kayakpat brought up RC (drones?) as an example of the positive outcome of asking permission. He cites a case where hobbyists in that field not only got a "yes", but also got a designated area. Ok, point duly noted

But it reminded me of another RC example, that .... well ..... didn't quite turn out that way:
There was an md'r, who had chimed in on a topic/thread similar to this. It just so happened that his other hobby was RC control model planes. And there was a loose-nit group of 8 or 10 hobbyists in his town, that would meet regularly at a certain large field in their city, to fly their RC planes. This went on for a year or two without any issues, problems, etc... Apparently the vacant lot/field they were using, was some sort of city property, that was undeveloped, un-used, etc... Perfect place to fly their planes, eh ?
However, one day, at their weekly meetings, one of the members of this RC club began to lament the "rules" and "laws" he'd read of elsewhere (rumors that get on forums for their own hobbyists, much like we md'rs have our own forums, magazines, etc...). So he suggested to his fellow RC hobbyists, that they should become a member of a larger organization umbrella, which would then cover them in insurance, and so forth. Ie.: "march down to the city and make sure it's ok, show them the proof of insurance, and make sure we have permission, so that we don't get in any trouble".
This struck the other members of this RC club as strange, because up-til-then, it had never occured to any of them, that there was any problem to begin with ! Nonethless, the skittish one suggesting this, had stories of apparent hassles elsehwhere that hobbyists were facing. And ... afterall .... you "can't be too safe", or "afterall, we don't want to get in any trouble", etc...
So guess what happened? The club (or this self-appointed rep. anyhow), went to the city proud with their plaque of membership into a nation-wide affiliation of clubs, asking permission, making sure it was ok, etc... The issue went back and forth between multiple desks, the city council, a city lawyer, etc... No doubt images of risks like "planes falling someone", or "spilled gas on the grass" or ..... who knows ? Eventually the city got back to this loose-nit group with the answer: "no".
So the other members were naturally ... uh ....a little torqued at this one fellow. Yes he meant well, but .... do you see? This became a clear cut case of "no one cared TILL you asked" routine. Thus that little club lost their flying spot.