A "Rock Cabin" and an Old Mine

no one is going to tell you where a real mine is unless the mine is played out ...lol
No one told me but Jacob Waltz schooled me on his clues to his mine. Out of the numerous clues only 8 clues are real. I search and researched the LDM for 38 yrs. I can flat out say I know where its at because I took a bucket full out with me. After my father died and my cancer recovery I found out I was wiped clean of cash. Now I'm planning to get back out to AZ and fill my coffers once again. Got my permits from D.C. already, getting a new crew together since my old crew 1 died and 1 is in prison (lol) the other is now active military. But I'll be out there soon!

The date 1847 it's not written on Profile map, but was my logic conclusion. Someone make a map when he wants to leave the place and has also time to do it. After 1847, the Peraltas, as family, went at the place in 1854 ( info from Salazar's survey ) and because the little time they had, made a survey only for the Gonzales/Haywood mine. It's not so easy to make an accurate map from memory, so I assumed the Profile map was made in 1847 , before the Peraltas would leave the region.
see there is only a few problems with that theory .one i know what those numbers mean and they are not a date . but lets say for debate you think they are . then why would the Don's Tunnel be on the profile map ? it dated back to the early 1600's ..why put it on a map made in the 1840's ..? how do i know its not a date . simple because the #5 mine is less the 100 yards from the Don's Tunnel it was mined in the late 1600's and its not on the profile map .that means the #5 mine did not exist yet when the profile map was made ...see this why i started researching the mining camp of Tayopa it was one of the largest mining camps in the same time span as when the profile map would have been made ...we know a few facts about the Don's Tunnels ,it was a extremely rich silver mine .as was one in Tayopa . we know the Spaniards came to the area in the early 1500's and were in the area till the early to mid 1600's and we know that Tayopa vanished around 1620-30,...now that's funny ,that's about the same time the stones and the profile map would have been made ... before the Jesuit & Spaniards were massacred. so we all have theory but i don't base my theory on assumed

No one told me but Jacob Waltz schooled me on his clues to his mine. Out of the numerous clues only 8 clues are real. I search and researched the LDM for 38 yrs. I can flat out say I know where its at because I took a bucket full out with me. After my father died and my cancer recovery I found out I was wiped clean of cash. Now I'm planning to get back out to AZ and fill my coffers once again. Got my permits from D.C. already, getting a new crew together since my old crew 1 died and 1 is in prison (lol) the other is now active military. But I'll be out there soon!
that's great i hope you do good , but i have seen the real LDM and no one has ever found it from the time Waltz hide it till now ....,that i am 110% sure of ...i stopped hunting clues in 2006 when i located the mine ...i started reading and searching the mine in 1967

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that's great i hope you do good , but i have seen the real LDM and no one has ever found it from the time Waltz hide it till now ....,that i am 110% sure of ...
I'm not one to jump down anyones throat and b*tch and whine like most of these yahoos on here. But out of 126 yrs, 170 people have stated that they have found the LDM in 170 different places in the Supers.... I tried getting Wayne Tuttle to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement so I could take him to my find, thats the only way I would take anyone to it. Some of the old prospectors I would like to take and we can gather as much as we like. One of my permits is for a all aluminum 2 wheeled cart which will carry very heavy loads. Going in the load is mainly water and supplies, but coming out is Payday! Do you have any pictures from your find of what you say is the real LDM? And how high did you have to climb to get into the high canyon?

I'm not one to jump down anyones throat and b*tch and whine like most of these yahoos on here. But out of 126 yrs, 170 people have stated that they have found the LDM in 170 different places in the Supers.... I tried getting Wayne Tuttle to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement so I could take him to my find, thats the only way I would take anyone to it. Some of the old prospectors I would like to take and we can gather as much as we like. One of my permits is for a all aluminum 2 wheeled cart which will carry very heavy loads. Going in the load is mainly water and supplies, but coming out is Payday! Do you have any pictures from your find of what you say is the real LDM? And how high did you have to climb to get into the high canyon?
i wish you best , i have watched every video i can find on the web from the early 80's till now ...Wayne is making video . and i have also ask him many times if he wanted to go on my expedition #7 ...,i hate to tell you that non disclosure is worthless in this modern world ...i rent a truck or car when i go back . i go to a different way in ..every time i go back ...if you don't your a fool ...those permits can tell people how far your going and where ...its like leaving a paper trail ....and stating your taking anything out of the mountains is a big no no ...i have one of largest real film collections of photo known over 700 pics full scale layout sequences of the mountains over lapping sequence that cover 3-5 miles in 800FPS Shutter speed .super fine detail ..i don't talk about details any more to many ears ...i found 16 site ,14 are old mines only one is 1870-1880's , but i found the mine i am looking for two things now . one ,Waltz's the 2 caches and a way into the seven caves !

