A SAD DAY... Big Brother IS Watching...Some advice for you all.

golden silver

Silver Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Golden Thread
Hampton Roads, VA.
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bounty hunter sharp shooter 2, minelab sovereign xs 2a pro
Today was a sad and alarming day for me guys. I know some of you have your own stories to tell but now I Golden Silver have one of my own. Are you sitting down? Today I was interogated by NCIS. To those who do not know that is the Military's form of the FBI. I will try and make this brief but it probably won't be.

At first I did not know why I was there but then I remembered another member of this forum telling a story about getting pulled aside at his bank and asked questions by the FBI. I have to be honest I am not sure I bought the story completely until now. They began by asking me my backround information and asked me if I handle a lot of money on the regular basis. I said that I did. Then they proceded to ask how many bank accounts that I have and I was up front and honest. I told them about 10 and where I had them. They asked me why I had them and I explained this hobbie. I am sorry but In this instance I think I am allowed to break rules #1 and #2 of CRHing. It is noteworthy to mention that they were stone faced and serious durring the entire questioning. I was very nervous but stayed straight faced and tried to appear calm because I knew if I was jittery they would be suspicious of my nervousness. They asked me how much a week I went through and how much money per year have I gone through. I said that I was not completely sure but it was over $200,000. Can you believe this guys but they new exactly how much I had gone through. They said it was more like $300,000. What they did next shocked me even more. They pulled out of a black bag a box full of torn wrappers. Lo and behold it was one of my boxes I had thrown away months ago in a dumpster. They had it in their possession. They then asked me if I had been to Harper Ferry West Va. and I said yes. Believe it or not they knew all the road trips I had been on and where. They asked if I had gone to Casinos and I said that I had not. They found it very odd that I did the amount of searching that I had done and that it was actually worth my time. I said that it was worth my time and that I plan on selling some for a down payment on a house. I explained my plans only because they asked what I was doing with the coin. I repeated over and over again that it was just a hobbie and that I am a sailor working to provide for my family and do this to help me save for the future. To show the extent of how much they know...they knew that when tellers asked me what I do with the coin I change stories and don't tell the truth like so many on this website. They knew that sometimes I would dump several thousand at different banks on the same day. All of this drew attention to them.

The Climax of the story and the most shocking part I think is that they followed me to my home. They wanted to come in and see my silver stash. I would not believe it if it did not just happen to me this morning. My wife is in disbelief and my Dad says we do not live in the same country anymore. It has not been the same country for a while now.

So a word of caution If this happened to me it is just a matter of time that someone is knocking on your doors. Be prepared. Another scary thing is that they showed me a law on paper that gives them the right to confiscate property (or in other words silver) if they feel you have carried out an illegal bank transaction which according to the law means several back to back transaction exceding $10,000 or more. I can provide the exact copy of this law and the wording to anyone who wishes to know it.

So what you thought they did not know about you they most certainly do.

...They know what you buy and when and where you buy it.

...They know where you search on the internet.

... They know where you live and work and where your family is.

... They can hear your phone conversations

... They can hear conversations inside your house via your cell phone even if you are not talking on your cell phone or when it is turned off. (So take your battery out if you want privacy at all).

This was a Sad and Scary wake up call of a day for me hope it does not happen to you. In the end they said they were satisfied that I was not a terrorist and would move on but I am still in shock. What a welcome back to the Great U.S of A!! God Bless.

Golden Silver

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Here is my two cents--for whatever they are worth. As a US citizen, you have the right to frequent any bank as you see fight to conduct business as long as it is protected under the FDIC. Banks are public institutions. As such, your priviledge as a citizen affords you the right to make transactions. What obviously drawed the government's attention was the $$$ amounts over time. But, that being said, we must remember that our government is comprised of the citizenry. That means, We the People, are the ones who created the government. I would get a lawyer and argue my civil and inalienable rights were violated. Just because an individual elected to forgo their opportunity to give up silver does not make one a criminal to the one that recognizes opportunity.
Can you say "free enterprise system?"

Golden, You just have to tell them that you just recycle the money.

It is not too hard to go through $200,000 if you just take and dump, take and dump.

Tell those men in black to visit this forum. You are exchaging cash for cash. There is nothing wrong about it.

