ALERT!!! Kentucky Bill Resurfaced!!!

Hey I don't doubt you a bit caver! Our State Archaeologists in Michigan are much the same way. If you ask me the sort of mindset that most of these State-Level Archies seem to subscribe to does more harm to the Field of Archaeology than an army of trespassers with detectors onto a designated site could ever hope to do.

I'd even venture to say that they aren't even "real" archaeologists. They may have some piece of paper from some university saying that they are, but they departed from the field of legitimate study long ago. Now it's all about how much power they can wield, how much they can manipulate a lawmaker, and most importantly how much money they can make. And as you said, not only do they attacke detectorists, they refute the finds of less lofty archaeologists who are not as well-connected as they are.

They care less about what they can learn from a site than they do about seeing how quickly they can gain control of it and keep everybody away from it until "professionals" can study the site......which usually turns out to be NEVER.

Like I said, we need to find a way to level the battlefield against these clowns and make them fight us on OUR terms. Take the fight into THEIR front yards instead of having to defend ours all the time.

What's sad is that Archaeology can positively benefit from MD'ers (WITHOUT swooping in and shutting everyone out) like they do in England, but Bureaucracy-Level Archies in the States are way too drunk on power to even see it.

If I wind up coming to Campbell, I'm fully intending to make life a living hell for this Pollack character, his live-in conflict-of-interest shack-job girlfriend, and the entire Kentucky Hissy-Fit Commission (within the lettter of the law, of course......but there's lots of ways to stay within one's legal boundaries and be a royal pain in the a$$!!). PsyOps is a very fun and effective tool to make small groups of people craaaaZZeeeee!!!


SgtSki, I'm on your side!

Tom in Ca, are you with us?


yeah sure Cavers. But I'm a little confused as to what you want to do, and the rest (?) of the story. PM me the details, and how I could help. Hey, if that was an isolated incident, the powers that be (to whom Gwynn answers to), could brush it off as isolated. But the thing about them telling teachers not to touch a garden trowel, pushes the stupidity beyond stupid. By using more than one example of her un-professionality, you might get enough to "stick" against the wall. Ie.: "show a pattern of abuse", rather than fight for the single incident that you had. PM me and let's talk.


The single "indent" that I had is important to me, not only on a personal level, but on a professional level as well. However, I told my story, lobbied for killing the bill, and pointed out the school/trowel/webpage so that others may obtain an inkling of understanding as to the problems that may be in our detecting future, esp. if people like Pollack and Gwynn are allowed to get by with what they want.

Ordinarily, I'm not a very vocal person and I tend to be friendly, nice, polite, respectful, etc. However, after dealing with these people and their never-ending awful shenanigans, let alone outright lies, I've had enough.

I am going to protect detecting in KY for my children. I am going to make sure that people know that the archaeology work they've done is not as good as they "let on" in their publications.

I am ill, my health is not good, but believe me, this is worth the effort. I will do what I can to preserve this hobby (my family's hobby) and make sure that the public knows of the "wrongs" these people have committed, not only against me, but against others.

Woohoo! My soap-box speech for the day!


Government people steps on our toes because they no longer represent us.
They represent special interest groups and lobbysts.

Maybe we should join forces with the NRA to see if we get some respect.

cavers5 said:
...They tried to destroy me to hide the fact that the work they do is not quality. They do not want people to know that Gwynn completely missed those sites. It would hurt her PhD reputation...

The unfortuneate truth here Cavers is that there are people like this in every field. If what you say is true, it wouldn't matter if they were archeologists, toll ticket takers, cops, wait staff, musicians, execs, or even fry boys. The sad part is that they have found a position that most do not care if it gets abused, so when they are finally exposed, most people say "So what?". Really sad.

Thanks, and you're absolutely right.

I just can't help, but think that the field of archaeology deserves better!


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