FORGET BC # 1 & 3; FORGET the "JOB PRINT"/Beale PAPERS Pamphlet... "see" through the decoded BC # 2 & know that there is a "Thomas Jefferson" connection (2 of his sons with Sally Hemings fought for the Yanks during the CONFEDERATE WAR). We have a "missing" "Beale Treasure"; we have a "missing" CSA Treasury... I think they are THE SAME, for Virginia! I think the "Beale Treasure" WAS the CSA Treasury for the WESTERN portion of Virginia, to "store" in 1863 & 1865 to enhance Lynchburg, Va., & rebuild Lexington, Va./VMI. PV alluded to this in his last book on the "Beale Treasure", a FACTION "novel"... CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP: Duty, Honor, & Deceit; ALSO in his book, THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW History of a MYSTERY; Chapter 22, Mexican War & Confederacy. Check out pg. 168-173... "Would any outsider find the treasure? UNLIKELY. One set of ciphers nobly alluded to naming legitimate claimants of the treasure (BC # 1). The third set of ciphers would tell EXACTLY where it was (BC # 3). NEITHER of these two sets of ciphers were legitimate, NOR SOLVABLE. THEY were ONLY serving to help create the COVER. They remain today UNSOLVED, because they were NEVER real messages"; pg. 172-173. IMHO, I concur...