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i wish you best , i have watched every video i can find on the web from the early 80's till now ...Wayne is making video . and i have also ask him many times if he wanted to go on my expedition #7 ...,i hate to tell you that non disclosure is worthless in this modern world ...i rent a truck or car when i go back . i go to a different way in ..every time i go back ...if you don't your a fool ...those permits can tell people how far your going and where ...its like leaving a paper trail ....and stating your taking anything out of the mountains is a big no no ...i have one of largest real film collections of photo known over 700 pics full scale layout sequences of the mountains over lapping sequence that cover 3-5 miles in 800FPS Shutter speed .super fine detail ..i don't talk about details any more to many ears ...i found 16 site ,14 are old mines only one is 1870-1880's , but i found the mine i am looking for two things now . one ,Waltz's the 2 caches and a way into the seven caves !
On the permit I give them one location and I'm in another lol. By Law, you can Rock Hound all you want. Well, I'm planning for a month maybe 2 months out in the mountains, doubt they gonna worry too much about this old fool lol. Ok bowman its time I crawl in my crib and go bye bye lol Nice chatting!

see there is only a few problems with that theory .one i know what those numbers mean and they are not a date . but lets say for debate you think they are . then why would the Don's Tunnel be on the profile map ? it dated back to the early 1600's ..why put it on a map made in the 1840's ..? how do i know its not a date . simple because the #5 mine is less the 100 yards from the Don's Tunnel it was mined in the late 1600's and its not on the profile map .that means the #5 mine did not exist yet when the profile map was made ...see this why i started researching the mining camp of Tayopa it was one of the largest mining camps in the same time span as when the profile map would have been made ...we know a few facts about the Don's Tunnels ,it was a extremely rich silver mine .as was one in Tayopa . we know the Spaniards came to the area in the early 1500's and were in the area till the early to mid 1600's and we know that Tayopa vanished around 1620-30,...now that's funny ,that's about the same time the stones and the profile map would have been made ... before the Jesuit & Spaniards were massacred. so we all have theory but i don't base my theory on assumed
You mean Don's Tunnel is the lost Ship ( not sheep ) silver mine ? I don't know what you have found, but for your information, the lost Ship silver mine is about half mile afar from the region depicted in Perfil mapa. The tunnel depicted in Perfil mapa is the tunnel below the LDM outcrop which was started by the Peraltas. Waltz covered that tunnel with rocks and started digging the outcrop few feet above.
The Spaniards worked few gold mines in the vicinity of the LDM region, but never the LDM region. They were not allowed by the Natives to approach the LDM region. Only the Jesuits were allowed, but only for a short time.

You mean Don's Tunnel is the lost Ship ( not sheep ) silver mine ? I don't know what you have found, but for your information, the lost Ship silver mine is about half mile afar from the region depicted in Perfil mapa. The tunnel depicted in Perfil mapa is the tunnel below the LDM outcrop which was started by the Peraltas. Waltz covered that tunnel with rocks and started digging the outcrop few feet above.
The Spaniards worked few gold mines in the vicinity of the LDM region, but never the LDM region. They were not allowed by the Natives to approach the LDM region. Only the Jesuits were allowed, but only for a short time.
No it is not the lost ship , "The tunnel depicted in Perfil mapa is the tunnel below the LDM outcrop" wrong the Hoya "German word for Funnel " it is not the LDM . i have located the Hoya and it is not the LDM .."tunnel depicted in Perfil mapa is the tunnel below" the Hoya , the LDM is not on the stones or any map i have seen to date . LDM is not on the profile mapa . Peralta Don started the tunnel is what was stated in the Killer Mountains book but the tunnel is there and is still covered over ,you can call it what ever you want . but it is there ...it was hard to locate and took 14 years to pin point it .as far as i know there is only two ways out of that tunnel mine . one is the covered over entrance the other is a small hole in the ground that goes down a vent for about 25 feet and drops in to a cave system over 50 feet deep and that cave system links with the tunnel . when the Spaniards work that they took people from the near by tribes to work the mines that hole is the only way out ..when they stated some of the natives got out and got weapons and over threw the Spaniards ,that's what they were talking about .. i almost fell in that hole i got down about 20 feet before i realized what it was dropping into .. a 50-60 foot drop into water and solid rock .i believe the tunnel was not started by DON Peralta but was started by the Spaniards and after the Jesuit & Spaniards were massacred then Don re located the tunnel and started trying to work the silver mine .in the future this will be easy to prove because the silver ore from the tunnel will match the silver ore from Tayopa ...see what i do know is the tunnel was not worked after the massacres that means the Don never work that tunnel because he never found it ..it sounds great for the legend but just not true ...it was already hidden ..the problem dose not lie in the legend it rest in the searchers ...i located 16 sites 5 in one area and 11 about two miles away ...14 are mines ..older then 1890's 11 are silver mines .

