after three years finally went hunting again


Gold Member
Jan 28, 2005
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Golden Thread
Choctaw Beach Florida
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Detector(s) used
Equinox 800 and ORX, tesoro Cibola with garret,whites and minelab pinpointers
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
After reading lots of post and my mouth watering quite a bit ,I finally got another detector ( a CZ5)? and did some hunting. I t was a blast. I am in Germany and did not know what to expect . As soon as I turned on the detector and got it set up I started to find stuff. All in all I dug about 20 shell casing's , one little round container that says "Hygienischer? ?Gummi-Schutz? ?Dublosan " I thought it was maybe a snuff container but after I got home and translated? it did not hold snuff. One very rough large button, what I think may be a cannonball fuse because its very similar to a civil war fuse I found on the net. Also found a little brass bell thats about three inches high. I guess was for sheep or goats. About a foot down I pulled out a brass belt or shoe buckle that I am sure is old. I only found one coin that is French but very thin and corroded (kinda like the French) and I can not see a date on it. I was out there only about three hours when it started to get dark. The time flew by and it was the most fun I have had in a long time. I am very happy with the CZ5 and I know once I use it more I will get better. My wife's camera has a dad cord right now and the computer can not read it so once we get it fixed I will send picks. One more thing, any web sights? ? any of you have? on old European buckles would be great. Thanks for listening.

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French but very thin and corroded (kinda like the French)

;D ;D ;D ;D

Very cool finds.? I was in Germany during the late 70's.? I didn't treasure hunt then.? Just be careful of old mines, or unexploded bombs.

Welcome back to the hobby Birdman, and congrats on the finds. Looking forward to hearing of some great finds from you over there. Happy Hunting, Joe

Who knows...perhaps that coin belonged to one of Napoleon's troops!!

Europe is a whole 'nother game when it comes to MDing...I can't wait to get back to Germany myself to do some detecting over there!! I lived there for a few years but never got around to detecting. Do you have any idea what the laws concerning it are? I am headed over this summer...

Some places you need a permit but on a base or a post as long as you have an Id card and you are out away from things it should not be a problem. I was in some woods and also in a farmers field. I was looking for old Napoleonic era stuff but still not sure about the dates of the Items. It was the most fun I have had in a long time. Last time I hunted was three years ago and I hunted about six hours and only found one Minnie ball. It was still worth it.

Over there you might detect centurys old coins. Welcome back. HH

I sure hope so! My main problem is having time to go hunting. This working for a living thing is for the birds. It cuts into treasure hunting time.

LOL Same here. Sometimes i have to look in the nooks and crannys of my schedule for time to get out and detect. Good luck and keep us posted. HH

:) Glad your back swinging Birdman,look forward to your post.HH

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