Now, Did you asked them if they had a court order or a judge order. If not you do not have to tell them anything. Many of the FBI agents do break rules and intimidate you. You do not have to talk to them if they do not have a court order or if you do not have an attorney.

Once they know what you do they will leave you alone.


They know what you buy and when and where you buy it.

...They know where you search on the internet.
lets invite them to this forum. May be by becoming crhunter they will get more money than
working for the FBI

... They know where you live and work and where your family is.
Well at least no bad guys will get close to myn house.

... They can hear your phone conversations
They can hear my wife gossiping all they want

Golden, if you have not done anything wrong and I know you have not do not worry.

Even the US mint encourage people to look for rare coins at banks. Go to the us mint web site


jim4silver said:
ivan salis said:
-- to tap a land line requires a court order -- cell phones do not since in effect your "broadcasting" to the tower with a cell phone anytime you use it -- so legally speaking theres no "line" being tapped( oh and anyone can legally listen in on a "broadcast")--so the antique , way old anti phone tap laws that were put in place to prevent the govt just "randomly" listening in to your calls and spying on folks in the old days (they had to get a "court order from a judge and show then just cause tio do so") simply does not "apply" to cell phones --and of course the govt has made damn sure not to update these laws -- because they are looking for terrorist and stuff you know. --- most "asleep" folks just don't have a clue how much big brother is out there do they?--- you do now , scary when you know huh?

This is COMPLETELY FALSE. The gov needs a warrant to "tap" cell phone calls just like land lines. Perhaps it is easy for them to obtain such a warrant, but it is necessary nonetheless. I am not saying that "taps" don't sometimes occur without warrants, but said surveillance would technically be illegal and the evidence subject to suppression if it were to be used against you in court.

You run a greater chance that someone you know has downloaded software on your cellphone that allows them to eavesdrop (yes it is illegal too). If someone has access to your cell phone and your cell phone can have web access, they can download software to your phone that allows them to listen in with a call being made or without a call being made (as long as the battery is in). Some parents use this in their kids' phones, and spouses who want to see if their loved one is cheating. This would violate the law in most states under most states' wiretapping statutues (the parents might have the right since they bought the phones and gave them to the kids perhaps?).


Then do not need a court order to wiretap....

In 2002 then President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying, according to government officials. They ordered the major phone companies to keep this secret....

The Patriot Act is the biggest danger to our personal freedoms.


That really sucks. It comes to show how communist our country is. I personally despise this coutry. No offense to you who love the US, but I can't stand it. I'm 17 now, but when I turn 18, and have to do those draft paper things, I'm telling whoever I hand those into that I will defect. I'm moving to Japan when I finish college, so until then I guess I'm stuck here. Anyway, we can only hope nothing goes wrong with you, and the same with the others here. Its really sad actually how you have no privacy. They are always in your business. Anyway, at least your fine now.

BurnedSpy said:
That really sucks. It comes to show how communist our country is. I personally despise this coutry. No offense to you who love the US, but I can't stand it. I'm 17 now, but when I turn 18, and have to do those draft paper things, I'm telling whoever I hand those into that I will defect. I'm moving to Japan when I finish college, so until then I guess I'm stuck here. Anyway, we can only hope nothing goes wrong with you, and the same with the others here. Its really sad actually how you have no privacy. They are always in your business. Anyway, at least your fine now.

I do not hate my country, but do hate what has come of it; the vision & wisdom ofthose who founded it has been put aside, big-time, and we all will pay for it.

they can and do tap phones and intercept cell signals.
The only piece of the intelligence-gathering operation acknowledged by the Bush White House was the wiretapping-without-warrants effort. The administration admitted in 2005 that it had allowed the National Security Agency to intercept international communications that passed through U.S. cables without seeking court orders.
this is an exerpt from here
and there's nothing you can do about it.
The Obama Administration goes two steps further than Bush did, and claims that the US PATRIOT Act also renders the U.S. immune from suit under the two remaining key federal surveillance laws: the Wiretap Act and the Stored Communications Act. Essentially, the Obama Adminstration has claimed that the government cannot be held accountable for illegal surveillance under any federal statutes.
this was taken from here:


