below that, We can see a Piece of Quarts Rock , buried in the ground.

- While in the Mine, look out for a Quarts Vain. -

I believe that this small grouping of rocks,
Is showing us, what they were mining.
The Quarts Rock is a “Sample Rock


To be continued...
Lost Horse

These are really fantastic. You're really talented.

Journey along the Royal Trail

A Place To Rest
The Lost Horse Book of Secrets

Hello Trackers,
Well, I think we can say that we are in a mining area.

Now that I know what markers I have, and where they are located.
I start to create the Large Picture, to see the lay out of markers.

My perception.

In the Big Picture, There are Four Main Markers / Areas.
I draw some lines, and I noticed that the yard was divided in half.

With the Three Main Markers in line of each other, from Top to Bottom.


Level 1 on Top
Representing the Surface. Or Surface Level.

Also lets not forget, the Man's Knee that has the Gun Site,
that is pointing to that small group of rocks.

Message – End of Trail, Something Covered up and Being Protected.
Most likely a Quarts Vain.


Level 2 - The Center Piece.
Representing, Below the Surface / Shaft.
This One Rock, has Many Massages on it.

The Mine Shaft opening is covered by stones,
and once your in, look for a Quarts Vain.

Because of Shaft Symbol / Marker.
Now we know what kind of Mine it is.

Snake's Mouth Covered up with Stones.
Giving us one of the well know Treasure Markers.
Its telling us that the Shaft Opening, is Blocked and Covered up.

And The Turtle Laying Eggs.
Giving us another well know Treasure Marker.
And is a Symbol for Something Buried, and being Protected.

Area 3
The Turtle's Head that's a Pointer.
And the Man's Knee, Both Markers Point to Area 3.

And it is pointing to which we now know is,
telling us that they were mining a Quarts Vain.

Heck! They left us a Sample.


Level 4 – Bottom of Mine Shaft
The one at the Bottom of the Line Up,
Represents the Bottom of the Mine Shaft.

And its a Water Marker, now I know what part it plays.

Telling me that its possible, They mite of hit a water table.
Is this why they only mined a few years and moved on?


Another Lost One Found.
Yes we do find Spanish Mining Areas.
And Yes, they Do Mark their Mines.
And Yes, we do see Iconic Markers / Symbol being used over and over again.
And Yes, You too can find one.

Now, that we have Conformation that we are at the right place,
I guess the next question is going to be,

Where do I dig?


I want you to know, I am no expert in this field.
I have my own techniques of finding, photographing and documenting,
My travels along the King’s Trail, and happy to share and entertain you with them.

And I want to thank everyone, for their kind words and support.

I pray that all your journeys will be safe ones.

Until Next Time...
Lost Horse


Excellent, Thank you so much, this has helped me so much with some of my beliefs, like they did leave ore samples, and sometimes its not so important what the name of carving is, but understanding what its guiding you to next. and you can get there sometimes by just following the markers and not having to do complex math and degrees . Its a master piece. Great stuff. Thanks Lost Horse.

Hi Lost Horse,

Very interesting big picture conclusion...

My many thanks also, and I'd like to ask you
an easy question... Have you ever ran across
heart rocks, or shadow heart symbols, that
definitely appeared to have been constructed,
and intended to be viewed, upside down?...

Awesome, Appreciate your time, and methods!...

Hope it won't be too very long, before you are
sharing some more, of your most interesting
work, and insightful perspectives... :thumbsup: :sunny: :fish:

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Lost Horse,

Well Done!
You have a gift for making the complex more easily understood.
I have enjoyed the journey and hope you can take us along for many more.

Hello lost Horse, I have enjoyed your post's from the start " BIG OLE THANK YOU " Tell Kim I said hello, I have a question ? is it possible that the smaller rocks indicate that there is something still in a concealed location V = opening and its still there in both locations, perhaps they may indicate a "7" long to short for a possible direction indicator. Just a thought

I think "turtle head" (triangle) is a tail or pointer and "snake head" is the head from turtle.

I would follow these directions:
View attachment 1154602 = (a) align pointers .. i bet this

(b) stand up over "sample quartz rocks" align with "gun site knotch" then look

Good pictures and theory :icon_thumleft:

It is a good theory.
We have just been shown the end. There is no following more arrows.
You/I have even been shown the spot.
If my site had not envolved the turtle I would have not understood. No disrepect in tended. I also have my own beliefs. And it may all be nonsense.
We have been shown all, regarding this spot. Depending on your understanding.
That was the end.
This is a fun hobby continue amigo.

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The reason for my thinking is The two "7" s, with the smaller stones with both snuggled in the v of the 7's having a V which may be directional indicators and to my way of thinking is that 2'5 miles between rest stops would be a reasonable distance for animals / man to travel without having to go too far. I remember as a child we traveled in a auto and the State had rest stops for a meal or overnight, it didn't mean that it was a requirement just a place to stop if necessary.

Journey along the Royal Trail

A Place To Rest
The Lost Horse Book of Secrets

Hello Trackers,

I have been getting a lot of e mails on how to find the location of the dig spot.

