Silver Member
Friend in Cruces came up with this, but he only found issues straddling the date you requested.
New Mexico Digital Newspapers
I thought Cooney was quite a bit farther than that, up by Willow Creek and Mogollon, but I'm going off of memory...
Thanks for the link. I searched this site a while back - I guess the Sept 21 issue didn't survive. It was referenced in a master's thesis covering the history of the Silver City mines, supposedly discussing ancient mine workings found in a silver mine in Chloride Flats, just west of town. Others were allegedly found further west and in AZ. Oddly, I did find this item in the Nov 9, 1872 issue - seemingly related.

Here's the mystery area in the Mogollons. The highlighted area is where Mike Cooney's body was found. I doubt that I'll return to this remote area, but if I did, I'd look around in Corral Canyon, shown on the right side of the map section.