Alaska Gold Panning Concentrates And Honest Shipping!

Re: Alaska Gold Panning Concentrates @ $2 Per Pound, And Honest Shipping!

For anyone who has bought from me and has missing orders, please respond to me on my email I'm preparing resends over the weekend from here in Kenai. I've been writing to the few of you that I know of, anyone else please let me know.

I'm tentatively planning to go to Fairbanks next month to begin obtaining cons from early 20th century tailing piles that I know of up that direction. Meanwhile here in Kenai I have found some of the black sand piles in awkward locations to the south of me. Currently the road is washed out, so that one will have to wait a bit longer. I'm busting butt to make you all happy, but the other day we also had five inches of snow. So I want to thank you all for your patience.

Re: Alaska Gold Panning Concentrates @ $2 Per Pound, And Honest Shipping!

thanks for the update sean, just got first box of cons today.

Re: Alaska Gold Panning Concentrates @ $2 Per Pound, And Honest Shipping!

Ok it's time for more discounts! I'm heading back north to Palmer later this week. For the rest of the time I am in Kenai, I will ship out 50 lb ( +/- 5 lbs ) boxes for $55 each. They will be classed at 1/2 inch. This includes shipping. If I get your payment after I leave you will get other cons from up north a few days later. I have my wet suit here (I forgot to bring it back to Palmer last trip). I will be dredging the Hatcher's Pass area for a few weeks (or Caribou Creek). Those cons will run about $0.50 - $0.75 per pound. Well known for flour and some pickers occasionally.
Also as the summer approaches, I will be shipping orders out an average of twice per week. There is a great deal of work getting these and that includes preparing them for drying and shipping.

If you want one or more of the 50 lb boxes send $55 for each to my Paypal address at include your shipping address!

Re: Alaska Gold Panning Concentrates @ $2 Per Pound, And Honest Shipping!

Here is a photo of one of my smelting attempts. It was done with my webcamera which isn't nearly as focused. If it wasn't slightly blurry you could see that there is what would have been a nice platinum button. The mix was heated to well over 4,000 f so more than likely the gold evaporated. Those of you who smelt better than I will get all three in your buttons no doubt. It was around two grams of material that I used besides the flux of course. My flux supposedly leaves silver in the slag, plus silver isn't as nice looking as platinum.
I know 24 k gold melts around 2,000 f. Platinum around 2,900 f.

Those are both present. And I might note that a lot more gold shows up when soaked in an acid first. I'm using apple cider vinegar then roasting at 1,000 f for 90 minutes or so. In the mishapen button pictured above, I know people see the blue and that's the flux, but look at the dull silvery color. It's not dull when viewed by the eye, it's shiny. Just wanted to mention that.
For my blue bowlers who can do it, save all blue bowl cons I'm trying to line up a refiner to smelt them for you. Then you'll get the gold too...

Yo, snowdog20, found ya! :laughing7: Ignore my last PM over at the other forum. LOL

*Waiting patiently for my cons to arrive.*

At the last GPAA Gold Show in El Paso, TX I picked up a device called a Black Magic Gold Recovery System. I've had a blue bowl for years, but have found it to be tedious to operate. The Black Magic is kinda-sorta a Miller Table, but uses neoprene instead of slate. I've tried it on some cons I've run several times in a finishing sluice and pan and found a bunch of really fine gold I'd missed. From the sounds of the posts here, it outta work great on sean's cons after soaking and roasting.


Hey Kajun! Welcome to the thread!

Okie dokie. Cons arrived yesterday. :hello2: Only about 4 days shipping time. It was well packed.....only a tablespoon or so leaked into the box from the bag.

First thing I did was check it with a strong magnet. Not a whole bunch of magnetic stuff, at least on my Big Orange Magnet (BOM).

