Above and beyond? ROMAN!?


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Apr 9, 2012
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My latest park that I refer to as "International Park", because it keeps giving me little surprises from around the world. Seems to have gone above and beyond and has given me yet another puzzle. But, this one caused me to sit down in order to ponder.

Not, too terrible of a walk for me. Pretty much normal. Finds were coming the whole walk. Nothing too extraordinary.


Did manage a few wrinkles. The four to the right were in a pocket spill. They are welded together!!


Always happy to recover an Ole silver Rosey! Made my day!

OTWBTTC I decided to take a very low traffic path back to the car. Nice....usually quiet, way to finish a walk!

So...ok...nice day, nice walk, winding down. Then I get this lil less than penny hit. Ok...so something nice to find on the way in...perfect!

I picked it up, tried to figure out what the heck happened to Lincoln's face!!??? :dontknow:

Turned it over to see if it was a wheatie. I sat there looking for a few minutes and said whoa! Wtf!!!???

Ok.....so....what am I looking at? A new drop of something old!? Appears to be copper.

Crackerjack charm? 😆

You tell me.....


In any case...a bit of a "firework" for my Fourth. Much better than sitting home watching M*A*S*H. 👀

Happy 4th to everyone, (no offense to your Ladyship, Blossom.)

According to the experts over on the "What is It " forum.......my single oldest coin I've ever found!


Thanks for peeking!

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Upvote 35
Looks like a nice 4th of July walk. From the looks of your Roman style coin I believe it is a replica. They sell them in museum shops and on line. I’m no expert so reserve judgement until you hear from them, but even a replica is a cool find and they are definitely not a common find. Not like the replica Cobb coins that they sell all over the place and seem to turn up all the time.

Keep up the good walkin and swingin, stay safe and good luck.
That's what I figured initially. But......now? I just don't know.


As always, great post & great finds. I always love seeing that Spiro "Ted" Agnew campaign ruler of yours in the photos.
As far as your "Roman" looking coin goes, very nice & intriguing find. No stone should be left unturned when trying to figure out its' origin and authenticity. Just because it was found in the states & is in very good shape, doesn't mean that it isn't 2,000 years old.
A true story from my youth. When I was in the 5th & 6th grades in the late 1950s, this big guy named Charlie (won't give his last name), who later in life became a very successful basketball player & coach, and is well-known in and around Boston, sat next to me in school. He & his family lived in the Columbia Point Housing Projects. A couple of times he brought in to show me a handful of old Roman coins that his grandmother gave him, because we were both into coin collecting as kids. His grandfather brought them home from Europe when he was an army soldier during WW1, and his grandmother told him they were Roman coins. They were very cool & old looking. So, getting to the point, one never knows what was brought into this country from overseas & could have been lost by later generations.
I'm hoping your coin is authentic & ancient. Very cool find nonetheless. Congrats ! God bless you, your family & America. Happy Independence Day.....J.T.G.
There are just soooooo many ways that a "find" can wind up where we find them!


I read where Roman Coins would get mixed with the rocks used as ballast in the old wooden sailing ships.

Might explain how some of them ended up on this side of the Pond!
I'm sorry SeabeeRon. I wasn't paying attention and didn't see your banner vote.

It kind of feels good that a find can elicit a banner vote completely on its own. It doesn't *have* to be cliche compaign driven thing, to get one. Restores faith...a bit.

Thank you!

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