Re: Adventures With Nana & DiggerBug CW Pic Heavy
OH, wow, ya'll! This was such an exciting hunt for me, but I didn't expect all the sweet comments, phone calls and banner votes!! Thanks a bunch! Makes the hunt and finds extra special!

...Especially when you all tell me what it is we've found. :P

When I dug the Mississippi button, I had no clue that even was a button. Looked like any other big blob of dirt, so I threw it into my pocket. Later that evening we emptied our pockets onto a paper plate and was picking thru the dirt. Lisa noticed it and started cleaning it up a bit. She said she thought it was a button? As the dirt came off she let me in on the fact that it had letters on it and it looked like Mississippi.

I had never seen a button with this particular shape. The SC button, when I dug it, I knew it was a button, as I could see the back, but the front was loaded with a blob of crust and I didn't know what it was till I got home that night. I stayed up till 3AM picking the dirt off it. Needless to say, I was pleased as peaches when I saw what it was! More cleaning needs to be done on them, but I've just been so busy.

Thanks Q! We had a great time! And thanks for the quick response to my email Friday night!!
George.... hahahaha!!!!
Thanks, Ugolf! I was thinking the silver item was a match box. I looked all over that area for the other piece to it, but not to be this time I guess.
Thanks, WSD! No telling what all is around there. Two days was not enough time!

But I don't know if I could have dug one more hole. We were exhausted! But with a good nights sleep last night, I bet I could get back out there and start all over.

Thanks for the ID!
Thanks a bunch, Senti! We were excited to give this site a try and it was well worth the wait.
Aww..thanks, Mike!!
Thanks Leese! I'm ready to go back.
Thanks, Ky!
Thank you, Hispan!
Judie...thanks for the research on the button! I can't seem to find much of anything on it either.

Bruce and Charlie went fishing while Lisa and I dug up the farm.
Thanks, Bob!!
HCW...Yes! We were!

My body is still asking me what the heck happened.
Thanks, Senti and Mini!
Thanks, Palmetto, Mainer, 55, Hound and Burt!
Dave...I surely would have if not for my baby girls B'day. I knew better than to miss that event. :P

Rob! You know the second Lisa mentioned Mississippi, I had to think about that little southern boy chugging along on his tractor.
MM! Thanks! Q called and offered to rent me one of those mules, but I figured by the time he rode down here, I'd already be home.
Thanks, Civil & Nutri! We had fun for sure!
TATH....This site was found by Lisa and I was lucky enough that she shared it with me. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I've got the best huntin' buddy ever! Thanks!!
Thanks, Bird! I don't know if we'll ever top this site, but would love to! haha!!!
Thanks, DD! I don't think I've ever dug so much iron! I had told Lisa before we got there that we really needed to, being that it was a possible CW site.
MM...sure is! I remember you posting that!

Too kewl!!
Thanks a bunch, WWW!!
Thanks Kuger...and thanks for the ID!
Thanks, Shooter! Ain't that the truth!
Thank you, Jim!
Kent...there is a lot of truth to that! I know I have skipped right over many overload signals on my MXT over the years. :P Wonder what I missed? Thanks!!
Thanks, Caveman!
And thanks again for the ID, Kuger.