Then I dry classified several pounds of it to +30, -30/+50, and -50/+100 (btw, the 50 lb bag is VERY dense....weighs a whole bunch for its size). The largest amount by far is the -30/+50 fraction. There wasn't much under 100 mesh stuff. There was a medium amount of dust produced while dry classifying, so ya'll might want to do this outside! LOL These cons are seriously dry, and are suitable for dry classifying from the git-go. Then I took the +30 stuff and did a little wet classifying. It was about 99% +30, so doesn't seem to matter if you wet classify or dry classify. (Note to self: Wear leather gloves for next classifying round....wore blisters on one finger on each hand. ::) Oops.)

I took the wet +30 stuff and ran it on my finishing sluice, then panned it out. No gold. ??? By then, it was dinner time, so I stopped. Snowdog has said his stuff has "flour gold", so I really didn't expect to find much in the +30 stuff (but it woulda been nice, yanno?? LOL). I have higher hopes for the smaller fractions.

Today I plan to work the -50/+100 stuff on my Black Magic recovery unit.

Got a question for ya, long do you soak your material in the vinegar to get the gold to shine? I just started mine to soaking in regular vinegar/hot water solution at 8:30 AM.

It's a gorgeous day here today, so I'm gonna head out for a bit of coin-shooting at some of the local elementary schools.

More later, ya'll.


This week I am submitting 100 lbs of prepared Kenai cons to a refiner. The refiner I have checked out and he seems legit enough. Also I am going to submit 150 lbs of prepared Hatcher's Pass cons that I obtained today

For those of you seeking to get your sands refined into gold or cash here is the refiner's information. Feel free to contact him and make arrangements. I admit the split is not the greatest, but on the other hand, to find a competent refiner willing to take on black sands is not easy to do. This is a great opportunity for anyone who bought cons from me.

Frank Goe

We will refine your concentrated black sands for the gold content on a 60/40 split. Customer pays for all shipping and insurance cost to us and back to you the customer. Returned shipments can be made thru USPS or FedEx, We are not responsible for any loss by carriers. Delivery confirmation or tracking will be included with all return shipments. Recovered material can be returned as payment in refined gold, payment thru PayPal or mailed check to customer's place of choosing. All orders will be processed in the order they are received. We are able to ship any where in the world that carrier services are available.

We also process:
Dental material
Jewelry material
Karat jewelry
Gold filled
Gold plated
Sterling silver
Silver coins
We do not process silver plated material
Catalytic converter combs and beads
And many other items too numerous to list.

This weekend I have been dredging a tributary in Hatcher's Pass. Here's a link with some basic info about the area here's a picture of classic Hatcher's Ore from the same link

The image quality doesn't do justice to how red the ore is. And obviously that sample of ore is extreme, but it highlights the nature of the area. The tributary I've been working out of has the exact same ore, along with the sands. The creek is in fact deep red in color.
Here are some photos of this weekend's recoveries.

Later in the week I'll provide microscopic (200X) pics of the same material. Please understand that as I keep going north, the material gets better.

I do guarantee the quality of my sands and can get references of people who have bought from me, that will tell you all that if I ship you a batch you are dissatisfied with, I will send at least one more of the same size. I am not fly-by-night, anyone can call me at my private residence at 907-745-2376 neither do I salt and I never will.
The sands with the proper procedures will yield a lot of gold. Black sands are commonly a mix of magnetite/hematite and gold, and/or other metals
If you all would take notice of the first pictures I posted on this forum, and the other forums. Exact same pics. There is some free gold photos, in the other ones however you can see gold that has been oxidized over. There is one good representative photo (the pic of the broken magnetitie that reveals a gold streak, refer to beginning of this thread for pic) of what is known as 'black gold' here. This is that gold which is invisible because of the overpowering oxidation. Anything I ever send out will always have this type of gold.
Every local trip I take runs me $100 with fuel at $3.40 gal. It's $4.16 in Palmer now. In a normal year I get the big gold and deal with the little gold during the winter.
Here is a pic (35 mm, old school I know!) of gold I got between 2001 - 2005 in Denali/Fairbanks. I'm not telling where I got it, but I was legal of course. The middle nugget is six ounces, the surrounding ones are a half ounce a piece. The various junk at the bottom was just that...Various! Mostly dug out of tailing piles.
Notably starting in 2006 I spent the next 40 months in Iraq, so due to this I haven't got anything to show for those years. For all the gold you see in this picture I received nearly $30,000 before I deployed with Halliburton as a convoy driver. I only left there in middle 2009. Last year I got out only three times. I sold that gold too for $4,800. One was a nugget about 1/4 ounce, about two dozen pickers and a ****load of flour (this was the most of all the gold I had by weight).

