bevo, I clicked that link and the camera wouldn't upload, (for me anyway).
Government needs to squash stupid spending on needless creps, and learn to conserve and recycle, (and not just keep recycling their "good ole boys" club on our tax dollar).
It just got to me, the other days headline that said: "Ways the budget cuts are gonna affect YOU!"
I just thought, "Tell me what WASHINGTON and my states' capitol are doing to cut spending and needless waste!" Oh, but please don't interrupt their $2500 a plate luncheon (and that's a cheap meal), their chefs', caterers, maids, flower keepers, floor buffer, secret service, snot wipers, etc....... take from our military, vets, and senior citizens and cut medicare/caid real quick!
Don't get me wrong..... I don't begrudge them hardworking good people their jobs. I'm told the world needs pencil pushers and they in turn exploit *cough* em, I mean, er, employ the "less fortunant". The rich already know it: Money is not made on the 9-5 for 30 years, well REAL money, that is.
Perhaps elected officials could get told they can buy cheap suits at Mens Warehouse, or something. They (elected officials) should not be seen, imo, flaunting lavishes and indulgences, that the ones that put them in office, cannot afford! If they can, they need to move outta the Governers and State mansions and we can use those to house and feed homeless, needy, and deserved peoples.
I hope more than 3 or 4 us called/emailed/etc.....
thanks guys, I knew if I just kept talking, I'd eventually run outta air, and fall off my soapbox. whew....