mistergee said:
they can and do tap phones and intercept cell signals.
The only piece of the intelligence-gathering operation acknowledged by the Bush White House was the wiretapping-without-warrants effort. The administration admitted in 2005 that it had allowed the National Security Agency to intercept international communications that passed through U.S. cables without seeking court orders.
this is an exerpt from here
and there's nothing you can do about it.
The Obama Administration goes two steps further than Bush did, and claims that the US PATRIOT Act also renders the U.S. immune from suit under the two remaining key federal surveillance laws: the Wiretap Act and the Stored Communications Act. Essentially, the Obama Adminstration has claimed that the government cannot be held accountable for illegal surveillance under any federal statutes.
this was taken from here:


Interesting articles !

not to get off topic a little, but just this morning before reading this post, my boss said that a friend of his withdrew a few $100 bills from one bank and went to a different bank to deposit them. as he walked out the bank, 2 FBI agents stopped him and started questioning him about where he got the $100 bills. he showed them the reciept from the first bank and told them he just withdrew them and was depositing them in a dffierent account at this bank. apparently there is a flood of phony $100 bills floating around the South Philly area.supposedly they are taking $5 bills and bleaching them and reprinting them as $100 bills. they are harder to spot as the water marks are visible. although i'm kinda skeptical about that. don't the water marks denote the denomination of the bill? i know that the newer bills have magnetic strips in them that tell you its a $20 or a $100 but i'm not so sure on the older ones.

:director: NOW HEAR THIS ! NOW HEAR THIS ! To all landlubbers,sea lawyers,salts,swabs,square-knot admirals,gold brickers, big brother,and other scavengers of the seven seas Greetings:
Know ye that:

Rich Hartford is going to find a DREAM BOX in tomorrows search. :thumbsup:

Rich Hartford said:
:director: NOW HEAR THIS ! NOW HEAR THIS ! To all landlubbers,sea lawyers,salts,swabs,square-knot admirals,gold brickers, big brother,and other scavengers of the seven seas Greetings:
Know ye that:

Rich Hartford is going to find a DREAM BOX in tomorrows search. :thumbsup:

Got ya beat as am gonna get my Dream boxes today (I hope they came in this week), at noon!

Saw a News Story about Sprint having a Web page for law enforcement to log onto & tap int any of their Cell Customers at will.

Golden silver , That is truly disgusting , As a former military member myself ( U.S. Coast Guard)
I know that under the U.C.M.J. you do not enjoy the same constitutional protections that the
civilian population does , but I am quite sure that you do not surrender all of them . First ,I
really hope you did not let these goons into your house , next- tell me that you in no way
agreed to show them your silver collection . I would indeed seek legal council , you have been
abused agregiously , If you are not successful in building a case legally against these thugs ,
I would go to local and national press about this - one of the things these cockroaches hate
more than anything is exposure - the light of day - I hope you weren't planning on a career,
in the military . Document everything that happened to you in detail , witnessed where possible
make sure you name the thugs who did this to you . You must pursue these -deleteds- with
extreme prejudice - within the law . God Bless You ! Argentium.

obediah said:
Rich Hartford said:
:director: NOW HEAR THIS ! NOW HEAR THIS ! To all landlubbers,sea lawyers,salts,swabs,square-knot admirals,gold brickers, big brother,and other scavengers of the seven seas Greetings:
Know ye that:

Rich Hartford is going to find a DREAM BOX in tomorrows search. :thumbsup:

Got ya beat as am gonna get my Dream boxes today (I hope they came in this week), at noon!

Saw a News Story about Sprint having a Web page for law enforcement to log onto & tap int any of their Cell Customers at will.

Well good luck to all of us in that quest for the silver edge !

Rich Hartford said:
obediah said:
Rich Hartford said:
:director: NOW HEAR THIS ! NOW HEAR THIS ! To all landlubbers,sea lawyers,salts,swabs,square-knot admirals,gold brickers, big brother,and other scavengers of the seven seas Greetings:
Know ye that:

Rich Hartford is going to find a DREAM BOX in tomorrows search. :thumbsup:

Got ya beat as am gonna get my Dream boxes today (I hope they came in this week), at noon!

Saw a News Story about Sprint having a Web page for law enforcement to log onto & tap int any of their Cell Customers at will.