I know what I'm talking about.
Lastly at this point it is early in the spring and many areas are still under melting snow. I'm perfectly fine with not selling so much as another lb of cons to anyone. Instead I'll keep the big gold and ship Frank and Lou my black sands tonnage, I'll provide them with constant revenue on the small stuff as well as myself.
My prices are always negotiable and I can be contacted by anyone wanting any by phone or email. You can call and yell at me, thank me, or just talk about the poor quality of Levi's. I am the real deal, NOT A SCAMMER!

Thanks everyone for reading!


P.S. please do NOT CALL before 9 a.m. Alaska time. Look at if you want to know what time it is here.

And as for my lack of skills in refining, at least for those of you who know how to do these things skillfully...Please understand that this is a whole different ballgame. I've prospected since my birth it seems. But up until the past five months of my life, I never truly thought about the potential of all the flour/dust/sands I have ever gathered in my life. At this point it would be about 20,000 tons. This isn't a staggering amount, but it is for just a local resident here. Kenai has been ok. It's not anything close to what I've done before. It was simply a way-earlier-than-we-should-have-been effort.
My brother-in-law went to check out Bachelor creek, near Fairbanks around Livengood last week. He informed me the snowpack was still four feet up that direction. So all I have to deal with until then, is $0.50 lb oxidized gold. So yes I am officially announcing that until I get wayyyyyy farther up north, I will sell all cons for $0.50 lb in 50 lb boxes. That's $40 for 50 lbs which includes shipping.
Those of you who want to try these cons while I wait for Fairbanks and Denali to clear up, you can get a lot for a very small cost from an experienced prospector/miner. All large flat rate boxes from here on through the summer will be weiged at 45 - 55 lbs, and shipping will always be $15 (unless the USPS increases flat rate costs).
Here is breakdown on Sean's (that's me!) prices before he can get to the 'Gold Belt' up north.

25 lbs of dredged cons ($0.50 lb + $10 shipping)

Send $23.00 to Paypal address
Include shipping address

50 lbs of dredged cons

Send $46.00 to Paypal address
Include shipping address

All previous orders prior to this post aren't included. I'm pricing them at the most bare-bones prices I can while I'm not running at full capacity.


P.S. This exact same post will be found on my other threads T-net, GPAA, and the Gold Refining Forum.

This Article Comes From

Heres How You Do It

Getting upto 99% of your Gold out of the Black Sand Concentrates

1,[FOR STARTERS] What you'll need to process Black Sand Concentrates.

one #12 classifier

one #20 classifier

two gold pans


wash tub

few 5 gallon buckets.

micro sluice or gold wheel


Keene Gravity Bowl

2, Your first few steps.

Classify your material into several sizes
Larger than # 12 [nugget size, you can pick'em out]
Larger than # 20 [micro sluice/gold wheel or you can pan this out, it's really easy]
Smaller than # 20 [this is for your tumbler]

3,Put the smaller than #20 concentrates into your tumbler

Add acidic acid "white vinegar" and tumble over night

Take concentrates "the tumbled stuff" and add it using a small scoop into a running KGB BOWL

Once finished running the KGB, snuffer out the fine Gold

Take the remaining Black sand "left in the KGB" and mix it with equal amounts of Table salt

Put the mixed product into an iron skillet

heat up untill completely dry "do this outside"

Once really hot and dry, pour the mix into a tub/bucket of cool water

"DON'T PUT THE IRON SKILLET INTO THE WATER" Just dump the sand/salt "this fractures the attached Gold"

Collect up the stuff you just dumped into the cool water

Now run this material thru your KGB gravity bowl

Snuffer up the visible gold when done

4, What did I just do, you ask...