No it is not the lost ship , "The tunnel depicted in Perfil mapa is the tunnel below the LDM outcrop" wrong the Hoya "German word for Funnel " it is not the LDM . i have located the Hoya and it is not the LDM .."tunnel depicted in Perfil mapa is the tunnel below" the Hoya , the LDM is not on the stones or any map i have seen to date . LDM is not on the profile mapa . Peralta Don started the tunnel is what was stated in the Killer Mountains book but the tunnel is there and is still covered over ,you can call it what ever you want . but it is there ...it was hard to locate and took 14 years to pin point it .as far as i know there is only two ways out of that tunnel mine . one is the covered over entrance the other is a small hole in the ground that goes down a vent for about 25 feet and drops in to a cave system over 50 feet deep and that cave system links with the tunnel . when the Spaniards work that they took people from the near by tribes to work the mines that hole is the only way out ..when they stated some of the natives got out and got weapons and over threw the Spaniards ,that's what they were talking about .. i almost fell in that hole i got down about 20 feet before i realized what it was dropping into .. a 50-60 foot drop into water and solid rock .i believe the tunnel was not started by DON Peralta but was started by the Spaniards and after the Jesuit & Spaniards were massacred then Don re located the tunnel and started trying to work the silver mine .in the future this will be easy to prove because the silver ore from the tunnel will match the silver ore from Tayopa ...see what i do know is the tunnel was not worked after the massacres that means the Don never work that tunnel because he never found it ..it sounds great for the legend but just not true ...it was already hidden ..the problem dose not lie in the legend it rest in the searchers ...i located 16 sites 5 in one area and 11 about two miles away ...14 are mines ..older then 1890's 11 are silver mines .
When the Peraltas set foot in the LDM region, they signed their massacre bill.

When the Peraltas set foot in the LDM region, they signed their massacre bill.
there are few accounts of more then a few massacres .if my research correct . and site 3 is the real mining camp of Tayopa .then we known from records that the Jesuits were in fact there before the Spaniards showed up and started to work the mines in the area ..we also know that two groups if not more of the Peralta were Massacred as well as the Jesuit & at least one group of Spaniards . one account is well documented as well as it details fits the site 3 ...the details are about 14 items listed and out of those 14 items 11 are can be found at site 3 ...or near by site 3 ..one account stated the Spaniards had been massacred and their bodies thrown into one of the mines and at about the same time the Jesuit were massacred and thrown in the same mine . ,yet a variation of the Jesuit details say they were thrown into a near by ditch ,and that i find funny because there is a ditch that has been filled in near site 3 , at site 3 there are 5 mines with in 200 feet ,i have located 4 and i know where the 5 th one should be . but have not had the time to get back and search for it ..,but those details are correct in some what the same order then in one of those mines are those missing Spaniards ,by the research there were at least 20-25 in number ...one account i found stated that there was around 60 in all and only a 1/3 about 20 stayed and tried to defend the camp why the other 40 slit into two groups and one group took off to the south and the other group went north...all three groups were massacred. another account list a on going battle taking days and ending up the same out come is it one of the 3 groups or is it a unknown account ..? so the details are just a set of sequences that fit in a few locations but not all details are set in stone ..its up to each of us to find the correct details that fit the true history of the events ...

And where pray tell did you find it, Sir?
well if you read the killer mountains and know that no one found the 240 pack mules of treasure then you know why i am not saying where it is . the only part of the killer Mountains that the details were wrong about the tunnel was the sighting in 1959 when the guy found the tunnel and saw a golden statue of a priest in the entrance of the tunnel about 30 feet from the opening , it was not a priest , it was a statue of Jesus with his hands and arms open facing forward . life size ..at first i believe Waltz could have gotten his gold there but no human tracks . to much dust . can move fast ,the dust could have arsenic powder . backed away wait for the right time ...

Sorry, RogerRantz found this mine years ago.
lol and that why i am enjoying this so much i found the real LDM in 2006 and no one has ever been there other then Waltz him self . and that's a fact ...

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