Well good luck to all of us in that quest for the silver edge !

Two bags waiting for me at my pickup bank today. May the silver gods be kind to me this evening... :)

I would say you are definitely on a watch list. One of your banks probably made "a" call.

They consider anything over a certain amount to be possible laundering, to free up cash for terrorists.

They most certainly can, and will, tap your phone without your knowledge. Just because it is inadmissible in court means nothing, and even if they did not, many of the telephone companies played nice with the Federal government. These things are still in court - I'm sure you know that.
The phone company does the actual tap. Or, they can just forward every call you have to another, 3rd phone - one in some guys office who has nothing better to do than listen to you. Or, they can get a "carte blanche" warrant to tap your phone - doesn't even need your name on it, or your telephone number, just "possible terrorist activity" will do. NSA is still in court over it, and vp Cheney is still hawking its use, as late as 3 weeks ago. (along with the Patriot Act).

Sec. 206, specifically addresses what is called "roving wire-taps"

Sec. 206: Allows one wiretap authorization to cover multiple devices, eliminating the need for separate court authorizations for a suspect's cell phone, PC and Blackberry, for example

Sec. 213: Sec. 213: Allows "Sneak and peek" search warrants, which let authorities search a home or business without immediately notifying the target of a probe. Does not expire

Besides the Patriot Act, there are new laws, AND new practices, that allow them, pretty much, to do whatever they want in the name of "maybe a terrorist connection" This stuff is not new, it's been in the books since right after 9/11. Some have expired (on the 31st of this year), some were renewed, until they can be fully explored.

The Patriot Act also has a "hoarding" provision - anything and everything, from gold/silver/platinum/copper/money/foodstuffs. The idea behind this, supposedly, was not for anyone who is putting away things, just in case, but to stop people, during a national emergency, from wiping out stores of milk, bread, canned goods and wipe the shelves clean so that others couldn't get any. However, it doesn't actually say those words when it was written, nor does it tell you how much is considered "hoarding", and I believe it needs an executive order to implement. But there is a list of EO's already.

10995--Federal seizure of all communications media in the US;
10997--Federal seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals, public and private;
10998--Federal seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and private and all farms and equipment;
10999--Federal seizure of all means of transportation, including cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and water ways;
11000--Federal seizure of American people for work forces under federal supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government so desires;
11001--Federal seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private;
11002--Empowers the Postmaster General to register every single person in the US
11003--Federal seizure of all airports and aircraft;
11004--Federal seizure of all housing and finances and authority to establish forced relocation. Authority to designate areas to be abandoned as "unsafe," establish new locations for populations, relocate communities, build new housing with public funds;
11005--Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, both public and private;
11051--Provides FEMA complete authorization to put above orders into effect in times of increased international tension of economic or financial crisis (FEMA will be in control in case of "National Emergency").

These are supposed to be aimed at "confiscation" more than hoarding, but, I don't want the government coming in and taking what I have collected.

It's easy to look them up. Your state may also have some of its own. Just go to your state's constitution and/or statues, and look under "Public Safety" - you can find it.

Here is Hawaii's (for S&G's)

(1) Prevention of *hoarding, waste, etc. To the extent necessary to prevent hoarding, waste, or destruction of materials, supplies, commodities, accommodations, facilities, and services, to effectuate equitable distribution thereof, or to establish priorities therein as the public welfare may require, to investigate, and any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, to regulate or prohibit, by means of licensing, rationing, or otherwise, the storage, transportation, use, possession, maintenance, furnishing, sale, or distribution thereof, and any business or any transaction related thereto

Some people just do not realize what we have lost. And, I'm not going to blame just Bush, because this started way before that - yes, it got ramped up with Bush, but, it was indeed, already happening.

There is much, much more. But, we have been under a "War Powers Act" for years and years - from Vietnam to the "War on Drugs", which is the very reason why some of these laws are still valid. Many are laws that can ONLY be in effect if we are under a state of emergency, and we have been living under that for quite awhile.


placerman said:
DO NOT google "Osama Bin Laden", "money laundering how to do it", or any variation of the above.

If they can see what you google, it would be funny to google lots of random stuff mixed in with stuff like above! lmao

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