You classified your material by size "largest to smallest".

If you have the necessary equipment "you just eliminated 99% of the panning your concentrates"

By tumbling the smallest size with vinegar "you just cleaned it up and removed the organics"

By roasting it, "you fractured the sodium Gold and attached gold from the black sand"

5, Is it worth it ???


Most of the time there is 4 - 10 times more ulta-fine "Micro Gold" in your Black sand than Visible Gold.

Gold is Gold Reguardless of it's size, oh sure the big stuff is great !!!
But that Fine Gold really can start to add up and do it quickly...

Awright, snowdog, this was the info that I needed!! Thanks tons. Unfortunately, r/l is interfering with my pursuit of the yeller stuff. But I'm gonna get back to it again soon, maybe start doing some tumbling tomorrow.

After pm's with snowdog, I found out my initial approach was wrong. The gold is small. REAL small! So I'm rebooting and getting ready to work it up per the above post. My bad! I didn't read all of snowdog's posts and was expecting something that wasn't. Oops!

Anywho, got a new plan. :icon_thumleft:

This weekend, hoping/planning on taking Sweetie and Bunny up to the claims in Jicarilla/White Oaks, NM on Friday, staying till Sunday and playing in the dirt there. Hope to bring home quite a few lbs of drywasher cons. I'll also do some beeping with my Xterra 705 in prospecting mode. Sweetie is gonna look for "purty rocks" and Bunny is gonna guard us with .22 rifle. Wish us luck!!


Friday and Saturday I hit Crow Creek and wound up with a limited supply of that. Because we were booted out after 6 p.m.! Last year they didn't care if we were there late, the owner told me they were concerned about liabilities, but whatever. This next week I'll go back.
I found some interesting samples near Crow Creek in a tributary on the way out. I have a limited amount of this, but will be going for more on Monday. Those of you who are awaiting shipments from me will be getting this material. I have been finding occasional larger flakes.






Anyone who wants any of this, I'll have plenty through the week. I will do my best to go deeper. The interesting part is that there isn't a large amount of black sands. There seems to be a mix of gold/platinum/silver.

Today I did a pretty successful trip out to Caribou Creek. In some test pans I did at the location I found some larger specks of gold. This from a massive black sand bar on the inside of a very large and sharp bend in the creek, with bedrock on both sides. I didn't bring any rock tools unfortunately. Maybe the next trip.
Tomorrow I will process a half bucket of these cons (after some roasting of course) by normal methods (sluice/pan) then take normal pictures. This is an area known for bigger gold.

For now here is a small amount of the cons unroasted at 200X magnification...




These two pictures are maybe 60 or 70 X magnification from my microscope



I will begin shipping these cons out to people tomorrow and throughout the rest of the week.

For those of you wanting these cons, we are selling them at $55 for a large flat rate box of them (about 45 - 55 lbs). This includes shipping.

Also we are shipping an average of twice a week now, I apologize but as we go up in volume doing this we will need to do that anyway, as it takes awhile to pre-roast bigger quantities.

If you want a large flat rate box of these cons you can remit $55 to my paypal address at include your shipping address please. When I see you've made payment, I will as soon as possible let you know an ETA on your shipment. Sometimes if you pay and I'm out in the boonies, it may be a day or two before I'm able to get to the internet.

Drat! Didn't get out this weekend due to extreme fire danger in the place we were gonna go. Also, Sweetie came down with the flu. Sooooooooooo, I got to do honey-do stuff. I hope to get back to working snowdog's cons this week.


Here are a few photos from some of the Caribou Cons that have been salt roasted.




Here are some of today's pictures. They are in 100X and 200 X magnification. This sample of black sands was from 5 grams of Caribou cons, panned and re-roasted and re-screened through my 100 mesh sieve.















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