A whats it and an odd bullet

Az Old Noob

Jr. Member
Dec 28, 2007
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A what's it and an odd bullet

First, the what's it. I find a number of these things scattered around. It's been suggested that they are part of a telephone or part of the flares shot out of A-10's as they buzz around. I don't really buy either one of these, but I've been wrong before.
Any ideas?


The hole in the middle is threaded. When the spring loaded top is depressed, a blade(?) closes the hole in the center.

Now, the bullet. The upper portion of the bullet seems to be much larger in diameter than the base. I can't seem to visualize ther chamber that would allow such a bullet to be fired.


Re: A what's it and an odd bullet

I don't see a bullet either, I see a plug that was press fit into a tube of some sort, for what purpose I don't know off hand. I can't stop thinking that I've seen something like it before though.

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Re: A what's it and an odd bullet

grndfisher said:
Is the part with the rings made of lead or is it a hard metal like steel?

The part with the rings is copper jacketed. I'm assuming lead underneath. Non-magnetic, anyway.

"I see a plug that was press fit into a tube of some sort"

Thought the same thing once or twice, it just doesn't seem right. :icon_scratch:

I'll try to get a better picture of the rifling marks. I don't know if I can get them to show up, but I'll try.

Thanks for the replies, this is turning out to be a bit more interesting than I had expected. 8)

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Re: A what's it and an odd bullet

If that thing is a bullet it is the most poorly designed bullet in the world. :D I still say it's not a bullet and those rings are not grease grooves. With the nose end of a bullet that size, grease grooves wouldn't even touch the bore and the sealing off of gasses would be impossible. No, it's a special purpose item but not a bullet.The bullet shown by Rev Joel is still in use today with the .22 rimfire cartridges. Monty

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Re: A what's it and an odd bullet

it's a decorative end (friction fit) for a pipe , maybe a brass bed or curtain rod.......

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