So just this one time, I will post what I normally don't do,
and that is how I located the dig site.

Pala Pico Quoted,
We have just been shown the end.

There is no more following arrows.

My Perspective
I would like to share with you, my thoughts and prospective of this journey.

Pala Pico has the right idea —
We where told by the Man Laying down Marker, that this is the End of the Trail.

The problem is that we have an tendency to over think things at times.
The Creators of the Markers, in most cases that I have found,
Is that they seem to keep things simple.

This 20x 20 site has all the information you need.
All the Markers from Big to Subtle that we had looked at,
has given us all the information about this site.

Even where to dig.

Let take a look at the lay out of this site.

A lot of the hidden messages are done by,
What you are looking at, You must ask the question, What is it Suggesting.

As I had stated, the Man's Head is looking to his Right.
The Dog, is on the man's Right.
The Turtle with the Stones Covering the Mouth, is on the Right side also.


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Are you Getting what they are Suggesting yet.

Now, Lets split this site in Half.

On our Right Side,
we see that all the Markers are the ones, that have information of some kind.
Using the Right Side half of the site, to create the Markers that shows us the Sample Rock.


And the ones on the Left Side,
You see all those stone in the ground, those Stones are the Stones Covering the Shaft..
All those stones, and NOT ONE HAS BEEN USED AS A MARKER..


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Why is this?
And Why was it done this way.


Using some logic.
If you were to come back and Uncover this Shaft,
you would most likely cause a little bit of environmental damage to the area.
And if any Markers were in this area they would be destroyed.

The creators were just using common sense and being logical,
Like any smart person would do.
Why put Markers on the dig site and then have to destroy them
And then have to create them again.

This is probably why it has been said that they never Marked their Dig sites.
The Mining area is Marked, but not the Dig site area.

And so, if you got to the point where you were going to cover up this Shaft again,
you would have to go through the drawn-out process of cresting New Markers.

So this way, you cover up the shaft, and the Original Markers are still in Place for next time.
Making it easier for you to find it again.

Being a Tracker is more than just following Stone Markers.
Understanding the Nature of Human Physiology and Logic
Should be part of it.

To Be Continued...
Lost Horse

Journey along the Royal Trail

A Place To Rest
The Lost Horse Book of Secrets


This data is not posted for the public to see.
This kind of Data is kept in the Book of Secrets.

What gives me confidence, is the Tools I use.
You have to ask yourself -
How serious are you in the study of finding these mining areas.
And once found, bringing in the resources / money and time to uncover one of these mine.

Finding the Mining Site are fun to do, by following the trails.
But once there, if your going to want to find Treasure you have to have New Technology.
This is something that the Spanish never dreamed of.

And the advantage is that today, we have Geo- Electric Devices.
Even if you don't totally understand your site,
you can grid the area off and spend some time looking under ground.
This Data mite help you understand whats going on on top of the ground.

This is the point that you have to ask yourself, how serious are you about this subject.
And Make an Investment in a New Tool.

If your going to be a Mechanic, you cant do it with just a screw driver and a pair of pliers.
You mite want to Invest a roll away.
Are you ready to make that financial commitment?

I Use a OKM Cave Finder.
The Cave finder offers you a Geo- Electric measuring method to detect all kind of cavities.
And Accompanied with the Visualizer 3D, a Professional 3D Analyzing Software,
That produces a 3D Graphic Photo of your area of interest.

There is a reason I started with my 20x20 grid lay out at my site.
This is the common spacing I use to lay out my Electrodes (Probes).

This helps me keep orientated
with what I see on the ground vs what I see in my 3D Graphic Photo.
The 20x20 grid can be divided into quarters, making it easy to pin point your target.

Once you make conformation using the Old (The Markers) and the New (3D Graphic Photo
Now you have to ask yourself is it worth your time and finances in digging it up.

For me, its the collection of, on the ground data and trying to understand the meanings,
and messages of the Iconic Markers that keep repeating them self's from site to site.
And by adding the 3D photos, helps with conformation in what I found.

So here is the 3D photo that was created by the OKM Geo- Electric Cave Finder,
Which give me Conformation that what I see on the top of the ground is correct information.

The Old information and the New information — is a MATCH.



Here is a little bit of extra data for you to think about.

Here are some subtle and elusive markers that were collected on the site,
This looks like this has Masonic influence.

By each Treasure Marker 1, 2, and 3, that has to do with the Mine,
has a small Triangle Stone on the ground next to it.
This would not have been know if I had not cleaned up the areas first.
They would have stayed hidden under the soil.

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Remember this - you will always be at the mercy of the Spanish Artist.
each one is unique. in how the Markers are incorporated to create messages.

The Data that I collect and post, is to help others to understand what to look for.
What Iconic Markers that are common and how they are used at the site.
So they to can follow their trail and hopefully find their Mining Area.

And Hopefully they too will share their Data with the rest of us.
And maybe, someday we will have a good understanding of all this mystery.

Until Next Time...
I pray that all your journeys will be safe ones.

Lost Horse

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