Just so it doesn't distract from this thread anymore, here are the specifics on the Nebraska "angle" since nobody else appears eager to post them...
If you go to this link, you can just type in Nebraska for the state and Waltz for the last name. The first patent listed is for a Jacob Waltz in Custer Co. Nebraska dated 5/16/1890. To the left of the entry is a link to the actual document which I've also posted below - I had to cut and paste the different sections together to get a complete document, but it doesn't change anything - and the link will take you to the actual document itself in case you want to make sure I'm not fabricating anything.
Search - BLM GLO Records
The next image is taken from the 1878 agreement between Waltz and Starar - it's simply their names posted near the end of the document. A link to the document has been posted before, so I won't waste space repeating it.

The last image is an expanded section from the Nebraska patent just for comparison sake
First of all, as Ellie and others have already stated a number of times, the names on these documents are most likely NOT the actual signatures of the persons in question. They are handwritten by the folks recording the documents, so it's not possible to accurately draw any conclusions regarding what may or may not match. That said, it's pretty clear that the Nebraska handwritten "Jacob Waltz" doesn't match the Arizona handwritten "Jacob Waltz."
As folks like Garry, Hal and Ellie will I'm sure agree, research into things like this is akin to slowly peeling the layers of an onion. It's not enough to just grab each and every random image and story and present it as if it's the only truth out there.
Ellie and Hal - in a small community like Phoenix was back in those early days of 1870-1880, it only makes sense that the early pioneers (who were ambitious and entrepreneurial by their very nature) would be highly influencial. The separation between the "haves" and "have nots" back then was probably not much different than it is today in a small town. Power, money, greed, influence, etc... were all present in those time, and it's easy to convince oneself of conspiracies and sinister partnerships, however proving it is likely to be impossible because we're so far removed from the situation that we'll never know all the particulars.
Unless of course, someone, someday can come up with a real "smoking gun" that links some of this all together.
* By the way, since I'm using the ignore button these days, I'm curious if anyone has ever followed through with posting the "real and authentic" obituary for Andrew Starar since the ones I provided are claimed to be frauds. If so, do me a favor and send me a PM with a link - thanks.